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beasts to slay!
To-day thou hast made empty for us both wood and wold.”
Thereat he fell to smiling that worthy thane and bold.


Then suddenly, on all sides, were heard great noise and cries.
From dogs and men together such tumult did arise
That all the woodland echoed, and eke the mountain-side
For four-and-twenty leash-hounds the hunters had untied.


Then many a forest creature must unto death be done,
Since every hunter fancied that he might be the one
To win the prize for hunting: but no award could be
Until beside the camp-fire stout Siegfried they did see.


The hunting, though ’twas over, was not yet brought to end:
For some, with burdens laden, to camp their way did wend,
Of beast fells bringing many, and game a goodly store.
What piles of it for cooking the king’s camp-servants bore!


Then to the high-born hunters the king would have it known
That he to dine was ready. Then all at once was blown
A hunting-horn, right loudly, that all might know around
That now the noble princes would at the camp be found.


Quoth one of Siegfried’s huntsmen: “Sir, I have heard but now,
By sounding of a horn, that ’tis time for us to go
Back to the camp: in answer I will my bugle wind.”
Then went the loud blasts flying their followers to find.


Then spake the noble Siegfried: “Now let us leave the wood!”
His hunter bore him smoothly: and all in haste they rode.
They startled, with their clatter, a grisly brute and grim⁠—
A savage bear. Then, turning to those who followed him,


The thane cried: “Now our comrades a little fun shall share!
Loose from the leash the setter; yonder I spy a bear;
I’ll see that he goes with us from here unto the camp.
He never can escape us, however fast he tramp!”


They loosed the hound, and swiftly the bear before them hied.
Then thought Kriemhilda’s husband close after him to ride;
But to a ground-rift came he, whereby it could not be;
The sturdy beast made certain ’twas from the huntsmen free.


The proud knight, from his charger, sprang down upon the sward:
And straight began to chase it; the beast was off its guard,
And could not now outrun him: the hero clasp’d it round,
And, in a trice, unwounded, he held it tightly bound.


The man it was not able to scratch or bite one jot!
He bound it to his saddle, then promptly up he got.
Unto the camp he bore it⁠— a prize of hardihood;
Which all was but a pastime to that knight bold and good.


How noble was his bearing as into camp he rode!
His spear was very mighty, and thereto stout and broad.
Right down unto the rowel a handsome long-sword hung:
And a fair horn around him of ruddy gold was slung.


Of better hunting-habit I never have been told.
In tunic of black velvet there was he to behold;
A riding-cap of sable, handsome enough, he wore;
Ay, and what broider’d fillets he on his quiver bore!


Upon it there was fitted a cap of panther’s hide,
Because of its sweet odour. He carried at his side
A bow, such that it needed⁠— to draw it to the full⁠—
A hand-winch, when another save he himself did pull.


And then his nether garments of otter-skin were made.
From head to foot his raiment with tufts was overlaid.
And, ’mid the sleek fur, many a thread of golden twine
Of this bold champion-hunter on either side did shine.


And Balmung bore he also⁠— a handsome blade and broad,
That was so sharp, moreover, its edge was never scored
When helms by it were dinted; and either edge was keen.
Ne’er had that noble huntsman of gayer spirit been.


Since I have undertaken the story to declare,
I must tell how his quiver was fill’d with arrows rare;
The shafts of them were golden, the points a hand-breadth wide.
Whate’er with them he piercéd, surely and swiftly died.


So rode the noble hero in all his hunting gear;
And Gunther’s men espied him as he to them drew near.
They hurried out to meet him, and led his horse along.
There lay across his saddle the bear so huge and strong.


As soon as he alighted he loosed the binding thong
From off its paws and muzzle; then yelpings loud and long
Of hounds arose, so soon as afoot the bear appear’d.
The brute would to the forest: the folk were fairly scared.


The bear, through all the shouting, into the kitchen ramp’d:
Hey, how the frighted scullions from round the fire decamp’d!
The kettles toppled over, the burning sticks were drown’d:
Hey, what a store of victuals lay in the ashes round!


Quick from their seats upsprang they, the masters and the men.
The bear began a-growling: the king gave orders then
To let loose all the hound-pack, that in their leashes lay.
Had it herewith but ended that were a merry day!


With bows and spears provided they stay’d no longer there,
But off the swift ones started to follow up the bear.
Yet no one shot: so closely the dogs were thronging round.
The shouting of the people made hill and dale resound.


With all the pack behind him the bear began to race,
But, save Kriemhilda’s husband, no one could match its pace.
He quickly ran upon it, and with a sword-stroke slew.
Then to the camp-fire, slaughter’d, the grisly brute they drew.


And all who saw, were saying he was a mighty man.
The hunters proud were summon’d, and then the feast began.
Upon a fair green meadow, a goodly crowd they sate;
Ha, ’twas a royal banquet these haughty hunters ate!


The cupbearers still came not, who were the wine to bring⁠—
No heroes ever better deserved such offering;
Had there not been in secret such treacherous intent,
Then free had been those warriors of all disparagement.


Then spake the noble Siegfried: “I marvel much hereat;⁠—
Since from the kitchen plenty of food they send to eat,
Why come not the cupbearers to bring us also wine?
Let them treat hunters better, or ’tis no sport of mine!


“I have deserved that people more care of me should take.”
The king then from the table, in answer, falsely spake:
“However we have blunder’d we’ll mend it by-and-by;
’Tis all the fault of Hagen, who’d have us all go dry.”


Then Hagen spake, of Tronjé: “My dear lord list to me,
I reckon’d that the hunting to-day was fix’d to be
Right over in the Spessart, so sent the wine-flasks there.
If we to-day go thirsty, next time I’ll take more care!”


Then answer’d the lord Siegfried: “Small thanks, methinks, are thine!
Seven sumpters’ burden should they of mead and unmix’d wine
Have hither sent to meet us; or were that hard to do,
They should have pitch’d our quarters more nigh the Rhine unto.”


Then spake Hagen of Tronjé: “Ye noble knights and bold,
I know that here hard by is a spring of water cold⁠—
Pray be ye not offended⁠— ’tis thither we should go.”
To many a

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