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down. She had noapartment or job to go back to now. She was completely immersed in his life.His club.

She ran her handsdown his chest. He was such a presence, such strength and raw masculinity. Thescent of his cologne aroused her. Everything about him turned her on. He didn’tscare her, in fact, he made her feel protected and safe.

Ally curled herfingers around his thick leather belt.

Could he read hermind? Did he know what she wanted from him?

Right now, sheneeded security, reassurance, love. But she’d settle for sex. All she wanted wasto feel desired by Lord, connected in any way possible.

“I’ve never caredabout a woman until you. You’ve fucked with my head.”

“You’re allowed tohave a life, Lord. Does the club always have to come first?” She slid her handunder his shirt, feeling his warm, firm skin.

“That’s theproblem, baby. If I had to choose, I’d choose you over anything. Even my club.”

Her breath caught.For a man like Lord, that was even more powerful than saying he loved her. Theroom sounded quieter than a morgue.

“Then don’t pushme away.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his jawline, one kissafter the other. “Promise me.”

“I promise,” he saidjust before his lips came down over hers. Lord kissed her thoroughly, making timestand still. He began to lift her shirt up, only breaking their kiss long enoughto pull the shirt over her head.

“I need you, Lord.”She tilted her head to the side as he trailed kisses down her neck.

“Whisky saved you today,but I’m your man, Ally. Don’t forget that. This body belongs to me.”

She wet her lips. “Makesure I don’t forget.”

Chapter Nine

Lord stared outacross the compound. His woman sat on the small patch of grass toward the back,reading a book. With all of his business, she’d been complaining of being bored.Rather than allow her to hate her life here, he’d made one of his boys go tothe local bookstore and buy as many titles as they could get their hands on.Now as he watched, she had a small pile of books beside her.

She looked so fucking cute.

Running a hand downhis face, he hated this. Hated the indecision. He’d gone back to the hotel withthe sole intention of getting rid of her.

What had he doneinstead? Kept her. With a traitor close.

He didn’t know whyhe needed to keep her. Sure, her pussy had never been touched by another man,and her devotion to him was highly addictive, but keeping her made him lookweak.

The one thing he hatedmore than anything was to look weak. In his world, he’d already cost himself somuch.

“Is everything okay?”Brick asked.

“Yes. Any word?”

“So far The SkullNation is lying low. No sign of them.”

Lord shook hishead. “That’s not good. When they’re lying low, that means they’re planning something.”

“What do you thinkit is?”

“Either a full-on assaultso long as they can get the numbers, or something else.” Again, he lookedoutside at his woman. She was too sweet for him. The biggest mistake he’d madewas thinking they stood a chance.

“They try toattack here, we’ve got it covered,” Brick said.

“I’m not going towait around for them to attack,” Lord said. “We’ve got too many businessesdemanding our attention. They could just wait us out.” The Skull Nation werenot good people. If they got ahold of Ally, that would be it. They would make herwish he’d killed her to spare her the pain of what they would do. Just thinkingabout what they could do to her filled him with a rage he knew all too well. Onlythis came from a feeling deep within, attached to a little part for Ally alone.

“Do you want me tograb the boys for a meeting?” Brick asked.

“Tonight. We plan.”He turned toward Brick. “I’ve got to handle something first.”

He left hisoffice, making his way outside to where Ally read. Since he’d looked at herfrom his office, she’d move to lay spread out across the grass. Her legs werecrossed at the ankles as she lifted the book up in the air. She flicked over apage at the same time as tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

“Good book?”

She turned towardhim with a smile.

That look in hereyes, it was what he wanted every single day.

She turned the bookover and got to her feet, rushing toward him. He captured her in his arms asshe threw herself at him. Such youth and sweet innocence. He was addicted to herlove. And he didn’t deserve any of it.

“I haven’t seenyou all morning.” She kissed his cheek. “Are you free now?”

“I’m free as I’llever be.” He held her hand and together, they sat on the ground. Lord moved herso she sat between his spread thighs. He held his palms up and she pressed hersdown on his. Her hands were so much smaller than his.

He pressed hisface against her neck, breathing her in, wanting to consume all of her.

This world was notmeant for the likes of Ally. She was too good for them.

“I could stay hereall day.”

Letting go of herhands, he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. The sun isout. Do you think we should set up the grill? The guys could use some happiness.They’re all frowning. The girls don’t look happy either.”

Lord glanced overher shoulder and he saw a couple of the guys were drinking coffee, talking, butthe tension in their bodies was clear for him to read. They were ready for anattack, as was he. He just controlled himself better.

“You see them, don’tyou?”

“I see it all. It’snot like I’m someone important, so they don’t hide it from me. I get it. They’rescared about something or someone. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’ll findout.” She tilted her head back to look at him. “You’re like that sometimes aswell.”

“I am?” he asked.

“Yes. I saw youthis morning as we woke up. The first thing you did was go to the window andlook out. You’re waiting for something.”

He pressed a kissto her neck. “We’re not scared, Ally. Don’t mistake that emotion. We’re used topeople wanting what we’ve got. That doesn’t make us scared. It makes us ready.”He pulled back and ran a hand through his

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