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Book online «Star Crusades, Michael Thomas [the lemonade war series .TXT] 📗». Author Michael Thomas

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been neither friends nor foes. She hesitated, and then pickedup a spear, attaching it to one of the many mounting points on herarmour. It rose half a metre above her head like a battlestandard.

“Nice,” said Kallias,“Taking that as a trophy, Val?”

“No. It’s a reminder.”

Kallias wasn’t quite sure whatshe meant. He stepped after her andlooked back at the bodies one last time.

“Uh…okay, Val.”

Finally, they pushed out through a gap to steps cut into thediamond rock leading to the valley floor of the trench. Valentinehad assumed they were much further up inside the trench, when infact they were little more than a hundred metres from thesurface.

“That’s our target,” said SergeantJablonsky.

Valentine scanned the area, but all of them could already makeout the broken and wrecked shape of an Alliance Jackal, as well aspart of a Lightning fighter that must have come down nearby. Theplace was clearly artificial and cut into the rock, with metalplates and landing platforms erected, as well as raised controltowers and a multitude of walkways and bridges. It was littledifferent to Alliance shipyards, just so much bigger. As theystudied the area, Lieutenant Fletcher appeared, along with the restof the Platoon. He passed them and stopped at SergeantJablonsky.

“What’s thehold-up, Sergeant?”

He lifted a hand, and then noddedahead.

“I thought I saw something.”

“We don’t have the luxury of time,Sergeant. Get to the landing platforms, and fast.”

Sergeant Jablonsky didn’t seem convinced, but the Lieutenanttook a step forward and then looked back at him.

“Those Skil savages are on the run. Weget down there now and secure the ground, or we lose our chance.Novas are expected to take the hit…so do it.”


He gave thesignal, and as one the unit continuedforward, moving out into the open. It was an uncomfortable descentto the surface and slow going, made much worse by the dangerousdrop far below they did their best to avoid.

“Sergeant. That looks like a spaceport to me,” said Alexis.

“You’re not wrong.And there are core shafts running deep below itinto their underground structures. We take the port, and then themarines join us for the main assault on their…hive.”

“Hive, Sarge?”

He tooka step and slipped, nearly tumbling his way down the side of thetrench wall. Luckily, Hawkins blocked his path and managed to stophim slipping further. They regained their footing while the otherschecked to see if they had been spotted.

“I don’t like this,”said the Sergeant, “Watchfor…”

“Jump!” shouted the Lieutenant.

And then to all their surprise he leapt from his position at theside of the trench and plummeted ten metres, crashing through abridge structure and down to the level below. His legs buckled, andhe rolled to the right from the momentum of the fall and the highergravity.

“You heard the Lieutenant. Get downthere, now!”

Valentine pulled herself back, checking the area first.

Tex, talk to me.

There is nothing goodout there. I suggest you get this over with, and fast.

Valentine shook her head andlaughed as she ran and leapt from the ledge. Her legs kicked outbelow her as if she could walk in thinair. She fell five metres and then managed to strike the edge of awatch platform overlooking one of the landing platforms. Itpartially collapsed and buckled under her impact, but somehowremained upright. More shapes followed as the Novas leapt likelemmings to what appeared to be their doom. Thankfully, their heavyarmour took the brunt of the impact, with just a few sustaininglight damage.

Valentine…I’m detecting heatsources…and they’re moving.

Show me.

Markers appeared beforeValentine’s eyes, and she instantlyreadied for combat. Something moved off to the right, and then twolances from 2ndPlatoon dropped down to the surface and camedown quite close to her own position.

“Sergeant,” she saidcalmly, “I’ve got movement markersdirectly ahead. It’s coming from…”

“From where, Lance Corporal?”

She sent the data to the entireunit, and no sooner had she done that,more and more shapes appeared. Valentine’s body tensed, and thoughit had not yet happened, she knew exactly what was coming. Anothershape blinked red, and the Novas came under fire from enemywarriors hiding in nooks and crevices in the sides of thetrench.

“Move and secure theground. Captain Olik wants us to blastour way inside and to force them back,” said the Lieutenant as fiveseparate lances of Novas fanned out, “So if you find any of them,you know what to do. The further we push them back, the more spacewe bring for the regulars.”

Two of the lancesheaded for the massive landing platforms,tracking back and forth as they looked for their foe. The platformswere substantial, each looking like a massive communications dishbut laid out flat on its metal chassis, while others moved past thestacked storage bins and fuel tanks.

“With me,” said Alexis,“We’re heading right there. The Lieutenant wantsus to secure the tower structure and any attachedpassages.”

The lances of Novas separated as they moved onto the landingplatforms and metal platforms that joined them like bridges. Atarget marker appeared on a pair of large blast doors fitted intothe side of the circular structure almost thirty metres wide. Atower rose upwards into a series of relay dishes, each pointing ina slightly different direction. Tubular shafts ran from the sidesinto the trench wall, though it was impossible to tell what theywere for.

“That must be the wayinside,” said Alexis.

She placed a hand on the side ofthe blast door and looked back to checkon the others. In the distance she could see an entire IAB marineplatoon coming their way, along with Vanguards rushingforward.


Before they could respond, partof the platform split apart directly above them and came crashing down right next to the Lieutenant.Clouds of gas or moisture puffed out, masking the area as hundredsof the enslaved warriors swarmed out and jumped down to attack theconfused Novas. The first of the marines were already nearby andfired into the maelstrom, their powerful rounds hitting friend andfoe alike.

“Light the fires!”Lieutenant Fletcher shouted as the two lancesnearby moved in to surround him, “Leave none alive!”

Valentine took aim with hercannon and fired a single high-powershot. It exploded on impact, scattering molten plasma like a smallatomic blast and throwing down several enemy warriors.

“Ski’ligs!” Kallias shouted.

He aimed his four L48 rifles intothe air as scores of the aerial hunters swarmed in to try andoverrun their position. This time

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