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very center, which made my ovaries do a happy dance. A soft moan escaped mylips before I could clamp them shut. I was going to need a cold shower andchange of clothing by the time we made it to our suite.

"The physical level of need, whatever this is, iscompletely unacceptable, though."

"Yeah," I managed to get out. "How areyou going to fix it?"

"As soon as we're safe, I'm going to tinker withyour aura."

Any other time that statement would have been likedropping a bucket of cold water over my head, but right now I just hoped itworked. Messing with someone's aura was a pretty big no-no from everything I'dever read. Even messing with your own, other than cleansing rituals andmeditations to help charge your energy centers, was supposed to be superdangerous.

"Any idea what's going on?"

"A few."

He didn't elaborate and before I could question himfurther, the elevator dinged, and we stepped out into a hallway every bit asornate as the lobby had been.

"This place is probably the nicest building I'veever been in."

"It is extremely decadent. I tend to preferplaces a bit more down to earth, I guess you could say, but sometimes it's niceto be in such surroundings." Ezra shrugged and I filed that tidbit ofinformation away along with the rest of the small amount of information I hadabout the demon. "I didn't choose the hotel for the meeting. It is onethat's been used before, and while it's not to everyone's tastes, it will dowell enough."

The hallway was short and there were only three doorson this level. Ezra led me to one, pulled a key out of nowhere, and opened thedoor.

Mayhem went inside first then Ezra followed, deliberatelyputting me behind him. I pulled the door shut and turned the lock. Were weworried about something?

Apparently yes, because Mayhem dashed about the entiremain room of the suite, nose working, and Ezra got that slightly unfocused lookin his eyes that both he and Mal did when checking wards.

Unable to help myself, I pushed up against him andwondered if maybe, just maybe, a solid fuck might help.

"It might make it worse," Ezra said,eavesdropping on my thoughts.

I inhaled his scent, moaning.

Ezra turned, shoving me back, sandwiching me betweenhimself and the door, the heat from his body burning through me. He cupped myjaw with one hand, not quite gripping my neck. The other dropped to my hip, digginghis fingers in. His eyes burned with desire. I rubbed against him.

"Let me see if I can fix this," he saidroughly, breath coming fast. I could feel his heart beating hard. "Andthen if you still want me, I'm all yours."

I focused on his lips, not quite registering what he'dsaid. Those lips were just out of reach, and his grip on my jaw tightenedslightly, his thumb brushing across my lips. I parted them, wanting to tastehim, but he moved his thumb before I could. I dug my fingers into his very fineass, pulling him more tightly against me.

"Abyss help me," he muttered before his lipsslammed into mine.

I already knew he was a good kisser from when he'dpossessed me. At least in whatever space it was that we had been able tointeract together. That was nothing like having Ezra take control of my mouthin person. He seemed to know exactly how to meld his lips to mine to a degreeeven Sabian couldn't match, and I was well and truly lost in the sensation ofbeing possessed by this demon prince all over again when Mayhem bit my leg.

"Ow!" I jerked back, cracking my head on thedoor I was leaning against.

Ezra also leaned back, nearly panting.

Mayhem growled, and I guessed the next person in linefor a solid bite on the calf would be Ezra.

"He's right," Ezra said. "This isn't agood idea. Something strange is going on. I've never heard of anything likewhat is going on between us happening after a possession. I need to look atyour aura."

"Yeah, go ahead," I managed to get out,though all I could think about was getting his lips on mine again. Even thedull ache from hitting my head on the door barely registered.

I felt Ezra's power burn through me, but unlikebefore, it was more of the pleasant bordering on painful heat of sitting just alittle too close to the campfire on a cold night, rather than the agony ofhaving to house his energy and my own and exorcise another demon prince.

He muttered to himself as he sank his power furtherinto my aura. I'd never had anyone do anything like this before and it wasfreaking as intimate as sex and my body was responding similarly. I was on theedge of an intense orgasm when the feeling of him melding with my energy faded.

Whimpering with denied need, I clutched his shirt inmy fists.

"Chris, do you feel any better?"

"No, mate," I groaned.

He sighed. "Can you think about anything butfucking me?"

I opened my eyes and met his. They still seemed tocontain the universe, but I could look away from them now.

Ezra brushed his fingers across my forehead, dragginga lock of hair out of my eyes where it had gotten plastered by sweat. I wasdrenched in sweat. Ezra's hair was matted down, too, and I unclenched myfingers from his shirt and brushed them through his damp curls.

"Okay, yeah, I do feel better. Kind of. Whathappened?"

"I don't know how it happened, but I suspect ourdemon friend laid something of a trap as you expelled him from thisplane. Clever really. Somehow, he tied a few knots in our connection that pulledus back together more and more tightly until that was all we could think about.Fair chance we would have regretted it if we'd continued on without firstfixing this problem. I think I've got it, though."

"Knots untied?"

He smiled grimly and nodded.

"No more lusting after each other?"

"Perhaps more normal levels of lusting?" Hetilted his head in a question.

I was still sandwiched between him and the door and I surewasn't complaining about being there, but I could think again.

"Yeah, maybe more manageable now." Icertainly still wanted him, but my semblance of self-control was back. "Great,so what do we do now?"

He leaned

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