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Book online «The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1), Sam Crescent [story reading .txt] 📗». Author Sam Crescent

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hurting the bastard, and in fact,would rather enjoy hearing him squeal. There hadn’t been enough bloodshed inhis life of a late, and he was growing tired of being nice.

Just as Forge wasabout to give up and head back to his clubhouse to plan his strategy with his men,three black cars slowly pulled up across the abandonedplot. He took a final draw on his cigarette before throwing it to the groundand stamping on it.

Stepping forward,he knew two of his men were by his sides, Dog and Hound. Dog was his VP and Houndhis enforcer.

There was no doubthis other men were waiting, hands poised on weapons, prepared to make this verybloody if they had to. Before the night was over, if Peterson had fucked with him, he’d slit the bastard’s throat.

One of the guardsopened the back door and Peterson, with all his airs and graces, climbed out,buttoning his jacket as he did.

“You think this isa fucking joke?” Forge asked.

The door of thecar remained open as Peterson stepped forward. If Forge didn’t recognize terrorso well, he would have assumed the man before him was cool as a cucumber. Buthe wasn’t. The telltale shaking, the pale face, and overall fear dripped offhim. He liked to make men nervous and well, this fuckerwas exceedingly so. Even with his band of security, it didn’t mean he was safe.

“I apologize formy lateness,” Peterson said.

“Where’s my money?”

“I … I don’t haveit.”

Forge tutted. “Youknow I don’t like it when someone tries to take the piss.” He grabbed Petersonby his jacket, pulling him forward so they were noseto nose. “You better call off your men now!” He spoke slowly.

Peterson’s guardshad all drawn their weapons, ready to shoot to kill. Forge had no doubt his menwere in exactly the same stance. He trusted them to aim and take their enemies out.What he didn’t know was if Peterson’s men were properlytrained or designed to look like fighters. Most of them looked a littletoo young for his tastes.

“It’s fine. Backoff. Lower your weapons,” Peterson said, his voice shaking.

“Now, I’m thinkingI break a couple of your arms. Maybe even your legs. I want to hear you scream.Hell’s Slaves are not to be made a fool of, do you understand me?” He’d gladlyhear the sound of breaking bones.

“Wait, wait,”Peterson said. Perspiration dotted his brow.

“You think you canorder me around?”

“It’s … I have anarrangement that may be suitable for you.”

Forge laughed. “Youthink you can buy me? The only thing I want is my money.”

“But what if therewas something else? Something that is so hard to come by in this day and age. Somethingonly you will ever be able to claim. To own. To possess.”

He hated being acurious bastard. There was nothing he didn’t knowabout this son of a bitch and yet, here he was, offeringhim something more, and he was interested.

“Go on.”

“You’re going to needto let me go long enough to arrange it.”

Forge thrust himaway from him but didn’t let him go. “This is as far as you’re getting.”

“Fine. Fine.”Peterson looked behind him. His entire body shook as he nodded at one of hismen.

Glancing over theman’s shoulder, he watched as someone entered the car. He heard a muffledscream and in the next minute, a woman was pulled from the car. She wore a robeand someone had tied a piece of rope across her mouth, stopping any sound fromher.

He noticed how blondeher hair was. It was almost white and it looked soft, silken to the touch.Next, her eyes. They were blue, like a clear ocean, only these were swimmingwith tears. She wore no makeup. Tears traced down her cheek and he didn’t knowwhy seeing her scared sent a wave of protective need rushing through him. Hewanted to protect her.

The man restrainingher held her up.

“What is this?” heasked.

“This … is my bastard daughter. No one knows about her but me. This isBeth Peterson. The result of an unfortunate affair with the nanny. As far asanyone is concerned, she works for me. Only those closest to me know who shetruly is.”

“And why would Iwant the offspring you won’t even claim?” Forge asked. “I can get any pussy I want.”

“Exactly. You canhave any. I can have a doctor confirm my daughter is … a virgin. No man hasever touched her and I know, I’ve made sure of it. I knew one day she’d come inuseful and seeing as you’re surrounded by very loose women, I figured somethingtight and hot would do the trick.”

With each wordPeterson spoke, Forge watched the daughter. She hung her head in shame. She didn’tlike her father and what he was doing scared her, but there was something else.She was used to this kind of treatment.

“Open it,”Peterson said.

Without waiting,the guard tore the robe off Beth’s body, showing her to everyone, including hismen.

Forge gritted histeeth as he wanted to bash Peterson’s head in. When she tried to cover herself,the guard held her arms out, stopping her from doing exactly that. He wanted toslam his fist into the bastard’s face but he wasn’tgoing to get the satisfaction. Not today.

Beth’s body wasbeautiful. Curves in all the right places. Heavy tits. Nice roundedhips. The kind designed to lure a man to hold on to. Breeding hips. For amoment, he wondered how she would look with a nice roundedstomach, full of his child.

“And she’s avirgin. No man has ever touched her. If you’d like, I can get this confirmedfor you. You’ll be the first and only man to ever be between her pretty thighs.”

It wasn’t hervirginity he was after, or even her body, even though he intended to have both.What Peterson didn’t realize was that he was about to give away a wealth of knowledge.After this, Forge intended to do whatever it took to bring this bastard to his knees. He didn’t like bullies, or any man whothought they could use power like this to fuck withothers.

She sniffled.

He wanted to protecther.

“And what do youhope to get of this?” Forge asked.

“The debt wipedclean.”

“No,” Forge said.

“Do you have anyidea how much a virgin would gain at an auction?” Peterson asked. “Millions of dollars.”

“I’m taking

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