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found alongthe journey. “You’ve got all of my chores for themonth!”

“What did you bet on?” Iquestion, unable to shake the upturn of my lips. I had been seen,truly seen by another of my kind. Kissed by someone who cherishesme, a strong man who will protect me. Even now he is nearby,surveying the scene from his hiding place in the shadows of thetree line. Every crunch and pop that I hear echoing from the forestcould be him. It takes every shred of willpower that I have not toturn back and wave.

What are you, a doe eyedfourteen-year-old swooning over your firstboyfriend? Get agrip, I reproach myself. The effect of myown reprimand is enough to shatter the rose-colored glaze throughwhich I am viewing my circumstances. I realize then how easily Icould learn to love Wolf, and the thought terrifies me. Love inCassé is equivalent to allowing someone control over you, to letsomeone else have a say in your actions, and to let their thoughtshelp you shape your own. I am not sure if I am ready for anyone tohave that much space in my heart and head.

“We bet on whether or notWolf would kill you. Goldeneye said he’d take his fill and send youback on a stretcher.” Grouse curses softly before continuing. “Isaid he’d kill you on sight.”

“Told you they had a flinggoing.” Goldeneye swaggers as he drops into the porch swing, hisgleaming smile at odds with his dark mask.

“Looking at her smile, I’dsay they still do,” Falcon scowls, pushing Goldeneye over to makespace for her. “Too bad we’re going to war with hispack.”

“Too bad he’s going todie,” Condor announces from the door, looking past me for any signsof danger. “What did you learn at Wolf’s campsite?”

“I didn’t get there,” Ilie smoothly, discreetly searching for Wren. My breath exhales in arelieved whoosh when I find he is not on the porch with us. “Ishared my message with Wolf in the woods.”

Condor snorts as he jeers. “Holed uptogether in your lover’s nest these last three daysthen?”

“He had to stitch andclean my shredded back, you idiot! I’ve struggled with fever andhallucinations! I slept through two days entirely, just from shock!The walk back here nearly exhausted me. I hardly think anythingwe’ve endured has been romantic.” Even as I say the words, anembarrassing blush floods my body. Even with my mask, I am certainthat Condor feels my unease.

“You are not a convincingliar.” Condor towers over me, using his height in an attempt tointimidate me into shrinking away. “Hope you realize that from nowon, you had better not even think about going off alone. You andyour lover are done. No one leaves the House until the war isover.”

“Why, Condor,” I jeer, myeyes narrowing at the sight of his black mask inches from myforehead. How badly I want to tear theflesh off his bones! “I’m glad to hear youfinally admit how important I am to you. Given how many timesyou’ve let your henchwoman beat me over the years, I’d begun todoubt—”

“Oh, you are valuable tome, little Mynah.” Condo smiles as I tighten my jaw. How dare heuse Hawk’s old name for me! “I’m guessing that Wolf really caresfor you too. Somehow your pitiful, wiry form captured his eye. So,I am going to keep you locked up tight in this house. I will dowhatever I want to do with you. Rumors will spread throughoutOmphalos. You will be the topic of gossip for every willing ear,all in an effort to get to Wolf. When he can no longer stand it,Wolf will come for you. And I will be waiting.”

I attempt a confident bravado that Isimply do not feel. “If that is your plan, you’ll be waiting a longtime. Wolf is not stupid enough to fall for such atrick.”

“A heart in love does notmake wise choices,” Bittern remarks from the stoop, a faraway lookof sadness on her features.

“You’re a part of thistoo?” I accuse, shocked that she would side with Condor. Bitternnever takes much interest in any of the affairs of theHouse.

“Love is a weakness; itmakes those who endure its touch act like fools. I did not say Iagreed with Condor. I only meant that the reasoning behind his planis sound.”

“Where is Panther?” Iquestion, hoping to distract them from more discussion. I pray thatWolf has stayed in the fringes of the trees beside our House,eavesdropping as Condor announced his plan. Stay away, I beg, knowing that hecannot hear my thoughts. Do not fall preyto their schemes. Do not be in love with me, so you do not actrashly.

“The boy’s still in yourroom,” Warbler calls to me from her usual haunt in the kitchen. Ipractically run into the House just to get away from Condor andFalcon. “He hasn’t eaten since he got here, Mynah. Are you sure heisn’t sick with something? Condor would let Falcon practically skinyou alive if you brought illness into the House.”

“Give me some food. I willget him moving. I told him to stay in my room until I returned justfor his own safety.” Then I notice the bruises on Warbler’s arms asshe reaches for the stew pot on the fire. On closer examination, Isee bandages around her left hand’s fingers. Warbler practicallyvibrates as she moves, and every sound seems to startle her. Thesunken space around her eyes and collarbones makes her face appearhollow. “You’re not sleeping, Warbler! And you’re hurt.”

“I am fine,” Warbleranswers softly, the stew pot shaking slightly as she dishes a bowlfor Panther. “Leave me be.”

“You’re not fine!” Ishout, regretting the outburst when I watch her flinch. “This isCreeper’s doing, isn’t it? I swear, I will kill him.”

“I can take care ofmyself, Mynah. I am not a baby!” Warbler hisses at me, shoving atray of food along the table.

“What did he do to you?” Idemand, not leaving the room until I have an answer. To prove mypoint, I slump into the nearest chair, motioning for her to do thesame.

“You are not my mother,and I never asked you to pretend to be, did I?” Warbler yells atme. “Everything was fine until you and the other girls put yournoses

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