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boys and girls, labored tirelessly for the magicthat was contained within the ore—the magic thatcreated life out of metal!

Two teenage boys, Jonathon and Haley, trudgeddown one of the narrow passages that was lit by a fewiron lanterns placed along the lava rock walls. The boyswere covered from head to toe with oil and dirt andgrime. They grumbled to each other as they both turneda corner and entered a small, low lit room.

Switching off the spotlights that were attached totheir safety work helmets, they plopped themselvesdown at wooden table. Removing their helmets, theyresumed their discussion of what another worker hadsaid only moments earlier, behind Haley’s back. Theworker had mentioned how Haley and Jonathon wouldalways have the curse of the witch upon them.

It had been on their previous adventure, yearsbefore; one that had earned the boys both a bit of illreceived fame—and it was something they had wishedcould have been erased forever from the minds of thevillagers in the land.

The adventure itself had placed them under thepossession of two ghosts, and under the control of thevengeful witch-lady. The witch had seduced them intoplacing her dark sleep spell, in the form of a pumpkin,into the mines of volcanic mountains. Thus, the Landof Iron and Anvil was brought to ruin, along with all therobot-droids.

Ever since then, the two boys had been lookedupon as somewhat cursed, and were deemed as a bitoutcast amongst most of the villagers. But they madethe best of it by working hard in the mines; helping todrill the ore, and even repair machinery around theland. They were always eager to have their taintedimage erased, despite the fact that they had been underthe witch’s control.

Jonathon was now trying to calm Haley, tellinghim to just let it go.

Haley breathed in a sigh of relief as he slouchedback in his chair. “Alright, I’ll let it slide,” the youngerof the two boys said. “But the next time that guy spoutshis mouth off, then I’m putting on the gloves and we’llgo at it for a few rounds in the ring!”

Jonathon just shook his head, smirking. “Okay,sounds good, but I get front row seats!”

“You got it!” Haley replied, the both of themlaughing hard.

“Hey—how long until Tabitha gets to begin workon a robot-droid of her own, ya think?” Haley asked. “Imean, she’s put in so much time as it is down here inthe mines, you’d think your pop would let her beginconstruction on one by now.”

Jonathon swiped at his brow, smearing a greasemark across his forehead. “Not sure—pretty soon, I’dthink…” He lowered his eyes in thought for a moment,and then leaned back in his chair, running his handsthrough his wavy, greasy, black hair.

“You know…Sonny isn’t too bad of a dad,” hecontinued. “I mean, he ain’t too strict about stuff. Eventhough he’s my step dad, he still has rules and guidelines like any other dad probably should.”

Since the boys return from their “escapade” intothe wilds, they both had taken up learning the trade ofblacksmithing, as well as working deep below in themountains of the volcanic iron mines. Jonathon, whohad been an orphan, was soon adopted by Sonny andKelsey, both of which had been orphaned childrenthemselves. Haley, who was good friends with bothJonathon and Tabitha, had an uncle that occasionallyvolunteered in the mines after having officially retiredfrom them years before. And Tabitha, who also workedin the mines, had recently started learning the old waysof sorcery and magic—many of the villagers felt shehad it in her to be a powerful sorceress one day, andwould be able to use her magic to bring good fortune tothe land.

Haley stood up and went over to an iron bin tofill his canteen with water. “That’s cool; I just wascurious, is all.” He took a swig of the water. “I mean,dang—I am just really glad that we’re almost finishedwith our own robots! Pretty soon we’ll be the talk ofthe land for that! Then we’ll not be scowled upon liketwo bad omens anymore!”

Jonathon grinned, which was followed by a bigyawn. “Don’t worry, kid,” he said, rubbing at his eyes.“No one except us, and the others that were with us,knew what the heck really went on out there in thewilds with that witch anyhow…”

Suddenly a violent jolt shook the ground and thewalls, knocking Haley to the floor and Jonathon off hischair. The iron lantern lights in the room flickered inspasms as dust and rock fell all about.

Both boys remained still, paralyzed with fear.

Just then, Tabitha came barreling into the room;her face was glistening with sweat and her big blue eyeswere filled with fear.

“Oh, thank the spirits—you’re both here!” Shecried, running over to Haley, and helping him up on hisfeet. She darted her eyes over to Jonathon. “Somethinghas crashed upon the mountains! We need to move outof the mines—fast!”

Jonathon moved over to the entrance to the roomand peered out into the passage. Rolling black cloudsof dust and dirt were heading down the passageway,and towards the room.

“Let’s go!” he hollered to the others. “Thetunnels—they’re collapsing! We’ll make for the oldmine shaft and hope we can escape through there!”

The others quickly nodded in agreement—theyrecalled the old mine shaft that all three of them hadspent time playing around in when they were little.

Haley grabbed their helmets from the table as heand Tabitha made for the passageway.

A billowing cloud of mine debris was hurlingtowards the three teens, threatening to overtake them asthey hurried along the dimly-lit passageway; they couldfeel the ground as it rumbled under their feet.

They zipped around a corner and into anotherquaking passageway, just as the iron lanterns on thewalls went dead. Pausing for a brief second, theyflicked on the spotlights of their safety helmets.

After a few more twists and turns through thepassages of the mines, the three finally stood before anold and narrow elevator shaft that had been set inside awall. Sliding open the elevator’s iron door, Jonathonquickly climbed inside, followed by the others. Theythen braced themselves within the box-like elevator asanother rumble shook the mines.

Jonathon quickly located the cable that wouldlower them

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