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Book online «My Heart's in the Highlands, Angeline Fortin [best motivational books txt] 📗». Author Angeline Fortin

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however long and in whatever way he chose.

However, it seemed that over the past day,Ian wasn’t as certain of his intentions as he had been. Though heclaimed that the attraction between them was unusual and strong,perhaps securing a bedmate in Daphne would cost him less effort inthe seduction than Hero had apparently so far required.

And now she might lose any chance she hadwith him.

“Am I boring you, Aunt?” Camron asked softlyfrom his place by her side at dinner that evening.

Hero jolted back to the present with a ruefulshake of her head. “My apologies, Camron. It’s been a long day. Ihadn’t thought to ask, what are your plans now?” Camron Kennedy wasjust twenty years of age and fresh from his studies at theUniversity at Glasgow.

“Didn’t you hear? I’m to join Father’s firmnext month,” he replied cheerfully.

That news took Hero aback, and her brows rosein surprise. “Is that so? But I thought you weren’t interested inpracticing the law.”

“The law?” Beaumont boomed. “Why would youwant to do that? There are too many lawyers in this world. Prigsand thieves!”

The young man merely shrugged at the insult.“I do hope to go into politics someday but as father says, thiswill be a good start.”

“Politicians are even worse than lawyers,”Hero’s father said, pointing his fork at the young man. “You shouldaim for the diplomatic corps. I could get you in. I know the … the… what is your name again?”

“And what of Daphne?” Hero couldn’t help butask as she patted her father’s hand.

“Haven’t you figured that out yet?” A smirkraised Camron’s lips and he turned to look at his sister while hesipped his wine.

Hero couldn’t help but look as well. Daphnewas laughing, her hand on Ian’s arm. Her fingers curling into thefolds of his jacket. Her lashes fluttering. It was painful toadmit, but Daphne was a much more practiced flirt than she.Robert’s niece knew just how to look at a man, how to make him feelas if he was powerful and masculine. How to make him feelintelligent and masterful.

What had Hero done to do that beyondquestioning Ian’s abilities to manage Dùn Cuilean? Other than theirbrief evenings on the ramparts, what had Hero done to get himalone? To pursue Ian with even a fraction of the resolve Daphne soeasily displayed?

Still laughing, Daphne shot Hero a sidelonglook before she slid her hand under the table, and Hero’s eyeswidened. Suddenly she recalled forgotten bits of gossip from pastsocial events in Glasgow. Hero knew Daphne was an accomplishedflirt, but rumor had it she was a skilled seductress as well.Though Hero had never given the rumors much credence before, nowshe wondered. Thoughts that begged the question as to how far theflirtation between the pair had traveled in Daphne’s previousacquaintance with Ian.

Her chest tightened as she imagined Ian inbed with Daphne, imagined him kissing Daphne as he had kissed Heroon the ramparts.. Daphne would respond much differently than Herohad, no doubt. Robert’s niece had always been bold and passionateabout life. She wouldn’t do anything halfheartedly.

Feeling a bit ill, Hero rose, laying hernapkin neatly on the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I willretire. I—I believe the exertions of the day might have overtiredme after my recent injuries.”

Ian stood as well, his brow creased withconcern. “Are you unwell, Lady Ayr? Shall I escort you to yourrooms?”

“Please do not, my lord,” Daphne interjected,laying a hand on his arm. “I was hoping to have a word with you …in private. Lady Ayr can find her own way, I’m sure.”

Private word, indeed, Hero sniffed. “Indeed Ican. Please don’t let me interrupt your conversation.” Ian lookedpoised to protest but Hero just turned to her father. “Come, Papa,you can walk up with me.”

“But I haven’t had my pudding yet,” Beaumontprotested mulishly.

“Papa …”

“I shall see him up, Aunt,” Camron offered.“Perhaps we shall even play a few games of billiards before then.Daphne says there is a billiards room here. What say you, yourgrace?”

“I shall look forward to it, sir!” the dukeannounced, pounding a fist on the table. “By Jove, it’s been quitesome time since I played at billiards. I’m quite good, youknow.”

Hero bent to kiss her father’s cheek, thenleveled Camron a grateful look. “Thank you, but beware, heis very good. For your own sake, please keep the stakeslow.” Glancing around the room, she skimmed her eyes over Ian, whowas still standing at the head of the table, and Daphne, who wassmiling triumphantly, before turning away.

“Hero …”

“Good night, everyone.”

Chapter Eighteen

Ian resumed his seat slowly, cursing himselffor many things. For allowing Daphne back into Cuilean, forallowing her to monopolize him throughout the entire day and toeven maneuver a place by his side at the dinner table byguilelessly insisting that Hero take the foot, given her higherranking. He’d borne Daphne’s touch again and again, all the whilewishing that he could physically shake her off.

But he was a gentleman and the marquis. Hehadn’t wanted to appear so openly rude.

Hero hadn’t appeared troubled by it at all.She had read while they played cards. Smiled at Daphne’s manystories and sat regally at the dinner table as the courses wereserved and removed. She had conversed with her father and youngKennedy, displaying enough of her enchanting smile to make himbelieve she was enjoying herself. In truth, she had ignored him sothoroughly that for a short while he had attempted to rouse somejealousy in her by responding to Daphne’s blatant flirtation with afew smiles of his own.

Life had certainly been easier before Hero’sarrival.

Less exciting, but much simpler.

Of course, Daphne’s arrival wasn’t a heraldof tranquil days ahead, either. When Robert’s solicitor, Nash, hadfinally finished walking Ian through the legalities of assuming thetitle and accompanied him to the castle for the first time,Daphne’s response to his coming had traversed a wide spectrum ofemotion, including disbelief, denial, and fury.

Dùn Cuilean was to have been hers, sheinsisted. It was hers no matter what the law said. It had takenNash and then Jennings days to finally make her see the truth ofthe matter. Daphne had stormed away from the property in

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