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pleased with, 417. November's surly blast, 446. Now and forever, 533. came still evening on, 233. eternal, does always last, 261. everlasting, 261. I know it, thought so once, 350. I lay me down to sleep, 687. if it be, 't is not to come, 145. is the accepted time, 846. 's the day, now 's the hour, 450. Noyance or unrest, 357. Null, splendidly, 631. the evil is, 649. Nulla dies sine linea, 720. Nullum magnum ingenium, 267. quod tetigit non ornavit, 367. Number, blessings without, 302. happiness of the greatest, 856. our days, teach us to, 822. stand more for, than accompt, 48. Numbers, add to golden, 182. good luck in odd, 46. harmonious, 230. lisped in, 327. lived in Settle's, 331. luck in odd, there is, 583. magic, and persuasive sound, 294. round, are false, 375. sanctified the crime, 425. stream in smoother, 324. tell me not in mournful, 612. there is divinity in odd, 46. warmly pure, 389. Nun, like sentinel and, 635. the holy time is quiet as a, 470. Nunnery get thee to a, 136. Nunquam se minus otiosum, 455. Nuptial bower, led her to the, 237. Nurse a flame, if you, 516. contemplation, her best, 244. for a poetic child, 489. nature's soft, 89. of arms and land of scholars, 395. of manly sentiment, 410. of young desire, 427. Nurses, wives are old men's, 165. Nurse's arms, puking in the, 69. Nursed a dear gazelle, 526. Nursing her wrath, 451. Nutbrown ale, the spicy, 249. Nutmeg-graters, rough as, 313. Nutmegs and cloves, 683. Nutrition, to draw, 317. Nymph, a wanton ambling, 95. haste thee, 248. in thy orisons, 136. mountain, sweet liberty, 248. Naiad or a Grace, 490. Nympha pudica Deum vidit, 258. Nympholepsy of fond despair, 546.
O me no O's, 862. Oak, bend a knotted, 294. brave old, the, 667. for angling rod a sturdy, 217. from a small acorn grows, 459. hardest-timbered, 94. hearts of, are our ships, 388. hollow, our palace is, 537. little strokes fell great, 360. many strokes overthrow the tallest, 32. nodosities of the, 412. raven on yon left-hand, 349. shadow of the British, 410. ships were British, 388. Oaks, branch-charmed, 575. from little acorns, tall, 459. Oaken bucket, the old, 537. Oar, drip of the suspended, 543. in every man's boat, 789. low stir of leaves and dip of, 619. soft moves the dipping, 674. spread the thin, 318. Oars alone can ne'er prevail, 416. keep time and voices tune, 518. were silver, the, 157. with falling, 262. Oat-cakes and sulphur, the land of, 459. Oath, corporal, 788. good mouth-filling, 86. hard a keeping, sworn too, 54. he never made, to break an, 214. he that imposes an, 214. honour of more weight than an, 757. no, too binding for a lover, 697. not the, makes us believe, 696. spirit flew up with the, 379. trust no man on his, 109. Oaths, false as dicers', 140. soldier full of strange, 69. Oatmeal, literature on a little, 460. Oats food for horses, 187. Obadias, David, Josias, 686. Obdured breast, arm the, 228. Obedience bane of all genius, 567. supreme powers keep men in, 193. to God, 859. Obey the important call, 421. to love cherish and to, 851. troops of friends, 124. whom three realms, 326. Object be our country, let our, 530. in possession, 748. Objects in an airy height, 287. of all thought, 467. sees in all, eye of intellect, 579. Obligation, haste to pay an, 795. to posterity, 439. Obliged by hunger, 326. Obliging, so, ne'er obliged, 327. Oblivion, after life is, 750. bury in, 201. second childishness and mere, 69. stretch her wing, 347. tooth of time and razure of, 49. Oblivious antidote, some sweet, 125. Obscure grave, a little little, 82. palpable, 227. Obscures the show of evil, 63. Obsequious majesty, 237. Observance, breach than the, 130. with this special, 137. [1042]Observation, bearings of this, 652. by my penny of, 55. smack of, 78. strange places crammed with, 68. with extensive view, 365. Observations which we make, 320. Observe the opportunity, 837. Observer, God has waited six thousand years for an, 670. he is a great, 111. Observers, observed of all, 136. Observer's sake, partial for the, 320. Obstinate questionings of sense, 478. Obstruction, to lie in cold, 48. Occasion, courage mounted with, 78. mellowing of, 55. requires, silent when, 729. to know one another, 45. when to take, by the hand, 623. Occasions and causes, 93. qualities to meet great, 663. Occident, in the yet unformed, 39. Occupation, absence of, 415. 