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Book online «Have You Read the Manual, Dale Sale [fb2 epub reader .txt] 📗». Author Dale Sale

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in, “Enemy converging on my position, initiating no-capture protocol. See you in Valhalla brothers.”

APC-1, Baby, chimed in, “Enemy converging on me as well. See you in Valhalla brothers.”

A lump swelled up in Gus’ throat as he saw two small explosions rise, followed by a large one on the pursuing column.

See you in Valhalla brothers.

Gus waved as Commander Grey and his Special Operations formation flew past him on the way to the scene. “Nice of you fellas to finally show up. Think I’ll head to the barn and finish my delivery. You professionals can handle this.”


Assault Dropship 367 glistened wet in the hot sun on the tarmac of Kragus Base. Gus tossed his sponge into a bucket of soapy water and stood back to admire her. He scooped an icy can from another bucket. She had a few more scratches and dings after the day’s events, but she looked perfect to him.

Gus patted the fuselage and raised the beer in salute, “Annie, you are looking good again, Gusty Joe always keep his promises to the ladies,”

Annie D replied through an external speaker, “Thanks Gus, I will fly with you anytime.”

Gus paused, “World’s a funny place, maybe we will old girl.”

CWO3 Marine Gunner Nan Stanski and 2nd Lieutenant Hanlon walked up into the wing’s shade.

Stanski spoke in her thick accent first, hands on hips, looking at the ship, “Bosun I don’t know who is luckier son-of-bitch? You for pulling that off, or me, for watching you do it.”

“Gunner, that wasn’t luck, that was skill,” Gus said. They all knew that was a lie. Gus tossed them each a can from an icy bucket.

Hanlon popped his beer, “Rumor mill says you’re gonna get the Navy Cross. We just heard that not only did you save the Ambassador’s family, old man Limnos himself was in the enemy column that got toasted. I don’t get it Bosun, why did you do it? You were on a delivery run in an antiquated dropship. No weapons, no backup, superior foe. Why all the effort?”

Gus patted the ship and said around a swallow, “Don’t pay him any attention, Annie D, obviously not superior to you.”

“Thank you, Sir,” the ship replied.

Nan broke in, “That’s just how Gus is wired, kid.”

“Well, Butter Bar,” Gus waved the beer, “The manual says I shoulda just provided intel and vectored in the response force. Manuals are sometimes wrong.”

“Johansson!” a bellow sounded over the tarmac as the trio turned. “What the Hell were you doing today?” Commander Harrison “Hazy” Grey was stalking toward them. Steam was practically blowing out of his ears. “You disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer.”

Gus thought, Superior is once again debatable. When is this asshole gonna be out of my life?

Gunner Stanski and 2nd Lt Hanlon moved slightly to the side.

Grey said, “This is the last time you are going to fuck up my plans.”

Gus thought, Somehow, I seriously doubt that. “Now Commander, I don’t see what you’re so steamed about? Didn’t everything work out for the best today?” Gus tried to soothe the situation.

Gunner Stanski said, “Sir, if it wasn’t for Bosun Johansson, the Ambassador’s wife and child would have been taken hostage and my Marines slaughtered,” Unless that was your plan all along? I never trusted this weasel.

“You stay out of this Stanski! This is between me and Johansson.” Grey began to circle the Warrant.

“Commander, calm down, you’re gonna give yourself a stroke, by the way how’s your sister?” Gus asked.

“Why, you dirty Bastard!” Grey lunged at Gus with a flailing right hook.

Gus danced a quick sidestep, grabbed the wild punch, and pulled the enraged man off balance. Grey’s foot planted in the soap bucket and he pitched forward onto the pavement as the bucket poured over him.

Gunner Stanski smiled, “Looks like you need to cool off Commander.”

The 2nd Lt. giggled, barely holding himself together. He balanced between helping the humiliated Grey and laughing himself shitless.

Gus threw Harrison a towel, “Well, Hazy, I’d love to stand around and chat, but I’ve got to get cleaned up. Nan and I got a personal invite from our new best friend the Ambassador for drinks at the Flag Quarters. See ya around the system.”

A dripping Grey threatened as Gus turned away, “Laugh now asshole, but Orr Limnos knows who you are, and blames you for his father’s death. You are now his personal project.”

Gus turned to Nan Stanski as the pair headed toward the hangar, “Hey Nan, maybe I should read the etiquette manual before I head over. What da ya think?”


“THIS DAY IS totally fucked!” Chief Warrant Bosun Guster Johansson swore to himself as he put his Anvil class assault dropship into a steep dive.

The controls were glitchy, and they bucked wildly when he hit the towering thunderhead over the extraction zone.

“Warning, external environmental conditions are exceeding operational parameters. Initiating pilot restrictions,” a calm feminine voice sounded in his ear.

Gus shouted, “Annie, override all operational restrictions. Command code Gusty Joe.”

“Operational restrictions removed. Command code override logged.”

A panicked voice sounded over the comms, “Joe, you coming? We are getting our ass handed to us down here! Too much lightening to move, pinned down. The whole landing is FUBAR.”

Gus said, “Hang on, Marine! I’m dropping in hot. I’ll have you back to base in time for evening milk and cookies.”

The storm had appeared out of nowhere just after the patrol dropped. The ship they landed in was out of commission from a direct lightning strike. “I want you moving when I hit the LZ. No time for souvenirs.”

“Rodger that, just open the door and keep the engines running,” the comms rang out.

Sweat poured off Gus’s forehead as he fought for control. His haptic feedback gloves were slipping despite a

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