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Take time enough; all other graces

Will soon fill up their proper places.

Byrom: Advice to preach slow.

JOHN BUNYAN.  1628-1688.

And so I penned

It down, until at last it came to be,

For length and breadth, the bigness which you see.

Pilgrim's Progress. Apology for his Book.

Some said, "John, print it;" others said, "Not so."

Some said, "It might do good;" others said, "No."

Pilgrim's Progress. Apology for his Book.

  The name of the slough was Despond.

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.

  Every fat must stand upon his bottom.[265:4]

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.

  Dark as pitch.[265:5]

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.

  It beareth the name of Vanity Fair, because the town where 't is kept is lighter than vanity.

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.


  The palace Beautiful.

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.

  They came to the Delectable Mountains.

Pilgrim's Progress. Part i.

Some things are of that nature as to make

One's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache.

Pilgrim's Progress. The Author's Way of sending forth his Second Part of the Pilgrim.

  He that is down needs fear no fall.[266:1]

Pilgrim's Progress. Part ii.


[265:4] Every tub must stand upon its bottom.—Macklin: The Man of the World, act i. sc. 2.

[265:5] Ray: Proverbs. Gay: The Shepherd's Week. Wednesday.

[266:1] See Butler, page 212.


  Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed.

Ancient and Modern Learning.

  No clap of thunder in a fair frosty day could more astonish the world than our declaration of war against Holland in 1672.

Memoirs. Vol. ii. p. 255.

  When all is done, human life is, at the greatest and the best, but like a froward child, that must be played with and humoured a little to keep it quiet till it falls asleep, and then the care is over.

Miscellanea. Part ii. Of Poetry.

JOHN TILLOTSON.  1630-1694.

  If God were not a necessary Being of himself, he might almost seem to be made for the use and benefit of men.[266:2]


[266:2] If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.—Voltaire: A l' Auteur du Livre des trois Imposteurs, épître cxl.


  God sifted a whole nation that he might send choice grain over into this wilderness.[266:3]

Election Sermon at Boston, April 29, 1669.


[266:3] God had sifted three kingdoms to find the wheat for this planting.—Longfellow: Courtship of Miles Standish, iv.


JOHN DRYDEN.  1631-1701.

Above any Greek or Roman name.[267:1]

Upon the Death of Lord Hastings. Line 76.

And threat'ning France, plac'd like a painted Jove,

Kept idle thunder in his lifted hand.

Annus Mirabilis. Stanza 39.

Whate'er he did was done with so much ease,

In him alone 't was natural to please.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 27.

A fiery soul, which, working out its way,

Fretted the pygmy-body to decay,

And o'er-inform'd the tenement of clay.[267:2]

A daring pilot in extremity;

Pleas'd with the danger, when the waves went high

He sought the storms.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 156.

Great wits are sure to madness near allied,

And thin partitions do their bounds divide.[267:3]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 163.

And all to leave what with his toil he won

To that unfeather'd two-legged thing, a son.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 169.

Resolv'd to ruin or to rule the state.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 174.

And heaven had wanted one immortal song.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 197.

But wild Ambition loves to slide, not stand,

And Fortune's ice prefers to Virtue's land.[267:4]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 198.


The people's prayer, the glad diviner's theme,

The young men's vision, and the old men's dream![268:1]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 238.

Behold him setting in his western skies,

The shadows lengthening as the vapours rise.[268:2]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 268.

Than a successive title long and dark,

Drawn from the mouldy rolls of Noah's ark.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 301.

Not only hating David, but the king.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 512.

Who think too little, and who talk too much.[268:3]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 534.

A man so various, that he seem'd to be

Not one, but all mankind's epitome;

Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong,

Was everything by starts, and nothing long;

But in the course of one revolving moon

Was chymist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon.[268:4]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 545.

So over violent, or over civil,

That every man with him was God or Devil.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 557.

His tribe were God Almighty's gentlemen.[268:5]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 645.

Him of the western dome, whose weighty sense

Flows in fit words and heavenly eloquence.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 868.


Beware the fury of a patient man.[269:1]

Absalom and Achitophel. Part i. Line 1005.

Made still a blund'ring kind of melody;

Spurr'd boldly on, and dashed through thick and thin,[269:2]

Through sense and nonsense, never out nor in.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part ii. Line 413.

For every inch that is not fool is rogue.

Absalom and Achitophel. Part ii. Line 463.

Men met each other with erected look,

The steps were higher that they took;

Friends to congratulate their friends made haste,

And long inveterate foes saluted as they pass'd.

Threnodia Augustalis. Line 124.

For truth has such a face and such a mien,

As to be lov'd needs only to be seen.[269:3]

The Hind and the Panther. Part i. Line 33.

