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in bloom and perfumes the atmosphere. I have not heard from you or from Lexington since I left Savannah. I hope all are well. I am better, I trust; am getting fat and big, but am still rigid and painful in my back.

On Tuesday night I expect to go to ‘Shirley,’ and on Thursday, 12th inst., to Richmond, and on Friday to the ‘White House,’ unless I hear that you are crowded, in which case I will submit myself to the doctors for two or three days, as they desire, and then go down.

Agnes now says she will accompany me to the ‘White House,’ so that I shall necessarily pass through Richmond, as our baggage renders that route necessary. Therefore, unless something unforeseen prevents, I shall be with you on Friday next. All unite in love. Agnes, I hope, is better than when she left Lexington, but is not strong. You must give a great deal of love to Fitzhugh, Tabb, my grandson Robert, and all with you.


“Most truly and affectionately, “R. E. Lee.


“P. S. —Monday. Your note of the 6th with Colonel Allen’s letter has just been received. I am very sorry to hear of Tabb’s sickness.

I hope that she will be well by the time of my arrival. I shall be glad to see Markie.


“R. E. Lee.


“Mrs. R. E. Lee.”


On the same date, he writes to his daughter Mildred at Lexington: “‘Brandon,’ May 7, 1870.


“My Dear Daughter: Miss Jennie is putting up her mail and says that my letter must go with it, so I have but a few minutes to inform you that we have reached this point on our way home. We stayed a day in Wilmington with the Davises after leaving Charleston, and several with the Seldens in Norfolk, and shall on Tuesday next go up to ‘Shirley,’ and then to the ‘White House.’ Agnes threatens to abandon me at ‘Shirley,’ and I wish that you were there to take her place. I am better, I hope, certainly am stronger and have less pain, but am far from comfortable, and have little ability to move or do anything, though am growing large and fat. Perhaps that is the cause. All here are well and send love. Miss Belle very sweet; all very kind. I rode yesterday to the other ‘Brandons,’

and saw all the inhabitants. Captain Shirley spent the day here.

Mr. Wm. Harrison much better, and Miss Gulie very pretty. They have some visitors. It is quiet and delightful here, the river is beautiful. Agnes will write when she finds ‘time,’ which is a scarce commodity with her. I had intended to write before breakfast, the longest portion of the day, but walked out and forgot it. We have little time after breakfast. Give much love to Mary and Custis. I hope that you are all well and comfortable. I was very glad to receive your letter the morning I left Savannah, and I hope that ‘Mrs. Smith’ and Traveller are enjoying themselves. I hope to get back to Lexington about the 24th, but will write. After paying my visit to the ‘White House’ I will have to spend some days in Richmond and at the doctors’ request, as they wish to examine me again and more thoroughly. I hope all are well at the college.

Remember me to all there and in Lexington.


“With affectionate love, Your father, “R. E. Lee.


“Miss Mildred Lee.”


The “White House,” my brother’s home at that time, is on the Pamunkey River, about twenty-five miles north of “Shirley.” From my father’s letter it is evident he had thought of driving over, instead of going by boat and rail through Richmond. This plan was abandoned when his daughter determined to accompany him, as a lady’s baggage, even in those days, was too voluminous for private conveyance. Mr.

Wm. Harrison lived at “Upper Brandon” and Mr. George Harrison at “Middle Brandon.” The mistress of “Lower Brandon,” the old historic home, was Mrs. Isabella Ritchie Harrison, widow of the late George Harrison. Miss Jennie, referred to in the above letter, was Miss Virginia Ritchie, sister of Mrs. Harrison. She had succeeded in having a post-office established at “Lower Brandon” and herself made postmistress. This was done for the convenience of the “Brandons”

and the immediate neighbourhood. The proceeds Miss Jennie gave to the “Brandon” church.


Of his visit to “Shirley,” his mother’s home when she was a girl, and where she was married to “Light Horse Harry,” I can find no account written at the time. It is a few hours from “Brandon” to “Shirley”

by steamer on the beautiful James, and they arrived there Tuesday, May 10th, and left the following Thursday by steamer for Richmond.

So says the “Home Journal” kept at “Shirley.” All the country came to see him, and there was a large party to dinner. One of the daughters of the house, then a young girl, says: “I can only remember the great dignity and kindness of General Lee’s bearing, how lovely he was to all of us girls, that he gave us his photographs and write his name on them. He liked to have us tickle his hands, but when Cousin Agnes came to sit by him that seemed to be her privilege. We regarded him with the greatest veneration.

We had heard of God, but here was General Lee!”


My mother was now at the “White House.” I will here introduce portions of a letter of the 9th and 13th of May from her to her daughter in Lexington, telling of my father’s arrival on the 12th: “‘White House,’ May 9, 1870.


