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the size of
  The Mall in Washington, DC
  Midway Islands: about nine times the size of The Mall in Washington,
  Palmyra Atoll: about 20 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

  slightly smaller than the state of Washington

  slightly larger than California

  slightly larger than Connecticut

  slightly more than twice the size of California

  slightly larger than New Mexico

Virgin Islands
  twice the size of Washington, DC

Wake Island
  about 11 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

Wallis and Futuna
  1.5 times the size of Washington, DC

West Bank
  slightly smaller than Delaware

Western Sahara
  about the size of Colorado

  land area about 16 times the size of the US

  slightly larger than twice the size of Wyoming

  slightly larger than Texas

  slightly larger than Montana

This page was last updated on 18 December 2008


@2024 Military service age and obligation (years of age)

  22 years of age; inductees are contracted into service
  for a 4-year term (2005)

  19 years of age (2004)

  19-30 years of age for compulsory military service;
  conscript service obligation - 18 months (6 months basic training,
  12 months civil projects) (2006)

  17 years of age for compulsory military service; conscript
  service obligation - 2 years plus time for training (2001)

Antigua and Barbuda
  18 years of age for voluntary military service;
  no conscription (2008)

  18-24 years of age for voluntary military service (18-21
  requires parental permission); no conscription (2001)

  18-27 years of age for voluntary or compulsory military
  service; 2-year conscript service obligation (2007)

  17 years of age for voluntary military service (with
  parental consent); no conscription; women allowed to serve in Army
  combat units in non-combat support roles (2008)

  18-35 years of age for compulsory military service; 16 years
  of age for male or female voluntary service; service obligation 7
  months of training, followed by an 8-year reserve obligation (2006)

  men between 18 and 35 are liable for military service; 18
  years of age for voluntary military service; length of military
  service is 18 months and 12 months for university graduates (2006)

Bahamas, The
  18 years of age (est.); no conscription (2008)

  17 years of age for voluntary military service; 15 years of
  age for NCOs, technicians, and cadets; no conscription (2008)

  16 years of age for voluntary military service; 17 years
  of age for officers (both with parental consent); conscription
  legally possible in emergency, but has never been implemented (2008)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service (younger
  requires parental consent); no conscription (2008)

  18-27 years of age for compulsory military service;
  conscript service obligation - 18 months (2005)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; conscription
  suspended (2008)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; laws allow
  for conscription only if volunteers are insufficient; conscription
  has never been implemented; volunteers typically outnumber available
  positions by 3:1 (2008)

  21 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military service;
  in practice, volunteers may be taken at the age of 18; both sexes
  are eligible for military service; conscript tour of duty - 18
  months (2006)

  18-23 years of age; eligible men required to register for
  conscription as needed into the Bermuda Regiment, which is largely
  voluntary; term of service 39 months (2007)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription (2008)

  18 years of age for 12-month compulsory military service;
  when annual number of volunteers falls short of goal, compulsory
  recruitment is effected, including conscription of boys as young as
  14; 15-19 years of age for voluntary premilitary service, provides
  exemption from further military service (2008)

Bosnia and Herzegovina
  17 years of age for voluntary military
  service in the Federation and in the Republika Srpska; conscription
  abolished January 2006; 4-month service obligation (2006)

  18 is the apparent age of voluntary military service; the
  official qualifications for determining minimum age are unknown

  21-45 years of age for compulsory military service; conscript
  service obligation - 9 to 12 months; 17-45 years of age for
  voluntary service; an increasing percentage of the ranks are
  "long-service" volunteer professionals; women were allowed to serve
  in the armed forces beginning in early 1980s when the Brazilian Army
  became the first army in South America to accept women into career
  ranks; women serve in Navy and Air Force only in Women's Reserve
  Corps (2001)

  18 years of age (est.) for voluntary military service;
  non-Malays are ineligible to serve (2007)

  18-27 years of age for voluntary military service;
  conscript service obligation - 9 months; as of May 2006, 67% of the
  Bulgarian Army comprised of professional soldiers; conscription
  ended as of 1 January 2008; Air and Air Defense Forces and Naval
  Forces became fully professional at the end of 2006 (2008)

Burkina Faso
  18 years of age for compulsory military service; 20
  years of age for voluntary military service (2001)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service for both sexes;
  forced conscription of children, although officially prohibited,
  reportedly continues (2007)

  16 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military
  service; children as young as 10 years of age have been conscripted
  into the armed forces; the enrollment of children is still not
  prohibited (2007)

  conscription law of October 2006 requires all males between
  18-30 to register for military service; 18-month service obligation

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription; the government makes periodic calls for volunteers

  17 years of age for male and female voluntary military
  service (with parental consent); 16 years of age for reserve and
  military college applicants; Canadian citizenship or permanent
  residence status required; maximum 34 years of age; service
  obligation 3-9 years (2008)

Cape Verde
  18 years of age (est.) for selective compulsory military
  service; 14-month conscript service obligation (2006)

Central African Republic 18 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military service; 2-year conscript service obligation (2006)

  20 years of age for conscripts, with 3-year service obligation;
  18 years of age for volunteers; no minimum age restriction for
  volunteers with consent from a guardian; women are subject to 1 year
  of compulsory military or civic service at age of 21 (2004)

  18-45 years of age for voluntary male and female military
  service, although the right to compulsory recruitment is retained;
  service obligation - 12 months for Army, 22 months for Navy and Air
  Force (2008)

  18-22 years of age for selective compulsory military service,
  with 24-month service obligation; no minimum age for voluntary
  service (all officers are volunteers); 18-19 years of age for women
  high school graduates who meet requirements for specific military
  jobs (2007)

