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Pabst, G. W., 169–170

Palestine, 166, 181–182

Pangborn, Franklin, 177

Papus, 132

Paradise America (Paradies Amerika, Kisch), 10, 88

Paramount, 17, 157, 159

Parker, Mary, 183

Parry, Lee, 187

The Path of Thomas Truck (Holländer), 142

Pat und Patachon. See Ole and Axel

Paulig, Albert, 189, 191

Paulsen, Harald, 181

“Paul Whiteman, His Mustache, the Cobenzl, and the Taverns” (Wilder), 111–114

Penkdert, Leo, 172

People on Sunday (Menschen am Sonntag, 1930), 9, 12, 21, 83–86, 96; film scenes, 12–13, 15, 16; poster for, 86; premiere of, 86; ticket for, 83

Perella, Harry, 117

personal essays. See cultural essays

personal objectivity, concept of, 54–56

Petrovna, Nina, 81

photographing people, 72–73

Picha, Hermann, 190

Piel, Harry, 189

pilots, 21, 76–78

Pinajeff, Elisabeth, 186

Pinschewer, Julius, 182

Pitschau, Werner, 169

plants and flowers, 68–69

Pointner, Anton, 172

“A Poker Artist” (Wilder), 96, 152–156

Polgar, Alfred, 5

police officers, 178–179

Polo, Eddie, 12

Pommer, Erich, 151

Porten, Henny, 165, 186

portraits of people. See interviews

prairie films, 188–189

Prater, Vienna, 107–109, 150, 154

Prevost, Marie, 176–177

Primus Palace Theater, 168, 178, 183, 190

Prince of Wales (Edward VIII), 7, 100–103, 121–124, 159

Der Prinz von Wales geht auf Urlaub (Siebenhaar), 18

“Promenaden-Café” (Wilder), 42

Psilander, Waldemar, 99

publishing and literature, 87–90

Queen Kelly (1929), 14–15, 151

Der Querschnitt magazine, 10, 14, 19, 90, 93, 148, 152, 156

The Racing Reporter (Der rasende Reporter, Wilder), 9, 10

Radio Magic (Funkzauber, 1927), 172

Raff, Friedrich, 186

Raimund Theater, 97

Rainer, Louis, 5

Randolf, Rolf, 170, 188

Rasp, Fritz, 170, 175

Rauch, Franz, 190

real-life experiences, influence of, 3–4

Reicher, Emanuel, 143

Reinhardt, Max, 4, 5, 96, 113, 143

Reiniger, Lotte, 165, 182

“Renovation: An Ode to the Coffeehouse” (Wilder), 63–65

reportage. See cultural essays

“Rhapsody in Blue” (Whiteman), 8, 117

Richter, Auguste, 140–141

Rilla, Walter, 178

rivals, 170, 177

robbers and swindlers, 181, 188–189

Roberts (dancer), 25–29, 32, 34, 36

Robinson, Armin, 112

Rockefeller, John D., III, 152

romance and love stories, 99, 171, 173–175, 190

Romance play (1913), 99

Romanisches Café, 9, 11, 27

“The Rose of Jericho” (Wilder), 68–69

Rosson, Arthur, 165, 188

Roth, Joseph, 5

A Royal Scandal (1945), 172

Rückert, Ernst, 184

ruses, 50–52

Russia: film style in, 150–151; operas from, 137–139

Rustle of Spring—Tears I Shed for You (Frühlingsrauschen-Tränen, die ich dir geweint, 1929), 186

Sacher Hotel, Vienna, 108, 155

sailors, 175

Sandberg, A. W., 178

The Scala entertainment center, 124–126

Schappel, Luise, 96, 145–148

Schauburg theater, 176, 177

Schaufuss, Hans Hermann, 181, 190

Schermann, Rafael, 156

Schlenther, Paul, 144

Schlettow, A. H., 173

Schmidt, Lothar, 143

Schnitzler, Arthur, 7

Scholz, Robert, 170–171

Schüfftan, Eugen, 82, 84

Schulz, Fritz, 183

Schwertführer, Artur von, 185

Seeler, Moriz, 80, 82, 84, 187

Seidl, Claudius, 17

Shearer, Norma, 165, 167, 168

Sheldon, Edward, 99

The Ship of Lost Men (Schiff der verlorenen Menschen, 1929), 185–186

Siebenhaar, Klaus, 18

Sikov, Ed, 1, 17

silent era films, 14–15, 165, 185–187

silhouette sound films, 182–183

Sills, Milton, 177

Siodmak, Robert, 82, 84, 187

smells and fragrances, 65–68

social dancers. See dancing

soldiers, 177–179

Some Like It Hot (1959), 14

sound films, 179–180; first sound films, 179, 180; Menjou as director for, 159–160; silhouette films, 182–183; technical difficulties producing, 180, 183; Tri-Ergon system for, 165, 179–181, 182, 183; Ufa Program vs., 187

Specht, Gustav, 185

Speerger, J. W., 188

Spira, Camilla, 190

Splettstösser, Erwin, 84

Sprengbagger 1010 (1929), 185

Springtime in Palestine (Frühling in Palästina / Aviv be’Erez Israel, 1928), 166, 181–182

