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Book online «The Price of Exorcism, Dakota Brown [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗». Author Dakota Brown

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Charles said toAaron.

Aaron ducked his head, a pleased grin on his face. "Itseems she does."

"Well, I'll let you two get settled. I justwanted to say hi since I had a moment."

"Nice to see you, Charles."

"You, too, Price. I'll come by sometime soon.Hear you redecorated."

My eyes widened in shock and I sorta choked on a replyI couldn't quite make before I found my voice. "Um, yeah. Billy did,anyway."

"The kids were telling me about it. They love it.It'll probably get some interesting reactions from the older crowd."

"You know me. Don't give a damn what other peoplethink."

Charles chuckled. "One of your more refreshingqualities."

"Thanks for that."

He waved and headed back into the kitchen.

Aaron chuckled and held my seat out for me. I let him.The hostess seemed to have gotten her dislike under control and had a neutralexpression on her face now. She handed over our menus and left us alone.

"Do you get that a lot?" Aaron asked.

"Knowing the other restaurant folks, or the weirdlooks from the older crowd?"

"Well, both I guess."

I laughed. "Yes to the first. Most of us in the downtownarea know each other, and to the latter, yeah, but the horror factor goes up ifI do my hair."

Aaron smiled. "I like it."

"Good thing."

He nodded agreement.

Our waiter came over and we ordered and pretty soon Iwas enjoying some of the best crepes in town and sneaking a few bites to thedamn hellhound.

"Looking forward to having Sabian back?"Aaron asked once we were mostly done with our breakfast.

"Yeah. I just hope we can pull it off. Neither ofus have, uh, done this before." I stopped myself before admitting I wasabout to try and summon a demon in public. There were people close enough theycould possibly overhear. It would be awkward enough if it got out that I was anexorcist. Though at the rate things were going, that was probably inevitable.

Aaron nodded. "I miss him, too. He's fun to havearound."

"You going to stick around tonight?"

He nodded. "Just in case you need some of my…"He hesitated glancing around and shaking his head. "Abilities."

"Good. Hopefully won't be necessary but alwaysgood to have you around."

The waiter brought us our check and I grabbed itbefore Aaron could. He accepted my claiming of the bill, and I went to pay.

"I'll leave the tip then," Aaron offered,throwing cash on the table.

I nodded and after I took care of the bill we headedback out. The heat was building, and I considered taking off my jacket, but no,the last one had saved me enough times, I'd deal with the sweat.

"You still want to run by your restaurant?"

I needed to, but I kind of just wanted to go home fora few minutes first. I could grab my car and then Aaron wouldn't be stuckwaiting on me.

"Let's go home first."

"Sounds good."

We fell into a comfortable silence while Aaron drove alittle way out of town back to my place. He was living with me while theyworked on rebuilding his house. He'd offered to pay rent. I'd told him to keepthe pantry stocked and we'd call it even. The house was paid for, so money wasn'treally an issue.

I saw Mal's car in the driveway sitting next to minewhen we pulled in. Then I saw Mal.

"Oh, that's not fair," I muttered, as myovaries wept with joy and I cursed the hours before I might have a chance toget him all to myself.

"What is he doing?"

"Sword forms." Not only was my nerdy warriorvampire doing sword forms, but he was doing them shirtless, and I had to tearmy eyes away from the view before I drooled on myself.

"Your boyfriend is a scary son of a bitch,"Aaron stated as he parked the car.

"Yeah, probably a good thing he likes us."

"Yeah," Aaron agreed quietly.

Shit. Here I was drooling over the view, and Aaron wasintimidated. I was so not good at this relationship stuff. Still, I could try.

We got out and I went over to Aaron and slid my armaround his waist. He hugged me back a bit hesitantly.

Mal finished his form and glanced over at us, his facelighting up in a broad smile. Aaron loosened his hold on me, but I kept my armaround him. Mal didn't even act like he noticed, just coming over and slappingAaron–and clearly ignoring the shock Aaron's angelic nature caused the vampirewhen he touched the other man–on the shoulder before giving me a quick kiss onthe forehead.

We followed him inside the blessed air conditioning,and he put his sword down on the table by the front door. I didn't know a tonabout swords, but that didn't look like a practice blade.

"Swords now?" I asked as I unashamedlystared at his ass while I followed him further into the house.

"I'm out of practice." He shrugged, themuscles in his back rippling with the motion. "If things keep going theway they have been, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on my sword work."

I was itching to make a dirty joke about sword work,but I refrained. I also managed to keep my hands off him, though I did sigh indisappointment when he pulled a T-shirt on that he'd left in the living room.

Mal glanced at me, arching an eyebrow.

I shrugged helplessly. Sabian's incubus charms weren'teven responsible at the moment. Still, between the eye candy Aaron presentedand Mal's presence, I couldn't be blamed for being turned on all the time.Could I?

The vampire grinned at me, certainly knowing exactlywhat was going on in my head. His extra senses could pick up on so much that anormal person would have missed.

"Have a good breakfast?" Mal asked when Istepped away from Aaron to go get a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Yeah, delicious," I answered.

Aaron sat in the armchair he preferred, and I broughthim a glass of water, as well.

"Thanks, Chris."

"Sure, mate."

"So, what are you up to for the rest of the day,Aaron?" Mal sank down onto the couch.

I curled up on the other end, not completely sure I'dkeep my hands off of Mal if I got too close.

"I've got to deal with the insurance company somemore." Aaron sighed. "Why, what's up?"

"Thought I might see if you wanted

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