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Book online «Short Fiction, Selma Lagerlöf [uplifting novels txt] 📗». Author Selma Lagerlöf

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something infinitely mighty and mysterious, something which inspired such a sense of annihilating superiority that she felt nervous about remaining in there. “Ah, this is no church where one goes to hear a mass or to confessional,” remarked Signora Concenza to herself. “Here one comes when one is in great trouble, when one can be helped in no other way than through a miracle.”

She lingered down by the door and breathed in this strange air of mystery and gloom. “I don’t even know to whom this old church is dedicated; but I feel that here there must be someone who is able to grant us that which we pray for.”

She sank down among the kneeling people, who were so many that they covered the floor from the altar to the door. All the while that she herself was praying, she heard around her sighs and sobs. All this grief went to her heart and filled it with greater and greater compassion. “Oh, my God, let me do something to save the old man!” she prayed. “In the first place, I ought to help my children, and then all the other people.”

Every once in a while a thin little monk stole in among the praying and whispered something in their ears. The one to whom he was speaking instantly stood up and followed him into the sacristy.

Signora Concenza soon apprehended what there was in question. “They are of the kind who give pledges for the Pope’s recovery,” thought she.

The next time the little monk made his rounds, she rose up and went with him. It was a perfectly involuntary action. She fancied that she was being impelled to do this by the power which ruled in the old church.

As soon as she came into the sacristy, which was even more archaic and more mystical than the church itself, she regretted it. “What have I to do in here?” she asked herself. “What have I to give away? I own nothing but a couple of cartloads of garden truck. I certainly can’t present the saints with a few baskets of artichokes!”

At one side of the room there was a long table at which a priest stood recording in a register all that was pledged to the saints. Concenza heard how one promised to present the old church with a sum of money, while a second promised to give his gold watch, and a third her pearl earrings.

Concenza stood all the while down by the door. Her last poor copper had been spent to procure a few delicacies for her son. She saw a number of persons who appeared to be no richer than herself buying wax candles and silver hearts. She turned her skirt pocket inside out, but she could not afford even that much.

She stood and waited so long that finally she was the only stranger in the sacristy. The priests walking about in there looked at her a little astonished. Then she took a step or two forward. She seemed at the start uncertain and embarrassed, but after the first move she walked lightly and briskly up to the table. “Your Reverence!” she said to the priest, “write that Concenza Zamponi, who was sixty last year, on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, gives all her remaining years to the Pope, that the thread of his life may be lengthened!”

The priest had already begun writing. He was probably very tired after having worked at this register the whole night, and thought no more about the sort of things he was recording. But now he stopped short in the middle of a word and looked quizzically at Signora Concenza. She met his glance very calmly.

“I am strong and well, your Reverence,” said she. “I should probably have lived out my allotted seventy years. It is at least ten years that I am giving to the Holy Father.”

The priest marked her zeal and reverence and offered no objections. “She is a poor woman,” thought he. “She has nothing else to give.”

“It is written, my daughter,” he said.

When old Concenza came out from the church, it was so late that the commotion had ceased and the streets were absolutely deserted. She found herself in a remote part of the city, where the gas lamps were so far apart that they dispelled only a very little of the darkness. All the same, she walked on briskly. She felt very solemn within and was certain that she had done something which would make many people happy.

As she walked up the street, she suddenly got the impression that a live being circled above her head. In the darkness, between the tall houses, she thought she could distinguish a pair of large wings, and she even fancied she heard the sound of their beating.

“What is this?” said she. “Surely it can’t be a bird! It is much too big for that.” All at once she thought she saw a face which was so white that it illuminated the darkness. Then an unspeakable terror seized her. “It is the Angel of Death hovering over me,” thought she. “Ah, what have I done? I have placed myself in the dreaded one’s power!”

She started to run, but she could hear the rustle of the strong wings and was convinced that Death was pursuing her.

She fled with breathless haste through several streets, thinking all the while that Death was coming nearer and nearer her. She already felt his wings brushing against her shoulder.

Suddenly she heard a whizzing in the air, and something heavy and sharp struck her head. Death’s two-edged sword had reached her. She sank to her knees. She knew that she must lose her life.

A few hours later, old Concenza was found on the street by two workmen. She lay there unconscious, stricken with apoplexy. The poor woman was immediately removed to a hospital, where they succeeded in bringing her to, but it was apparent that she could not live very long.

There was time, at all events, to send for

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