Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Peter Longerich
Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗». Author Peter Longerich
all Jews registered as unemployed. 124 In Vienna several hundred Jews had been deployed since as early as October in closed columns working apart from other
workers; an extension of this ‘labour deployment’ in Austria—mostly in quarrying
and similar heavy labour—was planned. Entirely in the spirit of the forced labour
that was to come, in October the Reich Labour Exchange had rejected the
suggestion of allowing an autonomous Jewish labour exchange to come into
being. 125
After Goering had stated that he was fundamentally in favour of the establish-
ment of Jewish ‘labour formations’, at the meeting on 16 December Frick an-
nounced that in future all Jews without work and assets were to be deployed in
closed labour columns; those who still lived on their remaining assets, on the other
hand, represented a ‘valuable pawn’ and were not to be subjected to the new
compulsory measures. 126
Through a fundamental order of 20 December by the President of the Reich
Labour Exchange it was finally determined that ‘all unemployed Jews who were fit
for work should be employed at a faster rate’, and that to this end they should be
deployed ‘separately’ in public and private enterprises. 127
The German historian Gruner estimates128 that in May 1939 between 13,500 and 15,000 Jews were employed in the closed labour deployment, primarily for building work and communal work such as garbage removal, street cleaning, and so on.
In practice, however, it became apparent that the deployment possibilities for
Jewish workers in local government work were limited. 129
Given these limited possibilities, national deployment in the construction of
Autobahns and dams assumed growing importance; in the summer of 1939 more
than 20,000 Jews were deployed in such work. 130
In the face of this tendency to ‘erect camps for forced labour’ (Verlagerung), the
obvious idea was to put Jewish workers in barracks in the event of war. On
28 February 1939, under the chairmanship of the Interior Ministry’s ‘Jewish
expert’, Bernhard Lösener, representatives of the OKW, the Security Police, and
the Order Police, as well as the concentration camp inspectorate, met in the Reich
Ministry of the Interior to discuss the question of the ‘services to be performed by
Jews in the event of war’. 131
The immediate reason for this discussion was the planned exclusion of the Jews
from any form of military service. During the meeting it was agreed in principle
that in the event of war the German Jews aged between 18 and 55 should be
‘recorded’, which would involve the introduction of compulsory registration with
the police.
Lösener stated that the Jews should be employed ‘in columns, separate from the
“German-blooded” workers, primarily in road-building and the supply of the
requisite material (quarry work)’. Since ‘the work-related deployment’ of the Jews
Racial Persecution, 1933–1939
was to be seen as ‘a substitute for military service’, their ‘employment and
accommodation must also be tackled in a military form’. This was because ‘The
population would doubtless fail to understand if the Jews were able to pursue
their civilian jobs in war without any significant change in their living conditions,
while the German-blooded compatriots performed their military duties at the
front and at home.’
chapter 6
The Extermination Announcements at the Turn
of the Year 1938–1939
Still under the immediate effect of the eruption of violence of the November
pogrom, towards the end of 1938/beginning of 1939, the declarations of leading
National Socialists and the commentaries of the Nazi press began to resonate with
threats of the ‘extermination’ of the Jews.
Thus an article in the SS journal, Schwarze Korps, of 24 November 1938 stated:
‘Least of all do we want to see these hundreds of thousands of impoverished Jews
as a breeding-ground for Bolshevism and a recruiting base for the political and
criminal subhumanity that, as a result of the selection process, is disintegrating
on the margins of our own nationhood. . . . In the event of such a development,
we would face the harsh necessity of wiping out the Jewish underworld just as we
are used to wiping out criminals in our orderly state: with fire and sword. The
result would be the actual and definitive end of Jewry in Germany, its total
After Goering had, at the meeting of 12 November, described ‘an important
reckoning with the Jews’ as ‘a foregone conclusion’, Hitler was also heard speaking
in similar terms on various occasions. When the South African Defence and
Economics Minister, Oswald Pirow, visited Hitler at the Berghof on 24 November,
Racial Persecution, 1933–1939
to offer him, amongst other things, his services as mediator in an international
solution of the German ‘Jewish question’, he learned from his host that the
‘problem of the Jews’ would ‘be solved in the near future’; this was his ‘unshake-
able will’. It was not only a ‘German, but a European problem’. 1 During the conversation, Hitler moved on to an open threat: ‘What do you think, Mr
Pirow, if I were to take my protecting hand away from the Jews, what would
happen in Germany? The world could not imagine it.’
The minutes of the reception of the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Chvalk-
ovsky by Hitler on 21 January 1939 recorded the following statement by the
‘Führer’: ‘The Jews would be exterminated here. The Jews did not carry out 9
November 1918 in vain, that day would be avenged.’2
In his speech before the Reichstag on the sixth anniversary of the seizure of
power on 30 January 1939, Hitler finally expressed himself in a central, lengthy
passage on the ‘Jewish question’. 3
And there is one thing that I should like to state on this day, memorable perhaps for others as well as us Germans. In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet and was
generally laughed at for it. During my struggle for power it was in the first instance Jewish people who laughed at my prophecies that I would some day assume the leadership of the
state and thereby of the entire nation and then, among many other things, achieve a
solution of the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious but I think that for some
time now the Jews have been laughing on the other side of their faces. Today I will be a
prophet again: if international Jewish financiers within Europe and abroad should succeed once more in plunging the nations into a world war, then the consequence
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