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in the state of Hawaii

  Spanish, Portunol, or Brazilero (Portuguese-Spanish mix on
  the Brazilian frontier)

  Uzbek 74.3%, Russian 14.2%, Tajik 4.4%, other 7.1%

  local languages (more than 100) 72.6%, pidgin (known as
  Bislama or Bichelama) 23.1%, English 1.9%, French 1.4%, other 0.3%,
  unspecified 0.7% (1999 Census)

  Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects

  Vietnamese (official), English (increasingly favored as a
  second language), some French, Chinese, and Khmer; mountain area
  languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)

Virgin Islands
  English 74.7%, Spanish or Spanish Creole 16.8%,
  French or French Creole 6.6%, other 1.9% (2000 census)

Wallis and Futuna
  Wallisian 58.9% (indigenous Polynesian language),
  Futunian 30.1%, French 10.8%, other 0.2% (2003 census)

West Bank
  Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by Israeli settlers and many
  Palestinians), English (widely understood)

Western Sahara
  Hassaniya Arabic, Moroccan Arabic

  Mandarin Chinese 13.22%, Spanish 4.88%, English 4.68%, Arabic
  3.12%, Hindi 2.74%, Portuguese 2.69%, Bengali 2.59%, Russian 2.2%,
  Japanese 1.85%, Standard German 1.44%, French 1.2% (2005 est.)
  note: percents are for "first language" speakers only


  English (official), major vernaculars - Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi,
  Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja, Tonga, and about 70 other indigenous languages

  English (official), Shona, Sindebele (the language of the
  Ndebele, sometimes called Ndebele), numerous but minor tribal

This page was last updated on 18 December 2008


@2100 Legal system

  based on mixed civil and Sharia law; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  the Sovereign Base Area Administration has its own court
  system to deal with civil and criminal matters; laws applicable to
  the Cypriot population are, as far as possible, the same as the laws
  of the Republic of Cyprus

  has a civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction; has accepted jurisdiction of the International
  Criminal Court for its citizens

  socialist, based on French and Islamic law; judicial review
  of legislative acts in ad hoc Constitutional Council composed of
  various public officials, including several Supreme Court justices;
  has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

American Samoa

  based on French and Spanish civil codes; no judicial review
  of legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Portuguese civil law system and customary law;
  modified to accommodate political pluralism and increased use of
  free markets; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law

  Antarctica is administered through meetings of the
  consultative member nations; decisions from these meetings are
  carried out by these member nations (with respect to their own
  nationals and operations) in accordance with their own national
  laws; US law, including certain criminal offenses by or against US
  nationals, such as murder, may apply extraterritorially; some US
  laws directly apply to Antarctica; for example, the Antarctic
  Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. section 2401 et seq., provides civil and
  criminal penalties for the following activities, unless authorized
  by regulation of statute: the taking of native mammals or birds; the
  introduction of nonindigenous plants and animals; entry into
  specially protected areas; the discharge or disposal of pollutants;
  and the importation into the US of certain items from Antarctica;
  violation of the Antarctic Conservation Act carries penalties of up
  to $10,000 in fines and one year in prison; the National Science
  Foundation and Department of Justice share enforcement
  responsibilities; Public Law 95-541, the US Antarctic Conservation
  Act of 1978, as amended in 1996, requires expeditions from the US to
  Antarctica to notify, in advance, the Office of Oceans, Room 5805,
  Department of State, Washington, DC 20520, which reports such plans
  to other nations as required by the Antarctic Treaty; for more
  information, contact Permit Office, Office of Polar Programs,
  National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia 22230; telephone:
  (703) 292-8030, or visit their website at; more
  generally, access to the Antarctic Treaty area, that is to all areas
  between 60 and 90 degrees south latitude, is subject to a number of
  relevant legal instruments and authorization procedures adopted by
  the states party to the Antarctic Treaty

Antigua and Barbuda
  based on English common law

  mixture of US and West European legal systems; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  based on Dutch civil law system, with some English common law

Ashmore and Cartier Islands
  the laws of the Commonwealth of
  Australia and the laws of the Northern Territory of Australia, where
  applicable, apply

  based on English common law; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction, with reservations

  civil law system with Roman law origin; judicial review of
  legislative acts by the Constitutional Court; separate
  administrative and civil/penal supreme courts; accepts compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction

  based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction

Bahamas, The
  based on English common law

  based on Islamic law and English common law; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law; has not accepted compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction

  English common law; no judicial review of legislative acts;
  accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

  based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  based on civil law system influenced by English
  constitutional theory; judicial review of legislative acts; accepts
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

  English law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on French civil law and customary law; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  English law

  based on Indian law and English common law; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Spanish law and Napoleonic Code; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Bosnia and Herzegovina
  based on civil law system; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Roman-Dutch law and local customary law; judicial
  review limited to matters of interpretation; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction, with reservations

Bouvet Island
  the laws of Norway, where applicable, apply

  based on Roman codes; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

British Indian Ocean Territory
  the laws of the UK, where applicable,

British Virgin Islands
  English law

  based on English common law; for Muslims, Islamic Sharia law
  supersedes civil law in a number of areas; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  civil and criminal law based on Roman law; accepts
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations

