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Book online «Not Even Close (A New Generation), Elizabeth Reyes [latest books to read .txt] 📗». Author Elizabeth Reyes

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car drove rightby the window they sat at, and Vannah turned in the direction of the restaurantthat he realized his delusional ass was still holding out hope it wasn’t her.

But it was.

Their eyes didn’t meet, and he was pretty sure she hadn’t evenseen him, but he’d seen her face full on. There was no question aboutit. It was her. What’s more, she was laughing now. While he couldn’t hear it, therewas no mistaking that infuriatingly beautiful twinkle in her eyes when shelaughed so heartedly.

“Is that someone you know?”

Byron glanced down at Elsa who was looking out the window as thecar Vannah was in drove out of the parking lot. Lucy’s sudden reaction tobiting into one of the pickled carrots distracted them both as they watched hersuck the straw of her horchata.

“I told you it was hot, baby girl.”

“But it’s still good,” she said after guzzling down half herdrink.

Elsa crinkled her nose. “Spicy food hurts my belly.” Shesprinkled a little salt onto her plain taco and proceeded to elaborate on allthe other foods that hurt her belly.

Thankful for his niece’s short attention span, Byron had dodgedthe question about Vannah. But his insides were still ablaze. Was he really thatdelusional to think she’d felt for him what he was already feeling for herafter just one week? Was she really that good about making more than one guyfeel they were special?

In the past he’d always made it a point to give his nieces hisundivided attention whenever he was on Uncle B duty. Rarely did he answer callsor respond to texts when he was with them, unless he knew it was absolutelynecessary. But instinct had him pulling his phone out of his pocket the momenthe took a seat in the booth across from Elsa and Lucy.

No way would he be having the conversation he knew would be lacedwith F bombs right in front of them, but he needed answers. Only despite theincredible connection he thought they’d made this past week; he wasn’tentirely sure suddenly he was entitled to any. Yes, they’d had one unbelievablyromantic evening together. Yes, his gut had screamed Vannah had to be feelingeverything he was after their day-long texts and nightly video chats they hadthat entire week. There was no way she was that good of an actress. He’dseen it in her eyes, heard it in her voice and felt it in her touch andkisses on Monday. Yes, she’d sounded hands down genuine when she said shemissed him. But she’d also made it abundantly clear she didn’t do the boyfriendthing. She’d been upfront and honest about it from day one and followed up byreiterating that fact in one subtle way or another even as they’d made out andthroughout the week.

As much as Byron attempted to keep up with his niece’s endlessquestions on everything from food ingredients, astronomy and even farm animals,his thoughts kept wandering off. But he was thankful for the minor distractionto his infuriating thoughts. It was because of them that he hadn’talready fired off all the scathing texts he kept rewording and then deleting.

There was no shortage of his nieces waving their little hands infront of him, giggling as they tried to get his attention because it was such astruggle to stay focused on them. His mind kept rewinding this past week andall the times Vannah’s family’s pending arrival had derailed any plansto get together. By his sixth or seventh deleted text he decided he should justwait. Not only did he owe it to his two Littles to give them his undividedattention, but he also needed time to think this through.

What did Vannah owe him? Nothing. Right? Just like he stilldidn’t owe her anything either. Even though he hadn’t so much as consideredhooking up or even responding to anyone else’s calls or texts since his first tasteof those lips, would she protest if he had? Clearly, she was doing so. It’snot like she even thought she might need to do it on the downlow. His shop was rightdown the street from King Taco for fucks sake. He’d even mentioned to her morethan once how often he and the guys at the shop went there. Though he’d beenvague when the guys had questioned the girl who brought him food the day shedid, they’d gotten a good look at her. They’d watched him walk out hand in handwith her, and even teased him about looking dazed   when he’d walked back inafter she left. Surely, they’d mention to him if they saw her out with anotherdude. Even if they thought it wouldn’t matter. Apparently, she wasn’t worriedabout any of that.

“You didn’t like your sopes, Uncle B?”

Byron glanced down at his still full plate because of Elsa’scomment. Lucy was looking at the food he’d barely touched as well.

“You always finish way before me and I’m almost done,” Elsaadded.

“Yo not sick ah you, Uncle B?” Lucy asked looking concerned. “Mommysays she always knows when we’uh getting sick because we stop eating.”

Byron shook his head even though he sure as fuck was feeling sickto his stomach. “I’d already eaten when your dad asked me to pick you guys up—”He lied. “—I don’t even know why I ordered anything for myself. But . . .” He stoodup wanting nothing more than to distract from his obvious sudden lack ofappetite. “No harm done. I’ll just take it home and eat it later. Be rightback.”

His phone dinged just as he stepped up to ask for a box at thecounter. His insides were back to boiling again the moment he saw who the textwas from. She was texting him while she was hanging out with that other dude? Curiously,he clicked on the text message as he headed back to the booth with the box hewas handed.

Thankfully, the girls were eager to box up his food for him andhe took the moment to read the text.

Well, no surprise today and tonight are out. I’ll be withmy family all day and night. =( But tomorrow I can squeeze in some time withyou in the day or the evening if the afternoon

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