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in, 199. full of spirit as the month of, 86. he that will not when he, 9. I be there to see, 417. in the merry month of, 175. maids are, when they are maids, 71. morning, more matter for a, 76. not, I dare and yet I, 25. Queen o' the, 624. what potent blood hath modest, 599. winter chills the lap of, 394. wol have no slogardie a-night, 2. May's new-fangled mirth, 54. Mayde, meke as is a, 1. Maypole in the Strand, where 's the, 352. May-time and cheerful Dawn, 474. Maze, mighty, not without a plan, 314. through the mirthful, 395. wandered long in fancy's, 328. Mazes, in wandering, lost, 228. Mazy progress, 382. Me pinguem et nitidum, 393. Mead, floures in the, 6. Meads in May, flowery, 199. naiads through the dewy, 414. of Asphodel, ever-flowing, 347. Meadow of margin, 442. seek thee in vain by the, 587. sweets of Burn-mill, 474. Meadows brown and sear, 573. do paint the, with delight, 56. trim with daisies pied, 248. Meadow-flower its bloom unfold, 487. Meagre were his looks, 108. Meal in a barrel, handful of, 815. Meals, make no long, 398. Mean, golden, 345, 424, 714. Means and appliances, 89. and content, he that wants, 70. and leisure, increased, 608. [1020]end must justify the, 287. get wealth by any, 177. most good, when fortune, 79. no matter by what, 177. not, but ends, 502. of evil out of good, 223. of preserving peace, 425. ravin up thine own life's, 120. to be of note, youth that, 158. to do ill deeds, 80. to live, save, 43. unto an end, life 's but a, 654. whereby I live, 65. Meander, as streams, 610. proper, 801. Meaner beauties of the night, 174. creatures kings, 97. Meanest flower that blows, 478. floweret of the vale, 386. of mankind, wisest brightest, 319. thing that feels, 472. Meaning, blunders round about a, 327. Meanings, hell is full of good, 205. our fantasies have two, 656. Meant, more, than meets the ear, 250. Measure for law, we have a, 194. God gives wind by, 206. of a man's height, 719. of a man's life, 736. of an unmade grave, 108. of my days what it is, 820. of my wrath, 44. often have I sighed to, 470. to tread a, with you, 56. Measures, delightful, 95. Dundee's wild warbling, 447. life in short, may perfect be, 180. Lydian, softly sweet in, 272. not men, 401, 408. Measured by deeds not years, 443. by my soul, 303. many a mile to tread a measure, 56. phrase and choice word, 470. Measureless content, shut up in, 119. to man, caverns, 500. Meat, after, comes mustard, 786. and cannot eat, some have, 452. and drink to me, 71. as an egg is full of, 107. fire and clothes, 322. God sendeth both mouth and, 20. heaven sends us good, 388. I cannot eat but little, 22. is too good for any but anglers, 208. it feeds on, mock the, 153. never to say grace to his, 291. or drink, is another's, 199. out-did the, 203. strong, for age, 848. upon what, doth Cæsar feed, 110. Meats, funeral baked, 128. Mecca saddens at the delay, 356. Meccas of the mind, 562. Mechanic art, made poetry a mere, 414. lawyer without literature, a, 493. operation, poetry a mere, 215. pacings to and fro, 625. slaves, 159. Mechanized automaton, 567. Meddles with cold iron, 211. Meddling, every fool will be, 827. Mede, all the floures in the, 6. Medes and Persians, law of the, 835. Medicinable, some griefs are, 159. Medicinal gum, 157. Medicine, doeth good like a, 827. for the soul, 809. miserable have no other, 48. thee to that sweet sleep, 154. worse than the malady, 184. Medicines at the outset, use, 713. to make me love, 84. Medio de fonte leporum, 540. Meditate the thankless muse, 247. Meditation, let us all to, 94. maiden, fancy-free, 58. Meditations, thy testimonies are my, 823. Meditative spleen, 480. Medium, knows no cold, 339. Meed of some melodious tear, 247. sweat for duty not for, 67.