Burkina Faso
  based on French civil law system and customary law; has
  not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  based on German and Belgian civil codes and customary law;
  has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  primarily a civil law mixture of French-influenced codes
  from the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
  period, royal decrees, and acts of the legislature, with influences
  of customary law and remnants of communist legal theory; increasing
  influence of common law; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with

  based on French civil law system, with common law
  influence; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law, except in Quebec, where civil
  law system based on French law prevails; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction, with reservations

Cape Verde
  based on the legal system of Portugal; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Cayman Islands
  British common law and local statutes

Central African Republic
  based on French law; has not accepted
  compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on French civil law system and Chadian customary law; has
  not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Code of 1857 derived from Spanish law and subsequent
  codes influenced by French and Austrian law; judicial review of
  legislative acts in the Supreme Court; has not accepted compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction; note - in June 2005, Chile completed overhaul of
  its criminal justice system to a new, US-style adversarial system

  based on civil law system; derived from Soviet and continental
  civil code legal principles; legislature retains power to interpret
  statutes; constitution ambiguous on judicial review of legislation;
  has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Christmas Island
  under the authority of the governor general of
  Australia and Australian law

Clipperton Island
  the laws of France, where applicable, apply

Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  based upon the laws of Australia and local

  based on Spanish law; a new criminal code modeled after US
  procedures was enacted into law in 2004 and reached full
  implemention in January 2008; judicial review of executive and
  legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  French and Islamic law in a new consolidated code; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Congo, Democratic Republic of the a new constitution was adopted by referendum 18 December 2005; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

Congo, Republic of the based on French civil law system and customary law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Cook Islands
  based on New Zealand law and English common law

Coral Sea Islands
  the laws of Australia, where applicable, apply

Costa Rica
  based on Spanish civil law system; judicial review of
  legislative acts in the Supreme Court; has accepted compulsory ICJ

Cote d'Ivoire
  based on French civil law system and customary law;
  judicial review in the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court;
  accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

  based on Austro-Hungarian law system with Communist law
  influences; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Spanish civil law and influenced by American legal
  concepts, with large elements of Communist legal theory; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law, with civil law modifications;
  accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

Czech Republic
  civil law system based on Austro-Hungarian codes; has
  not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction; legal code modified to
  bring it in line with Organization on Security and Cooperation in
  Europe (OSCE) obligations and to expunge Marxist-Leninist legal

  civil law system; judicial review of legislative acts;
  accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

  the Sovereign Base Area Administration has its own court
  system to deal with civil and criminal matters; laws applicable to
  the Cypriot population are, as far as possible, the same as the laws
  of the Republic of Cyprus

  based on French civil law system, traditional practices,
  and Islamic law; accepts ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

  based on English common law; accepts ICJ jurisdiction

Dominican Republic
  based on French civil codes; Criminal Procedures
  Code modified in 2004 to include important elements of an accusatory
  system; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  based on Islamic and civil law (particularly Napoleonic
  codes); judicial review by Supreme Court and Council of State
  (oversees validity of administrative decisions); accepts compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction with reservations

El Salvador
  based on civil and Roman law with traces of common law;
  judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Equatorial Guinea
  partly based on Spanish civil law and tribal
  custom; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  primary basis is the Ethiopian legal code of 1957, with
  revisions; new civil, commercial, and penal codes have not yet been
  promulgated; government also issues unilateral proclamations setting
  laws and policies; also relies on customary and
  post-independence-enacted laws and, for civil cases involving
  Muslims, Islamic law; does not accept compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on civil law system; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction with reservations

  based on civil law; currently transitional mix of national
  and regional courts; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

European Union
  comparable to the legal systems of member states;
  first supranational law system

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
  English common law

Faroe Islands
  the laws of Denmark, where applicable, apply

  based on British system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  civil law system based on Swedish law; the president may
  request the Supreme Court to review laws; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction with reservations

  civil law system with indigenous concepts; review of
  administrative but not legislative acts; has not accepted compulsory
  ICJ jurisdiction

French Polynesia
  the laws of France, where applicable, apply

French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  the laws of France, where
  applicable, apply

  based on French civil law system and customary law; judicial
  review of legislative acts in Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme
  Court; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Gambia, The
  based on a composite of English common law, Islamic law,
  and customary law; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with

  based on civil law system; accepts compulsory ICJ

  civil law system with indigenous concepts; judicial review
  of legislative acts in the Federal Constitutional Court; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on English common law and customary law; has not
  accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  the laws of the UK, where applicable, apply

  based on codified Roman law; judiciary divided into civil,
  criminal, and administrative courts; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction with reservations

  the laws of Denmark, where applicable, apply

  based on English common law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ

  modeled on US; US federal laws apply

  civil law system; judicial review of legislative acts; has
  not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  the laws of the UK, where applicable, apply; justice is
  administered by the Royal Court

  based on French civil law system, customary law, and decree;
  accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations

  based on French civil law; accepts compulsory ICJ

  based on English common law with certain admixtures of
  Roman-Dutch law; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

  based on Roman civil law system; accepts compulsory ICJ

Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  the laws of Australia, where
  applicable, apply

Holy See (Vatican City)
  based on Code of Canon Law and revisions to

  rooted in Roman and Spanish civil law with increasing
  influence of English common

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