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Book online «Here Be Dragons - 1, Sharon Penman [e novels to read online txt] 📗». Author Sharon Penman

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Or5Ur ec" as many borough charters7 Let craven lords like Arundel and ev barter their honor to Louis The towns will still hold fast for you "

480"As London did?" he asked bitterly, and she had no answer for him, could only entreat him to come back to bed. After a time, he did But he did not sleep.JOHN was seated before a table cluttered with parchment sheets, ink maps, books. He was surrounded by peopleseveral scribes, a mudspattered courier, Peter des Roches, Robert de Vieuxpontall competing for his attention. He scrawled a hasty signature for one of the scribes, reached for the courier's message as he said to de Vieuxpont, "I want you to go north again, Rob, am counting upon you to hold Cumbria and Westmorland for me."Seeing him so preoccupied, the boys hesitated, but Isabelle prodded them forward into the chamber. "John, can you spare some moments for your sons?"John had not seen his children for months. As he pushed back his chair, beckoned them to approach, he could not help noticing their shyness, their lack of ease. His baby daughters did not know him at all. Even to his sons, he was a stranger. Henry was eight, Richard seven, but he'd never been able to find much time for them, to make them part of his life as he had with the children now grown, born out of wedlock and before his kingship.Isabelle took her youngest from the nurse, held the baby out toward John. Nell was entering her seventh month, and John had seen her for the first time yesterday, upon his arrival at Corfe. All of Isabelle's three daughters had inherited some of their mother's beauty; Nell had dark blue eyes and hair like cornsilk. John smiled at the child, but she ducked her head, hid her face against Isabelle's shoulder.John was still holding the courier's letter. Breaking the seal, he rapidly scanned the contents, and at Peter des Roches's questioning look, he said, "It's from the Earl of Chester. Gwenwynwyn has died."Henry edged closer. "Who's that, Papa?""A Welsh Prince, Henry, an ally of mine. But he's been living in exile inCheshire since the spring, when Llewelynyour sister Joanna s husbanddrove him out of Powys.""But. . . but I thought Joanna was living in France, Papa.""Not France, Aquitaine. I expect you're too young to remembe your older sister. I lost two Joannas, lad, one to the de Lusignans, tn other toLlewelyn."A servant had followed Isabelle into the chamber. "My liege/ y° son, LordRichard of Chilham, has just ridden in. Will you see him-"At once." John glanced toward de Vieuxpont and des Rochessent Savaric deMauleon to Winchester with an offer for Louis, tna

481rder the castle garrison to surrender if Louis would agree to spare their vesRichard was with him, will be bringing word "Richard had not waited for a servant's summons, he was already landing in the doorway One glance at his face, and John stiffened"What is it7" he said sharply "You might as well tell me straight out, I'm getting used to bad news ""It is bad, Papa, as bad as it could be I do not know how to teil you "Richard was not easily discountenanced John had never seen him so shaken It was with relief, then, that he heard Richard say haltingly, "At Winchester amongst those who've gone over toLouis"I know already, Richard, know that your Uncle Warenne has broken faith, has done homage to Louis But I do not want to talk about it, not now ""No no, you do not understand I'm not talking about my Uncle Warenne It's oh, God, Papa, it'sJohn's mouth went dry "Not Chester7""No, not Chester " Richard swallowed "It's your brother Papa, it's Will ""No," John said "No, you're lying Not Will ""Papa Papa, I saw him at Winchester with Louis I saw him1"Isabelle gave a choked cry, thrust her baby at the nurse John was on his feetHe turned as Isabelle moved toward him His eyes were blind, focused upon her without recognition But she was too panicked to be able to respond to his pain, to be aware of anything except the ground giving way under her feet"Will would never betray you unless it was truly hopeless, unless he knew you could not win' What shall we do now7 What will happen to me7 John, I'm so frightened1 What if they besiege Corfe7 If you loseShe'd caught his arm, was clinging as if he were her only anchor But her words struck John like stones He jerked free, shoved her away with such force that she stumbled backward, careened into the table"Mama1" But Henry did not move He stayed where he was, petrified The other children had begun to cry None of the men moved, eitherIf you're so fearful for your future, why wait7 Why not go to Louis °W' strike your deal with him7 That's what you want to do, is it not7 et °ut, all of you1I do not need Will, do not need any of you1 Go to Lou's and be damned'"v 'he servants had already fled, and the nurses now gathered up theP'ng children, hastened them from the chamber Peter des Roches k "is arm around Isabelle's shoulders, she had begun to sob, and of-no resistance as he led her toward the door Richard had gone very

482white, but he stood his ground. "Papa, I'd not betray you. Nor would Isabelle.She loves""Get outnow!" John's voice cracked. He spun around, fighting for control. When he turned back, Richard, too, had gone.There were two large clay flagons on the table. He reached for the closer one, pulled it toward him. It was filled with a strongly spiced red wine; he drank directly from the spout, until he choked and tears burned his eyes. Picking up the second flagon, he hurled it toward the door. It shattered against the wood, sprayed dark wine all over the wall, the floor. He drank again, cleared the table with a wild sweep of

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