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Book online «Star Crusades, Michael Thomas [the lemonade war series .TXT] 📗». Author Michael Thomas

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their escape. And the glyphsnext to it, they’re a name or marker forthe place.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

Valentine shrugged.

“We have nothing on theirpronunciation or speech, if they evenhave it. But those marks match the information taken from them inthe fighting around Mars. We already have the coordinates for theirstar, but now we have a lot more. Look.”

She pointed at the planet, andthen moved her arms. The imagery pulled back and showed an entirestar system and its array of planets andcountless moons.

It took asecond, and then a smile spread over hislips.

“Wait, you’re saying we’ve got an entire map of their home system.Planets, moons, distances, the lot?”


She pointed to the tagged planet.

“There’re marked coordinates on the planet. It must be important,maybe a capital world or a station. This means we won’t be arrivingblind.”

She looked back at him as SergeantJablonsky and the others entered the space.

“This ship has got a few minutes left at most. It’s time to…”

He stopped and moved closer to look atthe data.

“Well,I’ll be damned. The Boss will be happy about this. Grab what youcan and then bug out. It looks like we’re going to bebusy.”



Morato Class Frigate ‘Nautilus’, DeepSpace

27th May2475

Valentine kept her eyes closedas she ran her mind over the recentevents. She’d had a lot of time to think about what she’d seenonboard the alien ship, but now her mind had begun to compare thatto everything else she’d seen and learnt in the past. The onlycommunication had come from intelligence stripped from the damagedor destroyed ship or taken from the minds of their dying warriors.She remembered the times she had been close to them when they’dcalled to her and numbed her mind.

What do they want with us?

“Val?” asked a familiarvoice, and in that moment all thoughts ofthe creature faded, to be replaced by Alexis. She opened her eyes,and there she was, dressed in her duty uniform and sportingstandard limbs.

“I’m here.” Valentine’s visionfocused more acutely, “Problem?”

“No, no problem. I still can’t believe what we’redoing.”

Valentine leaned backin her bunk and lifted her leg so that she couldsee the knee. With no more than her underclothes on, she could geta good look at the new body parts and reached out to touch theartificial skin. She knew right away that it was not hers, and yetthe touch and feel were remarkably close, almost like touching agloved hand.

“Not bad,” said Kallias from hisown bunk, “Need a second set of eyes totake a look?”

Valentine shook her head inmock annoyance.

“Cute, Kallias. Why would I need yourhelp? I can look at my own legs, and you spend far too much timelooking at your own.”

“Yeah!” Hawkins laughed as he continued a series of sit-ups in themiddle of the space, “Val’s not wrong. You spend way too much timein the mirror. Should I be worried?”

The two continued their banter,while Valentine focused her attention back on Alexis. The womanlooked troubled, and that instantly put Valentine on edge. Sheswung her bare legs off the bunk and hungthem just off the metal flooring.

“Talk to me. What’s up?”

“Oh, a few things.You can tell, huh?”

Valentine smiled and then nodded.

“Of course.”

“Well, first up. It’s Tsarkov. Ican tell something is going on. Whenever I’m near him and he’salone, there’s this look on his face. Like he’s planningsomething.”

“You’re serious? He doesn’t look thetype.”

“Oh, not likethat.” She snapped back in surprise, “No,I think he’s trying to get the eye of the Lieutenant, maybe pushingfor command of the lance.”

“Jablonsky is in command, and he’s not going anywhere.”

“No, that’s notwhat worries me.” She leaned in closer, “Justwatch your back. He’s all about himself and his career. Trust me,he’d see us left behind and torched if it meant apromotion.”

Valentine lookedpast her and noticed that Tsarkov was out on thelanding platform currently being used as a training space. Likemost ships, space was a premium, and it would be used for whateverwas required at the time. Tsarkov was running through combat drillswith his people, and they seemed to be working well.

“Okay,” said Valentine, “Got it.Now…who fancies a little…”

A shape moved onto thedeck, and they all snapped toattention.

“Officer on deck!”

Valentine was still in herunderclothes and quickly grabbed her tunic before the Lieutenant strode into view. He nodded to theothers, and then came right into 3rd Lance’squarters.

“Stand easy,” he said as he moved inside.

He noticed Valentine wasn’t fullydressed and nodded to himself.

“Lance Corporal, I thought you’dlike to know that the data you andPrivate Kallias obtained has been verified by our analysts. You’vebrought attention of the Platoon to the General, and he’simpressed.”

“Yes,Sir. We were just following orders.”

“Indeed. In anycase, this information is being used atthis very moment for the planning of our operation, and it will beput to good use. Good work out there, Novas.”

He turned and walkedaway, leaving a confused Valentine andAlexis. Alexis spoke first.

“He does remember that he waswith us, right?”

Valentine laughed.

“Maybe, maybe not. Who can tellwith most of these officers anymore?”

Valentine reached for the rest of herclothing and dressed as quickly as she could. Alexis watched her asshe finished buttoning her blouse.

“You’re looking a lotbetter,” she said with a smile, “You heal fasterthan expected.”

Valentine was not quite sure what tosay to that.

“Well, my body has had a lot ofpractice.”

A light blinked in her eyes,followed by an urgent message warning. She looked to Alexis whowas also looking at something projectedinside her mind.

“Same?” Valentine asked.

“Yeah. Jablonsky wants us on the deckin ten minutes.”

“Another briefing?”

Alexis shook her head.

“No, he’s got something else plannedtoday.”

Valentine took a step to thedoor, but Alexis reached out to stopher.

“You need your combat limbs for thisone, trust me.”



* * *

Valentine moved out from herquarters, past the armoury, and towardsthe waiting Novas. Those from the other lances were going throughdifferent exercises, but all of her attention was focused onSergeant Jablonsky and something next to him covered in blackmaterial. Tsarkov’s platoon was waiting in silence, and she wassure one of his privates sneered as she moved closer.

What’s hisproblem?

“3rd Lance, we’re going intoaction in the next three days, and this time we’re going in withmore experience than ever before. You know the mission, and it’s asimple

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