And kind as kings upon their coronation day.

The Hind and the Panther. Part i. Line 271.

For those whom God to ruin has design'd,

He fits for fate, and first destroys their mind.[269:4]

The Hind and the Panther. Part iii. Line 2387.

But Shadwell never deviates into sense.

Mac Flecknoe. Line 20.

Our vows are heard betimes! and Heaven takes care

To grant, before we can conclude the prayer:

Preventing angels met it half the way,

And sent us back to praise, who came to pray.[269:5]

Britannia Rediviva. Line 1.


And torture one poor word ten thousand ways.

Britannia Rediviva. Line 208.

Thus all below is strength, and all above is grace.

Epistle to Congreve. Line 19.

Be kind to my remains; and oh defend,

Against your judgment, your departed friend!

Epistle to Congreve. Line 72.

Better to hunt in fields for health unbought

Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.

The wise for cure on exercise depend;

God never made his work for man to mend.

Epistle to John Dryden of Chesterton. Line 92.

Wit will shine

Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line.

To the Memory of Mr. Oldham. Line 15.

So softly death succeeded life in her,

She did but dream of heaven, and she was there.

Eleonora. Line 315.

Since heaven's eternal year is thine.

Elegy on Mrs. Killegrew. Line 15.

O gracious God! how far have we

Profan'd thy heavenly gift of poesy!

Elegy on Mrs. Killegrew. Line 56.

Her wit was more than man, her innocence a child.[270:1]

Elegy on Mrs. Killegrew. Line 70.

He was exhal'd; his great Creator drew

His spirit, as the sun the morning dew.[270:2]

On the Death of a very young Gentleman.

Three poets, in three distant ages born,

Greece, Italy, and England did adorn.

The first in loftiness of thought surpass'd;

The next, in majesty; in both the last.

[271]The force of Nature could no further go;

To make a third, she join'd the former two.[271:1]

Under Mr. Milton's Picture.

From harmony, from heavenly harmony,

This universal frame began:

From harmony to harmony

Through all the compass of the notes it ran,

The diapason closing full in Man.

A Song for St. Cecilia's Day. Line 11.

None but the brave deserves the fair.

Alexander's Feast. Line 15.

With ravish'd ears

The monarch hears;

Assumes the god,

Affects to nod,

And seems to shake the spheres.

Alexander's Feast. Line 37.

Bacchus, ever fair and ever young.

Alexander's Feast. Line 54.

Rich the treasure,

Sweet the pleasure,—

Sweet is pleasure after pain.

Alexander's Feast. Line 58.

Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain;

Fought all his battles o'er again;

And thrice he routed all his foes, and thrice he slew the slain.

Alexander's Feast. Line 66.

Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen,

Fallen from his high estate,

And welt'ring in his blood;

Deserted, at his utmost need,

By those his former bounty fed,

On the bare earth expos'd he lies,

With not a friend to close his eyes.

Alexander's Feast. Line 77.


For pity melts the mind to love.[272:1]

Alexander's Feast. Line 96.

Softly sweet, in Lydian measures,

Soon he sooth'd his soul to pleasures.

War, he sung, is toil and trouble;

Honour but an empty bubble;

Never ending, still beginning,

Fighting still, and still destroying.

If all the world be worth the winning,

Think, oh think it worth enjoying:

Lovely Thais sits beside thee,

Take the good the gods provide thee.

Alexander's Feast. Line 97.

Sigh'd and look'd, and sigh'd again.

Alexander's Feast. Line 120.

And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy.

Alexander's Feast. Line 154.

Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire.

Alexander's Feast. Line 160.

He rais'd a mortal to the skies,

She drew an angel down.

Alexander's Feast. Line 169.

A very merry, dancing, drinking,

Laughing, quaffing, and unthinking time.

The Secular Masque. Line 40.

Fool, not to know that love endures no tie,

And Jove but laughs at lovers' perjury.[272:2]

Palamon and Arcite. Book ii. Line 758.

For Art may err, but Nature cannot miss.

The Cock and the Fox. Line 452.

And that one hunting, which the Devil design'd

For one fair female, lost him half the kind.

Theodore and Honoria. Line 227.

Old as I am, for ladies' love unfit,

The power of beauty I remember yet.

Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 1.


When beauty fires the blood, how love exalts the mind!

Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 41.

He trudg'd along unknowing what he sought,

And whistled as he went, for want of thought.

Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 84.

The fool of nature stood with stupid eyes

And gaping mouth, that testified surprise.

Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 107.

Love taught him shame; and shame, with love at strife,

Soon taught the sweet civilities of life.

Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 133.


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