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Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast,

Ready with every nod to tumble down.

King Richard III. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Even in the afternoon of her best days.

King Richard III. Act iii. Sc. 7.

Thou troublest me; I am not in the vein.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 2.

Their lips were four red roses on a stalk.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 3.

The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 3.

Let not the heavens hear these tell-tale women

Rail on the Lord's anointed.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 4.

Tetchy and wayward.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 4.

An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told.

King Richard III. Act iv. Sc. 4.

Thus far into the bowels of the land

Have we marched on without impediment.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 2.

True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings;

Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 2.

The king's name is a tower of strength.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

Give me another horse: bind up my wounds.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

My conscience hath a thousand several tongues,

And every tongue brings in a several tale,

And every tale condemns me for a villain.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

The early village cock

Hath twice done salutation to the morn.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

By the apostle Paul, shadows to-night

Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard

Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.


The selfsame heaven

That frowns on me looks sadly upon him.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

A thing devised by the enemy.[98:1]

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3.

I have set my life upon a cast,

And I will stand the hazard of the die:

I think there be six Richmonds in the field.

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 4.

A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!

King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 4.

Order gave each thing view.

King Henry VIII. Act i. Sc. 1.

No man's pie is freed

From his ambitious finger.

King Henry VIII. Act i. Sc. 1.

Anger is like

A full-hot horse, who being allow'd his way,

Self-mettle tires him.

King Henry VIII. Act i. Sc. 1.

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot

That it do singe yourself.

King Henry VIII. Act i. Sc. 1.

'T is but the fate of place, and the rough brake

That virtue must go through.

King Henry VIII. Act i. Sc. 2.

The mirror of all courtesy.

King Henry VIII. Act ii. Sc. 1.

This bold bad man.[98:2]

King Henry VIII. Act ii. Sc. 2.

'T is better to be lowly born,

And range with humble livers in content,

Than to be perked up in a glistering grief,

And wear a golden sorrow.

King Henry VIII. Act ii. Sc. 3.

Orpheus with his lute made trees,

And the mountain-tops that freeze,

Bow themselves when he did sing.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 1.

'T is well said again,

And 't is a kind of good deed to say well:

And yet words are no deeds.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.


And then to breakfast with

What appetite you have.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

I have touched the highest point of all my greatness;

And from that full meridian of my glory

I haste now to my setting: I shall fall

Like a bright exhalation in the evening,

And no man see me more.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Press not a falling man too far!

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Farewell! a long farewell, to all my greatness!

This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth

The tender leaves of hopes; to-morrow blossoms,

And bears his blushing honours thick upon him;

The third day comes a frost, a killing frost,

And when he thinks, good easy man, full surely

His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root,

And then he falls, as I do. I have ventured,

Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders,

This many summers in a sea of glory,

But far beyond my depth: my high-blown pride

At length broke under me and now has left me,

Weary and old with service, to the mercy

Of a rude stream, that must forever hide me.

Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye:

I feel my heart new opened. O, how wretched

Is that poor man that hangs on princes' favours!

There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to,

That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin,

More pangs and fears than wars or women have:

And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer,

Never to hope again.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

A peace above all earthly dignities,

A still and quiet conscience.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

A load would sink a navy.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

And sleep in dull cold marble.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.


Say, Wolsey, that once trod the ways of glory,

And sounded all the depths and shoals of honour,

Found thee a way, out of his wreck, to rise in;

A sure and safe one, though thy master missed it.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

I charge thee, fling away ambition:

By that sin fell the angels.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee;

Corruption wins not more than honesty.

Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace,

To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not:

Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,

Thy God's, and truth's; then if thou fall'st, O Cromwell,

Thou fall'st a blessed martyr!

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Had I but served my God with half the zeal

I served my king, he would not in mine age

Have left me naked to mine enemies.

King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2.

A royal train, believe me.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 1.

An old man, broken with the storms of state,

Is come to lay his weary bones among ye:

Give him a little earth for charity!

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

He gave his honours to the world again,

His blessed part to heaven, and slept in peace.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

So may he rest; his faults lie gently on him!

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

He was a man

Of an unbounded stomach.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues

We write in water.[100:1]

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.


He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one;

Exceeding wise, fair-spoken, and persuading;

Lofty and sour to them that loved him not,

But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

Yet in bestowing, madam,

He was most princely.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

After my death I wish no other herald,

No other speaker of my living actions,

To keep mine honour from corruption,

But such an honest chronicler as Griffith.

King Henry VIII. Act iv. Sc. 2.

To dance attendance on their lordships' pleasures.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 2.

'T is a cruelty

To load a falling man.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 3.[101:1]

You were ever good at sudden commendations.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 3.[101:1]

I come not

To hear such flattery now, and in my presence.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 3.[101:2]

They are too thin and bare to hide offences.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 3.[101:1]

Those about her

From her shall read the perfect ways of honour.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 5.[101:2]

Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine,

His honour and the greatness of his name

Shall be, and make new nations.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 5.

A most unspotted lily shall she pass

To the ground, and all the world shall mourn her.

King Henry VIII. Act v. Sc. 5.

I have had my labour for my travail.[101:3]

Troilus and Cressida. Act i. Sc. 1.


Take but degree away, untune that string,

And, hark, what discord follows! each thing meets

In mere oppugnancy.[102:1]

Troilus and Cressida. Act i. Sc. 3.

The baby figure of the giant mass

Of things to come.

Troilus and Cressida. Act i. Sc. 3.

Modest doubt is call'd

The beacon of the wise, the tent that searches

To the bottom of the worst.

Troilus and Cressida. Act ii. Sc. 2.

The common curse of mankind,—folly and ignorance.

Troilus and Cressida. Act ii. Sc. 3.

  All lovers swear more performance than they are able, and yet reserve an ability that they never perform; vowing more than the perfection of ten, and discharging less than the tenth part of one.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Welcome ever smiles,

And farewell goes out sighing.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iii. Sc. 3.

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iii. Sc. 3.

And give to dust that is a little gilt

More laud than gilt o'er-dusted.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iii. Sc. 3.

And like a dew-drop from the lion's mane,

Be shook to air.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iii. Sc. 3.

His heart and hand both open and both free;

For what he has he gives, what thinks he shows;

Yet gives he not till judgment guide his bounty.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iv. Sc. 5.

The end crowns all,

And that old common arbitrator, Time,

Will one day end it.

Troilus and Cressida. Act iv. Sc. 5.

  Had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius, I had rather eleven die nobly for their country than one voluptuously surfeit out of action.

Coriolanus. Act i. Sc. 3.


Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.

Coriolanus. Act ii. Sc. 1.

  A cup of hot wine with not a drop of allaying Tiber in 't.[103:1]

Coriolanus. Act ii. Sc. 1.

Many-headed multitude.[103:2]

Coriolanus. Act ii. Sc. 3.

I thank you for your voices: thank you:

Your most sweet voices.

Coriolanus. Act ii. Sc. 3.

Hear you this Triton of the minnows? Mark you

His absolute "shall"?

Coriolanus. Act iii. Sc. 1.

Enough, with over-measure.

Coriolanus. Act iii. Sc. 1.

His nature is too noble for the world:

He would not flatter Neptune for his trident,

Or Jove for 's power to thunder.

Coriolanus. Act iii. Sc. 1.

That it shall hold companionship in peace

With honour, as in war.

Coriolanus. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Serv.  Where dwellest thou?

Cor.  Under

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