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Uté to court were on their way:
And thus a hearty welcome at Passau soon had they.


The Bishop Pilgrin, uncle of these high rulers three,
Was in his heart well-pleaséd his sister’s sons to see,
With such a host of warriors, thus come to his domain.
That he meant well unto them, was very quickly plain.


Right gladly were they welcomed by friends upon the way;
But since there was at Passau no room for them to stay,
They needs must cross the water, where open field they found;
There tents and wooden cabins they set up on the ground.


There must they stay and rest them for space of one whole day
And eke the night that follow’d. How fairly served were they!
To Rüdeger’s dominions thence had they to ride on.
To him the tidings also were very quickly known.


When now the wayworn riders had taken needful rest,
And nearer were approaching the country of their quest,
They found upon the marches a knight who sleeping lay,
From whom Hagen of Tronjé a stout sword took away.


Ay, Eckewart the name was of that same warrior good;
Much grief had he thereover, and sorry was his mood
That he had lost the weapon through heroes passing there.
Ill-watch’d found they the borders of margrave Rüdeger.


“Woe’s me for this dishonour,” thereon said Eckewart,
“This journey of Burgundians I rue with all my heart.
Since ever I lost Siegfried, my luck hath all been gone.
Alack, the day, Lord Rüdeger, what ill to thee I’ve done!”


Now Hagen heard right plainly the noble warrior’s woe.
His sword again he gave him and six red armlets, too.
“Take these as pledge, O hero, that thou my friend wilt be;
Good knight thou art, though lonely thou sleptst upon the lea.”


“God for thy rings requite thee,” said Eckewart thereto;
“Thy journey into Hunsland yet sorely do I rue.
Thou took’st the life of Siegfried; here art thou held in hate.
To guard thyself be careful: in good faith rede I that.”


“Now God alone must keep us!” Hagen for answer gave.
“In truth no greater trouble these warriors now have
Than that, for kings and liegemen, on lodgings we may light,
Where we in this same country may lay our heads to-night.


“The horses have been ruin’d by roads so far about;”
Thus spake the warrior Hagen, “our stores are all run out;
None can be had for money; a worthy host we need,
Who ere this day is ended will kindly give us bread.”


Spake Eckewart in answer: “A host to you I’ll show:
And such a one ne’er bade you into his house to go,
In any land whatever, as ye may meet with here
If ye, good thanes are willing to visit Rüdeger.


“He dwells hard by the highway: of hosts he is the best
That ever had a rooftree. His heart is aye possest
Of kindness, as of flowers are meadows in sweet May;
If he can succour heroes, glad will he be the day.”


“Wilt thou then,” said King Gunther, “be now my messenger,
And see if for my pleasure, my kind friend Rüdeger
Shelter unto my kinsfolk and all our men will give?
So will I do my utmost to serve him while I live.”


“I’ll gladly be the envoy,” then answer’d Eckewart.
With right good will so did he upon the errand start.
To Rüdeger declared he what he was bade to say,
Who no such joyful tidings had heard for many a day.


Folk saw to Bechelaren a knight ride hastily.
Him Rüdeger himself saw: “On yonder road,” said he,
“Comes Eckewart fast riding, of Kriemhild’s lieges one.”
He fancied that the foemen some harm to him had done.


Then went he to the gateway where he the envoy found
Who laid aside his weapon from off his belt unbound.
The message that he carried he sought not to withhold
From host and friends about him; but straight his story told.


Unto the margrave spake he: “I come at the command
Of Gunther, king and ruler of the Burgundian land,
And Giselher his brother, and likewise Gernot, too;
Each of these warriors sendeth his greeting unto you.


“The like doth also Hagen, as Volker doth as well,
With true and ready service. And more I have to tell:
That⁠—as the royal marshal sends word to you by me⁠—
The good men much are needing your hospitality.”


With smiling lips unto him made Rüdeger reply:
“Glad am I at your tidings, that kings so great and high
Deign to bespeak my service: they shall not be denied.
If they will cross my threshold ’twill give me joy and pride.”


“Dankwart the marshal likewise begs you by me to tell
If you can furnish house-room for all the rest as well:
For sixty valiant warriors, a thousand knights right good,
And men-at-arms nine thousand?” Then joyful was his mood.


“Now be these guests right welcome,” made answer Rüdeger,
“And all these noble warriors, unto my dwelling here;
To them, as yet, at no time have I a service done.
So ride to meet them, kinsmen and lieges everyone.”


Then quickly to their horses hurried each squire and knight.
Whate’er their master bade them to all of them seem’d right;
And they in service hasted the readier for that.
Naught wist yet dame Gotlinda, who in her chamber sat.

Adventure XXVII How They Came to Bechelaren


Away then went the margrave to where the ladies were,
His wife and eke their daughter;⁠— to them the tidings fair
That had but now been brought him he told right speedily:
That soon their lady’s brothers beneath their roof would be.


“My own and well-lov’d sweetheart,” so Rüdeger then spake,
“These noble kings and mighty we must right welcome make,
Since they and all their followers are on their way to court.
And Hagen, Gunther’s liegeman, thou must greet in good sort.


“With him there comes another, by name one Dankwart hight;
And yet a third call’d Volker, a well-bred, courtly knight.
These six must thou, Gotlinda, and thou, my daughter, kiss,
And let not any warrior a fitting welcome miss.


This promised both the ladies and did themselves prepare,
And sought from out their coffers for raiment rich to wear,
That they to meet the warriors in fit attire might go.
Amidst the comely damsels there was a great to-do.


Of painted women’s faces one found there few enough.
They wore upon their foreheads bright bands of golden stuff,
Like costly chaplets fashion’d, that thus their lovely hair
The wind should not dishevel: ’tis truth that I declare.


Now let us leave the ladies in all this business.
Across the open country all eager was the press
Of Rüdeger’s retainers to where the princes stay’d;
Within the margrave’s county right welcome were they made.


As soon as towards him coming the margrave them espied,
How Rüdeger the valiant in words of gladness cried:
“Be ye, my lords, right welcome, and likewise all your men;
How glad am I to see you here in my own domain!”


In trust, with no misliking, the warriors to him bow’d;

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