St. Pauli, Hamburg, 175

Staaken, Berlin, 173, 185, 186

Stahl-Nachbaur, Ernst, 186

Stanislavski, Konstantin, 98, 99

state power, 178–179

Stein, Paul Ludwig, 173

Stobrava, Ilse, 185

Strauss, Richard, 7, 106

Strindberg, August, 99

Stroheim, Erich von. See von Stroheim, Erich (“Von”)

“Stroheim, the Man We Love to Hate” (Wilder), 148–152

Stuart, Henry, 170–171

Die Stunde: cultural essays in, 42, 46; interviews in, 7, 8, 104, 107, 111, 114, 117; visiting card of Wilder in, 6, 6; Wilder’s early writing for, 7–8, 19

suicide, 87, 142

Summer 29 (1929), 187

Sunset Boulevard (1950), 15, 18

supernatural powers, 131–134

Susie Cleans Up (Susanne macht Ordnung, 1930), 190–191

Swanson, Gloria, 14–15, 151

Szakall, Szöke, 191

talking pictures. See sound films

Tel Aviv, Israel, 181

Tempelhof airfield, 76–78

Tempest in the West (Holländer), 142

Tempo, 11–12, 19, 82, 161, 164

“Ten Minutes with Chaliapin” (Wilder), 137–139

tennis, 139–140

Terra-Glashaus, 178, 185

That’s Exactly How Things Are (film), 81–82

“That’s Some Cold Weather—in Venice!” (Wilder), 43–46

Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, 181

theater critics, 143–145

theater reviews, overview of, 165–166. See also specific plays

Thérèse Raquin (1928), 173

“The Tiller Girls Boarding School at the Prater” (Wilder), 107–109

Thiele, Eugen, 191

thirst vs. hunger, 78–80

“This Is Where Christopher Columbus Came into the Old World” (Wilder), 47–49

The Threepenny Opera, 165–166, 181

Tiller, John and Lawrence, 107

Tiller Girls, 14, 95, 105–107; personality traits of, 108; in Vienna, 7, 104, 105–109; Wilder’s early accounts of, 7, 12–13, 14, 95

“The Tiller Girls Are Here!” (Wilder), 105–107

Travel Adventure in Two Parts of the World, 187

travel essays: Berlin, 21, 74–75; Genoa, 47–49; German commercial air travel, 21, 76–78; Monte Carlo, 90–93; New York City, 60–62; Prince of Wales’ vacation, 121–124; Venice, 43–46. See also cultural essays

The Trial of Donald Westhof (Der Kampf des Donald Westhofs, 1927), 170

Tri-Ergon system, 165, 179–181, 182, 183

Trotsky, Leon, 89

Truck, Thomas, 142

Twain, Mark, 8–9, 137

UFA Palace am Zoo, 150, 189

UFA Pavilion, 188

Ufa Program, 187

Ufa Theater, 83, 86

Ullstein publishing house, 11, 19

Ulmer, Edgar, 82, 84, 187

Universal, 12, 150, 160. See also Laemmle, Carl

Urgiss, Julius, 186

vacations. See travel essays

Valetti, Rosa, 166, 181

The Valley of the Giants (1927), 177

Van Aalten, Truus, 191

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, IV, 7, 95, 110–121, 152

van Druten, John, 166, 184

Variety (Varieté, 1925), 99

Vegesack, Siegfried von, 88

Venice, Italy, 43–46

Verlag, Boheme, 112

Vespermann, Kurt, 180, 184

Vienna: coffeehouses in, 4, 42, 63–65; favorite spots in, 42, 108, 114; Girardi in, 110–111; movie houses in, 3; Prater in, 107–109, 150, 154; Sacher Hotel in, 108, 155; Tiller Girls in, 7, 12–13, 14, 95, 104, 105–109; Whiteman’s arrival in, 111–114; Wilder’s childhood and early career in, 2–8

Viennese composers, 114

violin virtuosos, 93

visiting card of Wilder, 6, 6

Vogt, Karl de, 170–171

von Stroheim, Erich (“Von”), 148–152; Blind Husbands (1919), 150; demise of, 151–152; The Devil’s Pass Key (1920), 150; early films of, 150; first major success of, 151; Greed (1924), 150, 165, 176; Hearts of the World (1918), 149; in Hollywood and USA, 149–150; Merry-Go-Round (1923), 150; The Merry Widow (1925), 151; Old Heidelberg (1915), 149; personality and quirks of, 148–149; Queen Kelly (1929), 14–15, 151; The Wedding March (1928), 151

Wagner, Elsa, 52, 186, 191

Wagner, Fritz Arno, 170

“Waiter, A Dancer, Please!” (Wilder), 23–41

Waldemar, Richard, 175

Waltershausen, Wolfgang von, 13, 16, 84

“Wanted: Perfect Optimist” (Wilder), 60–62

Waschnek, Erich, 175

We and Humanity (Klaar), 144–145

weather, 43–46, 56–58, 78–80

The Wedding March (1928), 151

Weill, Kurt, 166, 181

Weimar-era writing. See Berlin

Weisse, Hanni, 170–171

Wendhausen, Fritz, 170

Wettach, Karl, 135–136

What a Woman Dreams in Spring (Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt, 1929), 183–184

“When It’s Eighty-four Degrees” (Wilder), 56–58

Whiteman, Paul: in Berlin, 95,

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