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Book online «Loonatics Undressed, Kyell Gold [great books for teens .txt] 📗». Author Kyell Gold

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On his way back from the adjoining room, he noticed that the balcony door was open. The roadrunner must have flown away somewhere.

“Well, that’s just great.” He stood and stared at the open door, and then walked out to the balcony to see if he could figure out where Rev had gone. Of course, he had a locator on all the Loonatics in his system, but he didn’t feel like using that. It felt too much like spying, and if Rev didn’t want to hang around with him, then he didn’t want to be some kind of creepy stalker teammate. It was just frustrating, was all.

He walked back in and saw the row of red lights blinking on his console before he remembered that he’d forgotten to turn on the monitoring in the danger room. “Dammit!” he cursed, running over to hit the right switches. Duck had been teleporting already, but he thought he would still have enough data. “Hey, Duck,” he called through the danger room speakers, “just add a few minutes of teleporting to the end of the other stuff I told you, okay?”

“Roger.” For once, Duck replied without sarcasm or annoyance. Must be tired from all the teleporting.

Normally, Tech loved nothing more than to watch data roll in, but the numbers flashed meaninglessly across his screen as he stared through them, getting more and more depressed. Surely Rev couldn’t have thought that he didn’t want to be alone, that he’d wanted to keep Duck here? He’d made those comments, had leapt at the idea of the danger room, had gotten them twenty-five minutes alone, which should be plenty, and…

He heard the flutter of wings, and felt the air shift behind him. A hand reached under his tail to goose him, and a familiar voice said, “Beep beep.”

He jumped and turned, and saw Rev grinning at him a few feet away. “Hey,” he said, unable to suppress his own grin. “Cameras are still on.”

“Well lights out time I’d say then huh whaddya say pal?” Rev cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, and Tech swiped at the camera panel and felt the wild surge of his magnetism pull against more things than he intended, plunging the entire room into darkness except for the blinking red glows of the instrument panel and readout.

“Sorry,” he said, reaching out toward the roadrunner-shaped shadow beside the panel. His fingers closed around feathers, and he felt the brush of a beak near his ear, and heard a low chuckle.

“Not quite what I had in mind but it’ll do here open up.”

“Huh?” he said, as a rich, sweet aroma filled his nostrils. He opened his mouth and two fingers gently placed a small square on his tongue. “Mmm? Mmm.”

Beside his ear, the sound of Rev chewing. “Lemon raspberry that’s your favorite right mine’s caramel I got a little bored and just ran out to get a couple things cause I was feeling a little hungry and there’s this little snack shop with great candies and it’s only a few hundred miles away so I thought what the heck—”

Tech savored the lemon raspberry candy, the smooth, delicious flavor almost as delightful as the fact that Rev had remembered. He turned during the roadrunner’s speech and grabbed the back of Rev’s feathered head, impulsively pressing his muzzle to the bird’s beak.

Rev stiffened in surprise and then returned the kiss. His beak wasn’t as hard as Tech would have thought; it had some pliability to it, enough to meet his muzzle. He tasted sweet and sticky over his sharp, arid scent, and pressed himself up against Tech, wrapping his slender arms around the coyote’s body and pushing his hip into Tech’s already-hard sheath.

Tech could wrap his whole arm around the roadrunner and still place his paw on his own side, and he did, holding the bird against him tightly. He felt feathery hands sliding along the lycra of his uniform and then down to his belt, and he chuckled as fingers slipped through to his fur, breaking the kiss to whisper into the dark, “So you do like me.”

“Sure Tech why would you think I didn’t after last time?” The whisper came back to him as Rev lifted his shirt and pushed through the fur on his back.

“I guess I was just eager to get together again.” He squirmed as Rev’s hands lifted his shirt further, and moved to the roadrunner’s belt, wedging his paw down between them and unfastening the clasp. He could feel Rev’s hardness matching his own now, hot even through the uniforms, and though he’d intended just to brush the roadrunner’s soft feathers, his paw moved downward as of its own volition, inside the pants, brushing fur along the taut length.

Rev sucked in his breath. “Yeah I see that now or feel it rather you are really hot…” He trailed off in a soft chirp as Tech gave him a squeeze, fingers tight around the long shaft.

“Quiet,” Tech whispered with a grin, “or I’ll have to find something to stuff in that beak.”

“Aw Tech you don’t have to find something for me I think I got a pretty good idea where to go look.” Delicate fingers brushed around his hips and lowered his pants, and caught his erection before it had a chance to spring free. He shivered at the soft touch and felt the ruffle of Rev’s feathers move as he exhaled.

“Yeah, you do,” he said.

Rev’s topknot, even more red in the instrument lights, swayed gently. “You really want that cause it freaks some guys out but I promise it won’t hurt I had a little practice.”

It took Tech a minute to drag his mind back from the beautiful tickling going on up and down his shaft to focus on what Rev was saying. “Uh, well, I was kinda just kidding, but… um…” The thought was turning him on, no question. “Yeah. Sure.”

The roadrunner brushed his beak against Tech’s muzzle. “No sweat.”

He dropped to his knees and pushed the coyote back against

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