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move in the text is a valuable one nevertheless, as the threat Q-B3-R3 provokes a weakening pawn move.


12. … P-Kt3

13. KKt-B3 K-Kt2

preventing the entry of the B at R6.


14. B-KKt5 QKt-Q4

15. QR-B1 B-Q2

16. Q-Q2 Kt-Kt1

It should be noted how the weakness at KR3 acts to the detriment of Black’s game. The text move covers the weak square, but at the same time brings the Kt out of play. White in consequence gets the upper-hand on the Queen’s side, and the Knight cannot return in time.


17. BxB QxB

It would be no use taking with the KKt, as the threat Kt-Kt4 and Q-R6 must be guarded against. If the other Kt captures there follows: 18. B-K4, R-Kt1; 19. R-B3 and KR-B1.


18. B-K4 B-Kt4

This drives the Rook to a better square, but already now there is no satisfactory move. It would perhaps have been best to parry the threat of BxKt and R-B7 by playing Q-Q3, although the pawn would have to recapture after 19. BxKt, because of 20. R-B5 and KR-B1. The chance of bearing on the QP through the open file, which was probably Black’s intention all along, would then be lost. After the text move, however, White takes possession of the seventh rank, and Black’s game collapses quickly.


19. KR-K1 Q-Q3

20. BxKt PxB

21. Q-R5 P-QR3

22. Q-B7 QxQ

23. RxQ P-R3

Kt-Kt5 and Kt-K6ch was threatened.


24. RxP QR-B1

25. P-QKt3 R-B7

26. P-QR4 B-K7

27. Kt-R4! P-KR4

The KtP cannot be saved.


28. KKtxP R-K1

29. RxPch Resigns.


GAME No. 43


White: Capablanca. Black: Bernstein.


Queen’s Gambit Declined.


1. P-Q4 P-Q4

2. Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3

3. P-B4 P-K3

4. Kt-B3 QKt-Q2

5. B-Kt5 B-K2

6. P-K3 P-B3

7. B-Q3 PxP

Before initiating this manoeuvre, which aims at the development of the Queen’s wing, Black should castle, as otherwise the King is exposed to dangerous and immediate attacks in the centre.


8. BxBP P-Kt4

9. B-Q3 P-QR3

The system of opening chosen by Black has been tried frequently of late. It seems to be somewhat artificial, as the QB Pawn takes two moves to get to his fourth. On the other hand the pawn formation at QR3, QKt4, and QB4 is attained, whilst it can be prevented in other variations, e.g. 6. … Castles; 7. B-Q3, PxP; 8. BxP, P-QR3; 9 P-QR4.


10. P-K4 P-K4


8 | #R | | #B | #Q | #K | | | #R |


7 | | | | #Kt| #B | #P | #P | #P |


6 | #P | | #P | | | #Kt| | |


5 | | #P | | | #P | | ^B | |


4 | | | | ^P | ^P | | | |


3 | | | ^Kt| ^B | | ^Kt| | |


2 | ^P | ^P | | | | ^P | ^P | ^P |


1 | ^R | | | ^Q | ^K | | | ^R |




Diag. 161

Black’s only plausible move here seems to be P-B4, and many critics have remarked that after 11. P-K5, PxP!; 12. Kt-K4 (if PxKt, PxKt) KtxKt; 13. BxKt, R-QKt1; 14. BxB, QxB; 15. QxP, Q-B4; the game would have been even. However, this is not the case, for on the 15th move White does not capture the pawn with the Q but with the Kt and Black has no satisfactory continuation. If he had castled he could play l5. … B-Kt2 which now is not available because of: 16. Kt-B6, BxKt; 17. BxB, with an overwhelming advantage in position for White. White’s refutation of the text move is above criticism.


11. PxP Kt-Kt5

12. B-KB4 B-B4

If Q-B2, White would play R-B1, after which Black could not recapture the KP yet, as the QBP is en prise. 13. … KKtxP; 14. KtxKt, KtxKt; 15. Kt-Q5, Q-Q3; 16. BxKt, QxB; 19. RxP, etc.


13. Castles Q-B2

14. R-B1 P-B3

Again KtxP is not feasible on account of the loss of the QBP, as can be easily seen.


