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carried her to a ambulance since she wouldn't talk.

Peoplewere coming out caked in blood, some were limping, people werecollapsing. But nothing. I REPEAT. NOTHING. Was worse then seeingthat cop come out with the little girl I talked to moments beforegetting in line. I didn't see her face. but I would know that hairanywhere. He said she wasn't breathing and rushed her to some othercops who then took her. Some woman was crying on the phone saying shesaw holes in her back. It broke me. I would have fallen to the groundif it wasn't for my brother holding my waist.

Westuck like glue to Devin and Larry from theater 8 when we found themagain, as we watched and mourned over those being taken from thecrowd in blankets more and more cops and SWAT went to the building,at the very least a hundred altogether.

Soonthey had brought out dogs and a helicopter and surrounded the wholeplace. Almost 3 hospitals sent out all their ambulances and therestill wasn't enough. Cops took it upon themselves to take the woundedin their cars.

Theymade the ones from theater 8 and theater 9 that weren't badly harmedgo to the left side of the building as some of us wandered slightlytowards the back to speak to the cops. We were unaware the shooterwas at the back of the building watching us the whole time.

Oneof the cops speakers went off saying there was 7 bodies in theater 9and they needed help ASAP! You could hear the crying of what soundedto be a young women in the background. I had to close my eyes to stopthe tears from flowing once again. Somehow during the chaos we foundalmost everyone we talked to in the theater..Almost.

Mybrother, Devin, Larry and I all gave our statements to the cops andthey let us go saying that we could not take our cars if they hadcaution tape on them, which would be most of them including ours andtheirs, so we walked towards the bus stop across the street as I tookin the scenery.

Therewas loads of police cars and ambulances that took over the street,not a normal car was in sight. The police had what I would guesswould be over 6 blocks in every direction blocked off. This man hadmade an impact and all I could think about was if that little girlreally was hurt and if Noemi and Josh made it out safely.

Final Thoughts

Abouttwo months after it happened I was having trouble breathing, mostmornings I would wake up not being able to breathe and thought itmight have been due to the gas I inhaled, I was diagnosed with Panicattacks but they want do to further tests. The same evening we wentto a memorial at the Kaiser Medical Center near the theater and foundout that Noemi and Josh got out without any physical injuries,luckily they made it to their car and left before they saw the worstof it.

Alexand I were basically inseparable for the first few weeks, we barelywent anywhere without each other. We must be pretty lucky to have oneanother to look towards when we're feeling sad or alone, we alwayshad someone who would understand when we thought others didn't.

SometimesI feel guilty that I survived and so many didn't. I didn't go a daywithout crying for the first few weeks, I know that whether it was agood way to go or not, and that no matter ones religion, it was theirtime to move on to better things.

Imean, people died. And I got out with a bruise near my shoulder. I'mnot even sure when it happened, I didn't feel it. Heck, I didn't evennotice it till my dad pointed it out a day or two later. It was inthe shape of a Bullet. Small, Round. I figure a piece of debris hitme back in the theater.

Ispend most of the time keeping myself busy, just going and doinganything that came up, from going to the gas station to staying atfriends houses' though they kept telling me that I wasn't actingmyself I kind of figured, but they understood, doing anything andeverything in they're power to cheer me up.

Westill keep in contact with Noemi, Josh and Devin. We see and meetothers from the theater often too, whether it being by gatherings orjust running into each other.

Thefollowing Monday July 23rd; Alex called Harkins Theatres and spokewith the manager, he honored our movie tickets and let Noemi, Josh,Alex and I finish watching the movie for free, the rest of my familycame with us to watch the movie but they paid for their tickets. Wetold the other survivors that came in contact with us that Harkinswould honor their tickets too when they're ready to finish the movie,I'm not sure whether Devin and her father Larry have seen it yet.

Weoften meet-up with a group of survivors from the theater and theColumbine High school shooting that took place here in Colorado, it'sreally helpful just to talk with people who know what your goingthrough, even when we aren't talking about the tragedies. They aretruly amazing people, I just wished we met on better circumstances.

Wevisited the memorial across the street from the movie theater often,just to gather thoughts or when we're feeling upset. We've droppedflowers, lit candles, and just went cause we felt we needed too, forme it has helped a lot.

Onthe second month anniversary (September 20th, 2012) The city tookdown the memorial and they plan to put everything in the AuroraHistory Museum, currently there is a sign where the site use to besaying, "Thank you for your love and support for the victims andfamilies." They also have said they are planning on reopeningthe theater by early 2013.

Alexhas been in contact with the city and they wanted him and I on thememorial committee for making a permanent one, we've accepted theoffer and keep in touch.

Thoughmany of the victims and witnesses would give anything to forget, andthough it brings many tears. I feel like if I forget, in a way itwill disgrace those who didn't make it out that night. And it hasshown me that life

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