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August by Uwe Adam, Die Judenpolitik im Dritten Reich (Düsseldorf, 1972), 306. English trans. in Nazism, ed. Noakes and

Pridham, iii. 507–9.

121. Lohse’s address is mentioned in his manuscript ‘Ostland baut auf’: YIVO, Occ E 3-3.

122. StA Riga, 1026-1-3.

123. EM 88.

124. Jäger report, OS, 500-1-25; ZSt, 207 AR-Z 14/58, 6, pp. 1151 ff., note from 27 Sept. 1961.

125. ZSt, 207 AR-Z 14/58, 6, pp. 1151 ff, note of 27 Sept. 1961; see also Arad, Ghetto, 102 ff.


Notes to pages 236–239

126. OS, 500-1-25.

127. ZSt, II 207 AR-Z 104/67, indictment of 9 Jan. 1976.

128. ZSt, 207 AR-Z 7/59, judgement of the Hamburg District Court on 23 Feb. 1973;

Ezergailis, Holocaust, 239 ff.; minutes of the interrogation of Jeckeln by the NKVD,

14/15 Dec. 1945 and testimony before the Riga Military Court as part of the proceedings

of 26 Jan. to 3 Feb. 1946; published in Wilhelm, ‘Einsatzgruppe A’, 566 ff.

129. War diary of the SS and Police Garrison Commander Liepa

$ ja (Libau), BAB, R 70 SU 12

(published in Wilhlem, ‘Einsatzgruppe A’, 571 ff.).

130. EM 111.

131. Cf. Wilhelm, ‘Einsatzgruppe A’, 203 ff.; ZSt, 207 AR-Z 246/59, 2, pp. 303 ff., final report of 7 Apr. 1960.

132. State Archive, Minsk, 378-1-698 (copy in USHM, Minsk-films, roll 2), Commandant in

Belarus, 10 Oct. 1941. See also the situation repory by the Commandant in Belarus, 1

Oct. 1941–15 Oct. 1941 (State Archive, Minsk, Impulevicius case); Res.Pol.Btl.11, situ-

ation report on the special deployment in Minsk, 21 Oct. 1941 (ibid.). See also

Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final

Solution in Poland (New York, 1992), 18–19; and Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 609 ff.

133. Interrogation of Lechthaler, 4 July 1960 (ZSt, 202 AR-Z 262/59, pp. 51 ff.).

134. OS, 500-1-25; Jäger, Bericht; English version in Ernst Klee et al., ‘The Good Old Days’

(New York, 1992), 46–58.

135. In letter of 1 Nov. 1941, NO 2456.

136. IMT, xxvii. 1 ff., 1104 PS, 30 Oct. 1941. The authenticity of these details is confirmed by the interrogation of Carl on 15 Dec. 1959 (ZSt, 202 5 AR-Z 262/59, pp. 51 ff.).

137. Situation report by the Commandant in Belarus, 1 Oct. 1941–15 Oct. 1941 (State

Archive, Minsk, Impulevicius case).

138. State Archive, Minsk, 378-1-698 (copy in USHM, Minsk-films, roll 2), Daily Orders of the Commandant in Belarus.

139. EM 140.

140. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 625.

141. Situation report by Area Commissar Gert Erren, 24 Jan. 1942, Centre de Documenta-

tion Juive Cointemporaine (CDJC), CXLVa-8 (IfZ, FB 104), published in Schoenber-

ger, ed., Wir haben es gesehen, 131 ff. The shooting of 9,400 Jews from the ghetto on 13

November is confirmed by Nachum Alpert, The Destruction of Slonim Jewry: The Story

of the Jews of Slonim during the Holocaust (New York, 1989), 84. On Slonim, cf.

Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 621 ff.

142. NO 2658.

143. See e.g. BAM, RH-18/91, Order from the Army High Command, 18, of 9 July 1941,

concerning the establishment of an auxiliary police.