15. B-Kt3 PxP

Black’s game cannot be saved. If l5. … Kt(Kt5)xKP there follows 16. KtxKt, KtxKt; 17. Kt-Q5, Q-Q3; 18. BxKt, PxB; 19. RxB, or 16. … PxKt; 17. Q-R5ch, P-Kt3, 18. Q-R6.


16. P-Kt4!

Now White initiates a brilliant attack, driving it home without giving Black a moment’s rest. If Black takes the pawn, White plays Kt-Q4, with many threats, e.g. P-B4; 18. Kt-Q5, Q-Q3; 19. Kt-K6, or l7. … Kt(Kt5)-B3; 18. Kt-K6, etc.


16. … B-R2

17. BxKtP

The sacrifice is fairly obvious, as White obtains three pawns for the piece, and moreover drives the King into the field of battle. However, this does not detract from the beauty of the game, which is full of brilliant phases.


17. … RPxB

18. KtxKtP Q-Q1

Or Q-Kt3; 19. Kt-Q6ch, K-K2; 20. Kt-B5ch, followed by Q-Q6.


19. Kt-Q6ch K-B1

20. RxP Kt-Kt3

The threat was: 21. Q-Q5, Kt-R3; 22. KtxB, RxKt; 23. R-Q6, etc. 20. … Kt(Q2)-B3 is of no avail because of 21. Q-Kt3, Kt-R3; 22. KtxP, or 21. … Q-Q2; 22. KR-B1, etc.


21. B-R4 Q-Q2

22. KtxB! QxR

Not RxKt because of 23. QxQ. Now Black is a whole Rook ahead. But it is as much out of play as his Queen’s side pieces. The King is driven into a mating net by the concentration of superior White forces, and only escapes by giving up the extra piece.


23. Q-Q8ch Q-K1

24. B-K7ch K-B2

25. Kt-Q6ch K-Kt3

26. Kt-R4ch K-R4

If K-R3 there follows mate in three by 27. Kt(Q6)-B5ch; 28. Kt-Kt3ch; 29. B-Kt5 mate.


27. KtxQ RxQ

28. KtxPch K-R3

29. Kt(Kt7)-B5ch K-R4

30. P-KR3!

This threatens 31. PxKtch, KxP; 32. P-B3ch, followed by P-Kt3 or Kt4 mate. If Black plays 30. QR-KKt1, White wins as follows: 31. PxKtch, RxP; 32. P-B3, Kt-B1ch; 33. K-R2, KtxB; 34. PxRch, KxP; 35. KtxKt, K x Kt; 36. R-B7. If 30. … Kt-R3; 31. Kt-Kt7 mate.


30. … Kt-B1

31. PxKtch KxP

32. BxR RxB

33. P-Kt3 R-Q7

34. K-Kt2 R-K7

35. P-R4 Kt-Kt3

36. Kt-K3ch K-R4

37. P-R5 Kt-Q2

38. Kt(R4)-B5 Kt-B3

39. P-Kt5 B-Q5

40. K-B3 R-R7

41. P-R6 B-R2

42. R-B1 R-Kt7

43. P-Kt4ch K-Kt4

44. R-B7 RxPch

45. KxR KtxKtPch

46. K-B3 Resigns.



White: Dus Chotimirski. Black: Vidmar.


Queen’s Pawn Game.


1. P-Q4 P-Q4

2. Kt-KB3 P-QB4

3. P-B3 P-K3

4. B-B4

We have seen on page 55 that Black can hardly develop his QB without disadvantage. White, however, has no difficulty in doing so, as his QP is protected, and after Black’s Q-Kt3 he has only to look after his KtP. He could play Q-B1, which might bring the Q into effective action on the diagonal to R6.

The aim of the text move is the early occupation of K5. But, as the present game shows, this cannot be effected. Black must not waste time with Q-Kt3, but play B-Q3 at once.


4. … Kt-QB3

5. P-K3 Kt-B3

6. QKt-Q2 B-Q3

7. B-Kt3 Castles

8. Kt-K5 BxKt!

9. PxB Kt-Q2

Now White has no means of maintaining his centre. Whether he supports the pawn with Kt-B3 or P-KB4, Black forces matters with P-B3.