Meek and gentle, I am, 113. and lowly pure and holy, 611. and quiet spirit, 849. as is a mayde, 1. borne his faculties so, 118. nature's evening comment, 483. patient humble spirit, 182. than fierce, safer being, 650. Meek-eyed morn, 355. Meet again, if we do, 115. it is I set it down, 132. me by moonlight alone, 594. mortality, how gladly would I, 239. nurse for a poetic child, 489. the like a pleasant thought, 473. thee at thy coming, 833. when shall we three, 115. Meets the ear, more than, 250. Meetest for death, 64. Meeting, broke the good, 122. journeys end in lovers, 75. of gentle lights, 256. Meetings, changed to merry, 95. Melancholic distracted man, 180. Melancholy as a battle won, 463. bait, fish not with this, 60. boughs, under the shade of, 68. but only, sweetest melancholy, 184. chord in, 584. days are come, 573. disposition, he is of a very, 50. grace, elysian beauty, 482. green and yellow, 76. hardships prevent, 373. joy of evils past, 346. main, amid the, 357. marked him for her own, 386. men are most witty, 189. moping, and moon-struck madness, 240. most musical most, 249. naught so sweet as, 185. of mine own, it is a, 70. slow, remote unfriended, 394. there 's such a charm in, 456. [1021]train, forced from their homes a, 395. waste, ocean's gray and, 572. what charm can soothe her, 403. Mellow, goes to bed, 184. rich and ripe, 555. too, for me, 350. whether grave or, 300. Mellowed long, fruit that, 276. to that tender light, 551. Mellowing of occasion, 55. year, before the, 246. Melodie, foules maken, 1. my luve 's like the, 451. Melodies, heard, are sweet, 576. sweetest, are those, 477. the echoes of that voice, 502. thousand, unheard before, 455. Melodious birds sing madrigals, 41. sound eftsoones they heard, 28. strains, heaven's, 640. tear, meed of some, 247. Melody, blundering kind of, 269. crack the voice of, 635. falling in, back, 504. of every grace, 259. with charmed, 677. Melrose by the pale moonlight, 487. Melt and dispel ye spectre-doubts, 513. at others' woe, 335, 346. in her mouth, butter would not, 13, 292. in her own fire, 140. into sorrow, 549. too solid flesh would, 127. Melts the mind to love, pity, 272. Melted into air into thin air, 43. Melting airs or martial, 422. charity, open as day for, 90. mood, unused to the, 157. Member joint or limb, 228. tongue an unruly, 649. Memnonium was in all its glory, 517. Memorable epocha, 429. Memories and sighs, a night of, 511. liars ought to have good, 264. no pyramids set off his, 198. Memory, at the expense of his, 800. be green, 127. begot in the ventricle of, 55. blushes at the sneer, 637. dear, lost to sight to, 587. dear son of, 251. dear, thoughts to, 492. fond, brings the light, 523. graves of, 497. great man's, 138. green in our souls, 519. holds a seat, while, 132. how sweet their, 422. illiterate him from your, 440. indebted to his, for his jests, 443. leaves of the, 615. lends her light no more, 492. liar should have a good, 721. made such a sinner of his, 42. meek Walton's heavenly, 484. morning-star of, 549. my name and, 170. of all he stole, pleasing, 331. of earth's bitter leaven, 473. of the just is blessed, 825. of the past will stay, 518. place in thy, dearest, 678. plays an old tune, 654. pluck from, a rooted sorrow, 125. runneth not to the contrary, 392. silent shore of, 481. table of my, 132. takes them to her caverns, 581. thou art dear to, 587. throng into my, 243. to convict of plagiarism, a, 376. to keep good acts in, 171. vibrates in the, music, 567. wakes the bitter, 231. warder of the brain, 119. Washington's awful, 507. watches o'er the sad review, 513. will bring back the feeling, 689. Men able to rely upon themselves, 438. about me that are fat, 111. above that which is written, 845. above the reach of ordinary, 470. adversity is the test of strong, 197. after the manner of, 844. aged, full loth and slow, 492. all, are created equal, 434. all, are liars, 823. all things to all, 845. and women merely players, 69. are April when they woo, 71. are but children of a larger growth, 275. are fit for, which ordinary, 146. are used as they use others, 691. are we and must grieve, 471. are you good, and true,
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