“Fitzhugh took us on a delightful drive this morning, dear Mildred, to Tunstall’s, where we got your letter, and Markie got nine, including yours, so we were much gratified with our excursion. The road was fine, with the exception of a few mud-holes, and the woods lovely with wild flowers and dogwood blossoms and with all the fragrance of early spring, the dark holly and pine intermingling with the delicate leaves just brought out by the genial season, daisies, wild violets, and heart’s-ease. I have not seen so many wild flowers since I left Arlington….


“Thirteenth.—I determined, after commencing this, to wait and see your papa, who arrived last evening with Agnes. He looks fatter, but I do not like his complexion, and he seems still stiff. I have not yet had time to hear much of their tour, except a grand dinner given them at Mr. Benet’s. Your papa sends his love, and says he will be in Lexington somewhere about the 24th….


There is no news. The country becomes more lovely each day. The locust trees are in full bloom, and the polonia, the only tree left of all that were planted by poor Charlotte and myself. How all our labours have come to naught. The General has just come in.

Robbie is riding on his knee, sitting as grave as a judge. He says now ‘Markie,’ ‘Agnes,’ and many other words, and calls me ‘Bonne Mama.’ We expect Rob this morning….


“Yours affectionately,


“M. C. Lee.”


At this time my father was persuaded to make me a visit. He had been invited before, when at different times he had been to the “White House,” but something had hitherto always prevented his coming; now he decided to come. My “Romancoke” farm was situated in King William County, on the opposite side of the Pamunkey River, and some fifteen miles east of “White House.” We arrived there in the afternoon, having come down by the steamer, which at that time ran from “White House” to Baltimore. “Romancoke” had been always a dependency of the “White House,” and was managed by an overseer who was subordinate to the manager on the latter estate.

There was on it only a small house, of the size usual in our country for that character of property. I had taken possession in 1866, and was preparing to build a more comfortable residence, but in the meantime I lived in the house which had been occupied by the different overseers for about seventy-five years. Its accommodations were very limited, simple, and it was much out of repair. Owing to the settling of the underpinning in the centre, it had assumed a “sway-backed” outline, which gave it the name of the “broken-back house.”

No repairs had been attempted, as I was preparing to build a new home.


My father, always dignified and self-contained, rarely gave any evidence of being astonished or startled. His self-control was great and his emotions were not on the surface, but when he entered and looked around my bachelor quarters he appeared really much shocked. As I was much better off in the matter of housekeeping than I had been for four years, I flattered myself that I was doing very well. I can appreciate fully now what he must have felt at the time. However, he soon rallied and concealed his dismay by making kindly fun of my surroundings. The next day at dinner he felt obliged to remark on my china, knives, and forks, and suggested that I might at least better my holdings in that line. When he got back to Richmond he sent me a full set of plated forks and spoons, which I have been using from that day to this. He walked and drove over the farm, discussed my plans for improvement, and was much interested in all my work, advising me about the site of my new house, new barns, ice-house, etc. He evidently enjoyed his visit, for the quiet and the rest were very refreshing.


About thirty miles, as the crow flies, from my place, down York River, is situated, in Gloucester County, “White Marsh,” an old Virginia home which then belonged to Dr. Prosser Tabb, who with his wife and children was living there. Mrs. Tabb was a near cousin of my father, and as a little girl had been a pet and favourite. His affection and regard for her had lasted from his early manhood. He had seen but little of her since the war, and when “Cousin Rebecca,”

as we called her, learned he was to be at the “White House,” she wrote begging him to pay her a visit. This he had agreed to do if it was possible.


While at the “White House,” we had consulted together as to the best method of accomplishing this trip, and we determined to make it from “Romancoke.” So I drove him to West Point, and there got aboard the Baltimore steamer, taking my horse and trap with us. At Cappahoosic, a wharf on the York, we landed and drove the nine miles to “White Marsh,” arriving at “supper time,” as we still say in Virginia—i.e., about 7:30 P. M.


When General Lee got off on the wharf, so great was the desire of the passengers and crew to see him, that they all went to the side of the boat, which caused her to list so that I was unable to get my horse out through the gangway until the captain had ordered every one to the other side. As the sun went down, it became chilly and I drove quite rapidly, anxious to get my father out of the night air as soon as possible. He said nothing at the time, nor did I know that he noticed my unusual speed. But afterward he remarked on it to several persons, saying: “I think Rob drives unnecessarily fast.”


We were expected, and were met at the door by all the family and guests.

A hearty welcome was given us. After supper he was the centre of the circle in the drawing-room, and made the acquaintance of the children of the house

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