8 | #R | | #B | #Q | | #R | #K | |


7 | #P | #P | | #Kt| | #P | #P | #P |


6 | | | #Kt| | #P | | | |


5 | | | #P | #P | ^P | | | |


4 | | | | | | | | |


3 | | | ^P | | ^P | | ^B | |


2 | ^P | ^P | | ^Kt| | ^P | ^P | ^P |


1 | ^R | | | ^Q | ^K | ^B | | ^R |




Diag. 162

Now that the idea underlying White’s opening strategy has proved impracticable, he has difficulty in formulating a plan. Making the best of a bad job, he abandons his KP in exchange for Black’s KRP. But Black obtains a powerful pawn centre, a telling advantage.


10. B-Q3 KKtxP

11. BxKt KtxB

12. BxPch KxB

13. Q-R5ch K-Kt1

14. QxKt P-B3

15. Q-R5 Q-Kt3

Black wishes to provoke the advance of the QKtP and QBP in order to obtain a passed pawn (16. P-QKt3, P-K4; 17. Castles KR, Q-R4; 18. P-QB4, P-Q5). In order to avoid this continuation, White takes his chance of castling on the Queen’s side. This turns out to Black’s advantage. Indeed it is a foregone conclusion. In the ensuing double assault by pawns, Black is several moves ahead, as the White pawns concerned in the attack are still on their original squares.


16. Castles QR P-K4

17. P-KKt4 P-Q5

18. P-QB4 B-Q2

19. P-Kt5 PxKtP

20. QxP RxP

21. PxP BPxP!

Finely played. Black gives up his KP in order to get his QR into play with the gain of a move.


22. QxP R-K1

23. Q-Kt3 QR-K7

24. KR-K1

KR-Kt1 would also be of no avail because of Q-KR3, 25. Q-Q3, Q-KB3 threatening B-B4. The move in the text puts an end to the agony.


24. … RxKt!!


For after 25. RxR, RxR; 26. KxR, QxPch; 27. K-Q3, B-B4ch; 28. R-K4, Q-B6ch; 29. K-K2, QxQ; Black remains with an extra piece.


GAME No. 45


White: Rubinstein. Black: Spielmann.


Irregular Opening.


1. P-Q4 P-QB4

With this move Black tries to avoid well-trodden paths of tournament practice. White can, at will, lead into a peaceful Queen’s Gambit by 2. P-K3 or into a Sicilian Defence by P-K4. It is more usual, however, to play P-Q5, which blocks up the Black centre to some extent.

If 2. PxP, Black regains his pawn after P-K3 without any disadvantage.


2. P-Q5 P-Q3

3. P-QB4

Coupled with 4. P-K4, this move is of doubtful value, as Black gains command of White’s Q4. It is advisable to keep the QBP back, thus retaining the option of driving off a hostile piece from Q4 by P-QB3. Moreover, the White KB is hemmed in by the pawn at QB4.


3. … P-KKt3

4. P-K4 B-Kt2

5. B-Q3 P-K3

The development of the KKt is not desirable at B3, where it would block the long diagonal. From K2, however, it commands KB4, where it can take up a strong position after the exchange of pawns in the centre, or else it can support the advance of the KBP.


6. Kt-QB3 Kt-K2

7. KKt-K2

Kt-B3 would have been slightly better, because the Black QKt might play to his K4.


7. … PxP

8. KPxP Kt-Q2

9. P-B4

This move weakens the King’s position, and would be justified only if there was a possibility of opening the file for the Rook by P-B5. But Black has too strong a hold on his KB4. The text move aims at preventing the exchange of White’s KB through Black’s Kt-K4. It would have been better to withdraw the B to B2.


9. … Kt-KB3

10. Kt-Kt3 P-KR4!

Now White cannot enforce P-B5, as Black can attack the Knight by P-R5. White cannot prevent this with P-KR4, as the Black Knight would take up a commanding position at Kt5. Black’s game is superior. He can concentrate all his minor pieces on the King’s wing, while White’s QB is ineffective on account of the ill-considered advance of the KBP.


8 | #R | | #B | #Q | #K | | | #R |


7 |

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