's gone, Othello's, 154. Occupations, let thy, be few, 752. Occurrence, fortuitous, 403. Ocean bed, day-star in the, 248. deep bosom of the, 95. depths of the, 674. girdled with the sky, 507. grasp the, with my span, 303. great Neptune's, 120. I have loved thee, 547. is this the mighty, 512. leans against the land, 395. life's tremulous, 528. like the round, 507. murmurs as the, 512. nothing but sky and, 503. of truth all undiscovered, 278. on life's vast, 317. on whose awful face, 610. roll on thou dark blue, 547. sunless retreats of the, 524. the round, 467. to the river of his thoughts, 553. unfathomed caves of, 385. upon a painted, 498. wave, life on the, 675. wave of the, 680. Ocean's foam to sail, on, 542. mane, hand upon the, 588. melancholy waste, 572. O'clock, for it 's nou ten, 679. October, dies in, 184. Octogenarian chief, the, 545. Octosyllabic verse, the, 550. Ocular proof, give me, 154. Odd numbers, divinity in, 46. numbers, luck in, 583. numbers most effectual, 720. numbers, the god delights in, 720. Odds, facing fearful, 593. life must one swear, 287. with morning, night almost at, 123. Odious, comparisons are, 7, 40, 177. in woollen, 321. Odorous, comparisons are, 52. Odour, stealing and giving, 74. sweet and wholesome, 296. Odours crushed are sweeter, 455. flung rose flung, 238. Sabean, 232. virtue is like precious, 165. when sweet violets sicken, 567. Odyssey, the Iliad and the, 503. O'er-dusted, than gilt, 102. O'erflowing full, without, 257. Off with his head, 97, 296. Offence, detest the, 333. forgave the, 273. from amorous causes, spring, 325. is rank, my, 139. no harshness gives, 324. returning after, 242. Offences, too thin to hide, 101. Offended, for him have I, 113. Offender, hugged the, 273. love the, 333. never pardons the, 206. Offending Adam, whipped the, 90. front of my, 149. soul alive, most, 92. Offends at some unlucky time, 328. Offering be, though poor the, 525. Off-heel provokes the caper, his, 442. Office and affairs of love, 51. circumlocution, 652. clear in his great, 118. due participation of, 435. hath but a losing, 88. insolence of, 135. nomination to, 410. tender, long engage me, 328. to speak patience, 't is all men's, 53. Offices are public trusts, 529. friendship an exchange of good, 795. great talents for great, 421. of prayer and praise, 479. Officer and the office, 461. fear each bush an, 95. of mine, never more be, 152. Officious innocent sincere, 366. Offspring, new fledged, 396. of heaven first-born, 230. of the gentilman Jafeth, 182. time's noblest, 312. true source of human, 234. Oft expectation fails, 73. has it been my lot, 390. in the stilly night, 523. invited me, 150. repeating they believe 'em, 288. the wisest man, he is, 472. Oil, business furnishes, 415. everything is soothed by, 717. incomparable Macassar, 555. little, in a cruse, 815. midnight, consumed the, 348. neither did the cruse of, fail, 815. of joy for mourning, 834. on the sea, pouring, 740. unprofitably burns, our, 415. Oily art, that glib and, 146. man of God, round fat, 357. Ointment precious, better than, 830. [1043]Old age comes on apace, 428. age, dallies like the, 75. age in this universal man, 169. age is a regret, 608. age is beautiful and free, their, 471. age of cards, 321. age serene and bright, 475. age, which should accompany, 124. ale enough whether new or, 23. alike fantastic if too new or, 324. always find time to grow, 312. and fat, grows, 84. as I am for ladies love unfit, 272. authors to read, 171. Belerium to the northern main, 333. bookes, out of, 5. ere I was, 503. fieldes, out of the, 6. friends are best, 195. friends old times, 401. friends to trust, 171. Grimes is dead, 596. groans ring yet in my ears, 106. growing, in drawing nothing up, 419. have been young and now am, 819. hugged by the, 585. I love everything that 's, 401. in the brave
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