144. For 1941 see Richard Breitman, ‘Police Auxiliaries in the Occupied Soviet Territories’, SWCA 7 (1990), 23–39.

145. BAB, R 19/326, 25 July 1941.

146. Ibid., 31 July 1941.

147. Breitman, ‘Police Auxiliaries’, 24–5.

148. Martin C. Dean, Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine 1941–1944 (New York, 2000), 60.

Notes to pages 240–242


149. Dean, Collaboration, 65 ff.

150. BAB, R 19/326, 6 Nov. 1941. In addition there were fire-service teams and auxiliary

teams for work details and for guarding prisoners of war.

151. Latvian and Lithuanian battalions were deployed in this manner in Belarus, the

Ukraine, and the General Government. See the appendix in Tessin, Stäbe.

152. On the deployment of these volunteer battalions see cf. Breitmann, ‘Police Auxiliaries’, 26–7.

153. See the collection of documents edited by Angelika Ebbinghaus and Gerd Preissler ‘Die Ermordung psychisch kranker Menschen in der Sowjetunion. Dokumentation’, in

Götz Aly, Angelika Ebbinghaus, Matthias Hamann, et al., eds, Aussonderung und

Tod. Die klinische Hinrichtung der Unbrauchbaren (Berlin, 1985).

154. EM 88.

155. Report of 15 October, 180-L, IMT xxxvii. 670 ff.

156. EM 96.

157. EM 108.

158. For details, see below, p. 241.

159. EM 135.

160. EM 135.

161. EM 132.

162. EM 156 (16 Jan. 1942); cf. also the judgement of the Wuppertal District Court of 30 Dec.

1965, published in Justiz and NS-Verbrechen xxii, no. 606.

163. Ebbinghaus and Preissler, eds, ‘Ermordung’, 101 ff.

164. Breitman, Architect, 246. See also Breitman’s details (pp. 178 ff.) of the systematic extirpation of the Turkmenians interned in German camps.

165. See Ch. 10, n. 24.

166. BAM, RH 22/12. There is a similar tenor to the instructions compiled by the

Department of Wehrmacht Propaganda for dealing with propaganda in the case of

Barbarossa (BAM, RW 4/of 578) and the June issue of the paper, Information for the

Troops. On the nature of the propaganda in general, see Jürgen Förster, ‘Operation

Barbarossa as a War of Conquest and Annihilation’, in Horst Boog et al., eds,

Germany and the Second World War, vol. iv: The Attack on the Soviet Union (Oxford,

1996), 525 ff, and Pohl, Herrschaft, 254 ff.

167. George H. Stein, Geschichte der Waffen-SS (Düsseldorf, 1978), 113–14; cf. Breitman,

Architekt, 235.

168. EM 21.

169. EM 36.

170. EM 73.

171. EM 133, EG B.

172. Jäger’s report and EM 92; cf. Michael Zimmermann, Rassenutopie und Genozid. Die

nationalsozialistische ‘Lösung der Zigeunerfrage’ (Hamburg, 1996), 260.

173. EM 94 (25 Sept. 1941) and EM 119 (20 Oct. 1941).

174. For this reason Zimmermann’s claim (Rassenutopie, 262) that in the middle of August

1941, in parallel with the extension of the range of murders to include the entire Jewish population of the Soviet Union, ‘the order to murder [the Jews] had obviously been

extended to include the Gypsies’ is not plausible.


Notes to pages 242–243

175. See Hannes Heer and Klaus Naumann, War of Extermination: The German Military in

World War II 1941–1944 (New York, 2004). This question has been widely debated in

Germany over past years, in particular in connection with the two exhibitions ‘Crimes

of the Wehrmacht’, designed by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research: Hannes

Heer and Klaus Naumann, Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Bilanz

einer Debatte (Hamburg, 1995) (English translation 2004); Verbrechen der Wehrmacht.

Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941–1944 (Hamburg, 2002); Christian Hart-

mann, Johannes Hürter, and Ulrike Jüreit, eds, Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Bilanz

einer Debatte (Munich, 2005); Karl-Heinrich Pohl, ed., Wehrmacht und Vernichtungs-

politik. Militär im nationalsozialistischen System (Göttingen, 1999); Christian Hart-

mann, ‘Verbrecherischer Krieg—verbrecherishe Wehrmacht? Überlegungen zur

Struktur des deutschen Ostheeres

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