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lit an intersection of passageways. Shona slowly climbed Ergo’s forward ladder, and Malmoradan stayed close behind, offering support when she faltered. Nervously gripping the plasma pistol, April watched from the threshold near the front of the vessel. The sounds of conversation and rowdy laughter grew closer. “They’re almost here,” said April.

“We’re going as fast as we can,” said Malmoradan. “Three more steps, baby girl. Just three more steps.”

“I’m so tired,” muttered Shona.

“I know you are,” whispered Malmoradan, and he adjusted his shoulders under the weight of Shona’s rucksack. “That’s it. Great job. Just two more steps.”

April ducked out of sight as Drake boarded, followed by a half-dozen of his associates. He stopped a few paces in, cupping his hands to his mouth as he called out. “Broose! Broose, let’s go! I’m sure they’re all plenty scared by now, and it’s almost time for chow! Cookie’s setting up the grill, so if you want a say in what’s on the menu, you’d better get out here.”

April closed her eyes, and Broose’s ghost coalesced.  “Hold your horses,” said Broose, exactly as Drake remembered him sounding. “I’m retying the big one.”

“Hold my horses?” Drake scratched his head. “Just… Don’t fixate! Okay?”

Drake heard Broose splashing around in the cryogenic fluid. “I’m not!”

“Good,” said Drake. “Keep… not fixating.”

“Hey Drake,” asked a young woman who went by Sturmhardt. Scars mottled her face. “Vhat are all zese purple crystals?”

“They weren’t here before,” said a bulky man with dark skin, known by his associates as Ikunku. He stomped on a tiny crystalline mass, shattering it. “Did something else sprung a leak in here?”

“Dunno,” said Drake. “Maybe. Probably.” He crouched and examined the crystals bobbing within the pooled cryogenic fluid. Cautiously, he removed one. “Ouch! They’re pointy.”

“Ach, nee, Drake!Most crystals are pointy,” said Sturmhardt.

“Well… and these ones are cold,” said Drake. Standing up straight, he tossed the glassy clump back into the fluid. A thin layer of crimson coated his fingertips, and he rubbed them together until the fluids pilled up and flaked off. “Who cares. Broose, let’s go!”

“One more minute,” said Broose’s voice.

“All right, one more minute, and then we’re coming back there. Okay? I’ve got Ikunku and Sturmhardt with me, so you better be nice!”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Broose’s voice.

Drake chuckled. “Good!”

“Who are you talking to?” asked Sturmhardt, but Drake only stood there, smiling slightly. “Achtung, Earth to Drake!”


She nodded toward the passageway. “Who are you talking to?”


April glanced behind her. Shona set foot on the upper deck, and she lost her balance. Malmoradan lunged to catch her, but they both crashed down. “Oh no,” breathed April, and she hurried for the ladder.

Drake narrowed his gaze. “No one, apparently.” Drawing his revolver, he turned on his flashlight and charged down the passageway. His companions hurried after.

Seconds later, they reached the lab. Drake hurried past Ky’s unconscious form to crouch at Broose’s side. He holstered his gun.

“Ah, that’s not good,” said Ikunku.

“I vas right! Rock giants do haf brains in zere,” said Sturmhardt.

Drake snarled as he glared up at her. “Say something else about him! Say one more thing!” Looking back at Broose’s remains, he patted his comrade’s chest and heaved up to stand. “Kill ‘em,” he seethed. “Find ‘em and kill ‘em!”

Ikunku nervously cleared his throat. “But, Blacktusk said—”

Drake’s face turned red. “I don’t care what Blacktusk said!”

Cowed, his associates acknowledged his orders and readied their weapons.

“Right,” said Sturmhardt. “Find zem and kill zem.” She drew a gleaming katana from the sheath crossing her back. Its glow changed color and intensity as she cycled through several settings, stopping when it burned with a goldenrod aura. She stepped back into the passageway. “Let’s go, boys!”

Sneering, Ikunku rolled up his sleeve and thrust forth his arm. Seams appeared, and his hand retracted as plates reconfigured, solidifying into something that resembled an enlarged, electrified fist. Blue lights lit up in sequence, running the distance between his wrist and elbow. “Ladies first,” he said with a slanted smile.

She paused and fixed her gaze upon him. “Ja. Zat vas vhy I said, ‘Let’s go, boys.’ Vas I unclear?”

“No. Just, you know,” said Ikunku. “Go. Go, go.”

Holding her sword at the ready, she advanced toward the passageway leading to the upper deck. Drake, Ikunku and the others kept close. When they reached the corner, Sturmhardt stole a glance. She spied Shona and Malmoradan climbing the ladder, as well as April pointing her plasma gun right at her.


Outside in the hangar, Orin studied Casey’s shuttle from afar. “There’s something so familiar about it,” he said to himself. He glanced toward Misaki and her associates as they approached the vessel. “What are you guys up to?” he asked.

Misaki froze in place, causing the others to stumble over her. She coughed out her cigarette smoke and took a moment to gather her composure. “Oh, hi Orin!” she said with a smile, and she curtsied slightly. “We were just going to have a look inside. You know. If it’s unlocked. It probably isn’t though,” she said with a laugh. “I mean, it’s not like we were going to try and break into it or anything.”

Shulana glared at her and firmly stomped on Misaki’s foot.

“No need for that,” said Orin, and he crossed the hangar deck to join the group of buccaneers. “I’m a little curious about what’s in there, myself. I can’t shake this feeling that I’ve seen this shuttle somewhere before.”

“It’s a Victor Coronet Police Shuttle,” said Ostonk. “Standard issue. You’ve probably seen a dozen just like it at every starport you’ve been to.”

Contemplatively, Orin shook his head. “It’s not that kind of feeling.”

Suddenly, they heard blaster fire coming from inside the shuttle Ergo.

“All of you, with me!” said Orin. Waving for the buccaneers to follow him, he bolted toward the sounds of battle.


Sturmhardt reared back as another barrage of blaster bolts sent sparks flying. “Vee appear to be pinned down,” she said. “Suggestions, herr Kommissar?”

“I don’t got time for this,” growled Drake, and he charged into the passageway, bellowing as he ran.

April fired several shots, but

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