  18-24 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military
  service; service obligation - 18 months (2004)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  18-45 years of age for military

Congo, Republic of the
  18 years of age for voluntary military
  service; women allowed to serve (2007)

Cote d'Ivoire
  18 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military
  service (2008)

  18-27 years of age for compulsory military service; 16 years
  of age with consent for voluntary service; 6-month conscript service
  obligation; full conversion to professional military service by 2010

  17-28 years of age for compulsory military service; 2-year
  service obligation; both sexes subject to military service (2006)

  Greek Cypriot National Guard (GCNG): 18-50 years of age for
  compulsory military service for all Greek Cypriot males; 17 years of
  age for voluntary service; females are not conscripted; age of
  military eligibility 17 to 50; length of normal service is 25 months
  with a minimum of 3 months (2006)

Czech Republic
  18-28 years of age for voluntary and 19-28 for
  compulsory military service (2008)

  18 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military
  service; conscripts serve an initial training period that varies
  from 4 to 12 months according to specialization; reservists are
  assigned to mobilization units following completion of their
  conscript service; women eligible to volunteer for military service

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; 16-25 years
  of age for voluntary military training; no conscription (2008)

Dominican Republic
  18 years of age for voluntary military service

  20 years of age for selective conscript military service;
  12-month service obligation (2008)

  18-30 years of age for male conscript military service;
  service obligation 12-36 months, followed by a 9-year reserve
  obligation (2008)

El Salvador
  18 years of age for selective compulsory military
  service; 16 years of age for voluntary service; service obligation -
  8 months, but 11 months for officers and NCOs (2008)

Equatorial Guinea
  18 years of age (est.) for compulsory military
  service (2008)

  18-40 years of age for male and female voluntary and
  compulsory military service; 16-month conscript service obligation

  compulsory military service for men between 19 and 28;
  conscription lasts 11 months for junior NCOs and reserve platoon
  leaders; reserve officers and designated specialists have a
  different conscript service obligation; Estonia has committed to
  retaining conscription for men up to 2010 and, unlike Latvia and
  Lithuania, has no plan to transition to a contract armed forces; 17
  years of age for volunteers; reserve commitment up to the age of 60

  18 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military
  service; theoretically, no compulsory military service, but the
  military can conduct call-ups when necessary and compliance is
  compulsory (2008)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; reserve
  obligation to age 45 (2006)

  18 years of age for male voluntary and compulsory national
  military and nonmilitary service; service obligation 6-12 months

  17-40 years of age for male or female voluntary military
  service); no conscription; 12-month service obligation; women serve
  in noncombat military posts (2005)

  20 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military service

Gambia, The
  18 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription (2008)

  18 to 34 years of age for compulsory and voluntary active
  duty military service; conscript service obligation - 18 months

  18 years of age (conscripts serve a 9-month tour of
  compulsory military service) (2004)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription (2008)

  19-45 years of age for compulsory military service; during
  wartime the law allows for recruitment beginning January of the year
  of inductee's 18th birthday, thus including 17 year olds; 17 years
  of age for volunteers; conscript service obligation - 1 year for all
  services; women are eligible for voluntary military service (2008)

  all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 50 are liable
  for military service; conscript service obligation varies from 12 to
  24 months; women can serve as officers (2007)

  18 years of age for compulsory military service; 2-year
  conscript service obligation (2006)

  18 years of age for selective compulsory military
  service (2006)

  18-25 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription (2008)

  18 years of age for voluntary 2 to 3-year military service

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; conscription
  abolished in June 2004; 6-month service obligation, with reserve
  obligation to age 50 (2006)

  16 years of age for voluntary military service; no
  conscription; women officers allowed in noncombat roles only (2008)

  18 years of age for selective compulsory and voluntary
  military service; 2-year conscript service obligation, with reserve
  obligation to age 45 (officers); Indonesian citizens only (2008)

  19 years of age for compulsory military service; 16 years of
  age for volunteers; 17 years of age for Law Enforcement Forces; 15
  years of age for Basij Forces (Popular Mobilization Army); conscript
  military service obligation - 18 months; women exempt from military
  service (2008)

  18-49 years of age for voluntary military service (2008)

  17-25 years of age for male or female voluntary military
  service (17-27 years of age for the Naval Service); enlistees 16
  years of age can be recruited for apprentice specialist positions;
  maximum obligation 12 years; 17-35 years of age for the Reserve
  Defense Forces; EU citizenship or 5-year residence in Ireland
  required (2008)

  18 years of age for compulsory (Jews, Druzes) and voluntary
  (Christians, Muslims, Circassians) military service; both sexes are
  obligated to military service; conscript service obligation - 36
  months for enlisted men, 21 months for enlisted women, 48 months for
  officers; reserve obligation to age 41-51 (men), 24 (women) (2008)

  18-27 year of age for voluntary military service; conscription
  abolished January 2005; women may serve in any military branch;
  10-month service obligation, with a reserve obligation to age 45
  (Army and Air Force) or 39 (Navy) (2006)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service; younger
  recruits may be conscripted with parental consent (2001)

  18 years of age for voluntary military service (2001)

  17 years of age for voluntary military service; conscription
  at age 18 was suspended in 1999, although all males under age 37 are
  required to register; women not subject to conscription, but can
  volunteer to serve in non-combat military positions (2004)

  18 years of age for compulsory military service;
  conscript service obligation - 2 years; minimum age for volunteers
  NA (2004)

  18 years of age (est.) for voluntary service, with a 9-year
  obligation (2007)

Korea, North
  17 years of age (2004)

Korea, South
  20-30 years of age for compulsory military service,
  with middle school education required; conscript service obligation
  - 24-28 months, depending on

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