» Other » Wild (Regency Scandal 2), Carole Mortimer [novels for teenagers .TXT] 📗

Book online «Wild (Regency Scandal 2), Carole Mortimer [novels for teenagers .TXT] 📗». Author Carole Mortimer

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Munro stated firmly as she and her family prepared to take their leave. “I always said to Ewan as ye needed to put some meat on yer bones.”

The celebrations had gone on long into the evening, but the first guests had taken their leave an hour ago, not long after Cat had put an exhausted Malcolm to bed. Now it only required the Munro clan to depart before all the guests were gone and the maids could begin the arduous task of clearing away the debris from the day.

It irritated Cat immensely that Fiona and Alastair Munro and their numerous children seemed to have lingered deliberately. As if they were laying claim to a greater right to remain here.

Fiona tutted again when she received no response. “Alec says as not a morsal has passed yer lips all day. Ye’ll not get yersel’ another man with the figure of a broom handle.”

Cat didn’t welcome Fiona Munro’s criticism of the way she looked. Ewan had had no complaints regarding her slenderness, and now neither did Andrew.

Nor did she like knowing that Alec Munro had watched her closely enough throughout the day to know she’d not found the time to eat any actual food.

She felt the bloom of color in her cheeks as she thought of what she had so greedily swallowed down earlier today: Andrew’s salty-sweet cum. Her gaze instinctively sought him out. He stood a short distance away, in conversation with Dougal McGregor.

Andrew appeared as relaxed and comfortable now as he had throughout the day, but as if sensing her gaze upon him, he now slowly turned to look at her. His lips instantly curved into a smile so intimate, it dismissed the presence of everyone but each other.

“He’ll nae be lingering here long.” Fiona sniffed her disapproval. “Nor will he take anyone wi’ ’im when he goes,” she added in further warning.

“Then it’s as weel I dinna have any plans to gae anywhere, is it not,” Cat turned to snap at her ex-mother-in-law. She noticed, as Andrew had said it did, her Scottish accent had become stronger in her anger. “Now if ye’ll excuse me, I have far more important things to do than stand here listening to you criticizing me.” She didn’t wait for the older woman to respond to the terseness before she walked across the yard to join Andrew and Dougal.

With a last triumphant lift of her chin in Fiona’s direction, Cat deliberately linked her arm with Andrew’s.

Andrew’s whole body became charged with the awareness of Cat’s close proximity before he lifted a hand to cover hers as she linked their arms before resting her palm and fingers on his forearm.

One look at Cat’s angrily gleaming eyes and the flush on her cheeks and he knew that Fiona Munro had said something to upset her during her leave-taking. Andrew had had opportunity to speak with all the members of the Munro family throughout the day, and he now knew that the same poison ran through all of them.

He had been enjoying discussing livestock and the benefits of crop rotation with Dougal McGregor, but the moment Cat touched him, Andrew wanted nothing more than to be alone with her again.

“It’s been a long day, and I, for one, am ready for my bed.” He spoke to Dougal McGregor, but he knew Cat had realized those words were meant for her, as her fingers curled enough that her nails now dug into his forearm.

“As am I,” Dougal acknowledged ruefully. “At least half dozen of the three-year-old barrels of whisky are empty,” he added proudly.

Andrew knew that part of Dougal’s crop rotation included growing the barley necessary for the making of whisky. An art at which Dougal excelled. Andrew had imbibed some of the fermented brew himself and found it far superior to any he’d had in London.

“Then it’s time to make some more,” he encouraged the older man.

“But for now, time we were all going to our beds.” Cat smiled. “Thank you for your help today, Dougal McGregor,” she added warmly. She turned to smile at Andrew as they crossed the yard together toward the house.

Despite the things Andrew had overheard and having Cat make love to him earlier, his desire to fully claim her had not abated in the slightest since they’d parted earlier.

A sentiment Cat seemed to echo as she gave a low groan. “I cannot wait until we reach my bedchamber or yours. I need your hands on me, Andrew,” she groaned as soon as they had stepped inside the cool interior of the house.

Too impatient even to climb the stairs before touching her again, Andrew looked around the shadowed entrance hall for somewhere they might immediately be private together.

“Here.” Cat pulled him toward the room he knew to be the study her brother had once used and which Malcolm would, in turn, occupy one day.

Andrew waited only long enough for her to close and lock the study door behind them before pushing her up against the door. He claimed her lips with his as she pulled his kilt out of the way and he tugged her gown up past her knees and then her thighs.

Where he made a breathtaking discovery. “You aren’t wearing any drawers either,” he groaned. His fingers caressed the silky curls between her thighs unimpeded.

She arched her throat to allow his lips further access to the long column of her throat. “I removed them earlier when I applied the salve.”

Which meant she had been walking about for most of the day and evening without those drawers. “For that alone, you deserve to have you arse spanked again,” Andrew grated.

“I want your cock inside me when you do it,” she pleaded.

It seemed their time together earlier today had awoken a sexual hunger in both of them that could now not be assuaged. “Over here.” Andrew tugged Cat with him so that he could sit in the chair behind the desk. He pulled up his kilt to expose the thick length of his

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