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Book online «The Dream Thief, Kari Kilgore [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Kari Kilgore

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Not nearly as much fun as you seem to think."

"Now that's a real shame. Got something here for you."

He pushed a dark purple envelope across the table. It was addressed to Karl in unfamiliar handwriting. He turned it to face him.

"Where did this come from?"

"The usual place," George said. "I stopped by to check my mail like normal folks do. Noticed this in your slot, something I never see outside of your birthday or major holidays. Those are usually pink, though, the ones from your mother. I figured with all the excitement going on, you might need to see it. Could be months before you remember to check again."

"I'm not sure if I should thank you or not, Georgie."

Karl turned the envelope over, but he found no return address. The seal was dark blue, with no initials or insignia at all. Just a flat circle.

His mother always used gray wax unless she was getting tired of not hearing from Karl. Then it tinted into light green. And Klia Gilmore had never failed to use her elaborate, stylized G seal as far back as Karl could remember.

"Hey, have you heard of anything strange going on this morning?" Karl said. "I know you're not on duty, but sometimes..."

"Maintenance rats have ears everywhere, right?" George drained his cafei and shrugged. "Eh, that's not far from the truth. I heard the ’sters were restless, but only for a little while. They didn't have time to get themselves really worked up. Anything I should be watching out for?"

"I don't know," Karl said. "Maybe. This afternoon might get interesting. I might be taking a little trip sometime over the next week or so. Family trouble up north, you know."

George knew as well as Karl did that both their families had lived in the Gate as far back as anyone could remember. Karl just wanted someone to understand if he did suddenly disappear.

"I'll keep that in mind," George said. "Better grab your food before they close up. I'll be around for the card game in the commons tonight. Come get me if you need help."

"Thanks, Georgie. I owe you one."

George stood when Karl did, a crooked smile on his face.

"More than you could ever repay, buddy. See you later."

When Karl opened the door to his rooms, Loretta was again reading the battered old science fiction book. He tried to hide his smile as he handed her the envelope.

"I think you might have gotten a note."

She frowned before her features shifted into relief when she saw the handwriting.

"This is from Bess," she said. "Sorry I didn't warn you, but she wouldn't have written unless it was urgent."

"Fine by me. Hope you don't mind it being read first. Security never lets anything go in or out of here without helping themselves. They somehow manage to never break the seals."

She shook her head, already focused on reading.

"I've always assumed anything I send or...receive...could be... Bloody Crown."

Karl raised his eyebrows but said nothing. He concentrated on the surprisingly good soup and bread and waited. Loretta folded the letter and handed it to him.

"I'm afraid my timetable has been moved up," she said. "Rhysto has returned, and he's already been to my house."

"Is Bess all right?"

"Bess can take care of herself better than most anyone you'll meet," she said. "Besides me. I told her before I left to let him go on in if he showed up. He'd never be able to find anything of real worth, and he might do himself real damage if he looks very hard."

Karl unfolded the letter.

Dear Karl,

We have unexpected company, and he was asking about you. He's made himself comfortable in your room, and he's really no trouble. He's most eager to see you, though, so I promised I'd send word. Hope to hear from you soon,

Love, Mother

"Care to translate?" he said.

"It's not particularly complicated," Loretta paced around the cramped living room. "Nothing terrible has happened, but if she's hoping to hear from me soon, threats have been made. I need to find a way to deal with him permanently, but right now I need to get to the Northlands."

She tilted her head down and looked at Karl under her eyebrows.

"Forget it, Loretta. Sounds to me like the best thing would be to stay right where you are until things calm down. Even if he could work out where you are, he won't be getting in here. No one's going to let him sneak through the gap like you did."

"Rhysto has never been one for subtlety," she said. "I'm not going to be, either. I need to go, and I need you to go with me, Karl. This is the safest time to be hiring a shaw pilot. We know where he is, so no risk of running into him somewhere in the hinterlands. I do know of a few shaws who would be delighted to take us out right under his nose."

Karl crossed his arms and drummed his fingers against his biceps. Getting even more involved with this business didn't seem like the best career move for him, even if he was interested in the trip and the reasons for it.

"For a price," he said.

Loretta laughed. "Of course, for a price, one I'm quite willing to pay for both of us as far as coin goes. I'll need you to make the arrangements, and I do need your protection. You will be well rewarded. I give you my word."

"I'm not sure any reward is worth digging myself deeper into this mess. As long as you're not able to Build, things stay calmer where it really matters to me."

She joined him at the table, a faint smile on her face. She sampled the soup and bread, nodding in approval before she finally looked up at him.

"You know there's more at stake here," she said. "I'm quite sure I could find whoever I need to speak with to cause you a great deal of trouble. I'm surprised to admit I don't want to

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