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Book online «A Heart to Trust, A.L. Brooks [speed reading book TXT] 📗». Author A.L. Brooks

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her hands and even more slowly dried them. She needed thinking time. Time to process all she had learned, not just with Olivia’s words, but also by her demeanor. She had seemed so scared Jenny was about to bolt. To be fair, there was a part of Jenny that wanted to do just that.

Olivia had lied to people she cared about to convince them she was in love with a man.

Jenny had never met anyone who had done something like this, and she didn’t know how to handle the knowledge that Olivia had been prepared to go to those lengths. Olivia, who had been such an ally to Jenny with the proposal for the project change. Olivia, who had been prepared to risk her own position at C&V, such was her conviction in Jenny’s ideas.

Olivia, who had kissed Jenny in a way her body still remembered in exquisite detail two weeks later.

Okay, brain, the kissing should not be a factor in this. It has to be all about her character, not her stupidly sexy lips.

She looked round at her surroundings. The bathroom was gorgeous, way nicer than the one she and Carl shared in their apartment. The towels looked super fluffy, the tiles and shower screen in the shower enclosure were both shiny, and all the paint was still on the walls. She couldn’t compete with this, what being married to Broderick had given Olivia.

True, a little voice in her brain replied, but she still wants to date you.

Olivia’s perfume and makeup were lined up in a neat row at the back of the vanity. Jenny lifted the perfume bottle and brought it to her nose. She inhaled the scent and blinked. It didn’t smell anywhere near as nice as it did when it was on Olivia’s skin.

The idea that she and Olivia could date sent shivers of excitement coursing down Jenny’s body. They could talk, and share, and there would definitely be more kissing, of that she was certain. But who would she be dating? The Olivia who’d lied for so long to so many people, or the Olivia who’d become someone Jenny wanted to spend time with, to be around, because Olivia had made Jenny feel good about herself?

She lied to everyone for one specific purpose, her rational brain offered. She hasn’t told you a single lie other than that in the whole time you’ve known her.

Ah yes, but if she can lie like that, what else can she do? her emotional brain responded.

Jenny ran her hands through her hair. She’d been too quick to trust Chrissy, and look where that had got her. Equally, she’d been slow to trust Olivia, but look where she was now: in Olivia’s bathroom after having just been asked out. And Olivia had made sure Jenny knew exactly what was going on before she asked. That definitely had to count for something, didn’t it?

She left the bathroom.

Barnaby looked up from his bed, blinking sleepily at her.

She gazed down at him. Dogs were good judges of character, she’d heard. And here he was, comfortably sleeping outside Olivia’s door.

Olivia faced her when Jenny walked back into her living room.

It was a lovely room and everything in it spoke of the Olivia she’d come to know these past few weeks. There were photos on the shelves, which Jenny presumed were of Olivia’s family and friends back home. Beautiful artwork was on the walls, all warm colors and sensual shapes. The feel of the room itself, all of it comfy and inviting.

Her gaze fell on Olivia—who sat upright, tense, and clearly nervous—at the end of the couch. Jenny had kept a distance between them originally because she’d still been reeling from Olivia’s revelations and hadn’t wanted her physical presence to distract her. Now, she had an urgent need to have Olivia close. Very deliberately, Jenny stepped around the coffee table and sat next to her.

Olivia’s eyes widened, but she said nothing.

“So, you mentioned something about going on a date?” Jenny smiled when Olivia visibly relaxed.

“I believe I did, yes,” Olivia said huskily. “Is that…is that a yes?”

“It is. I think getting to know each other would be a good idea. I mean, it’s obvious we’re attracted to each other.” Jenny chuckled. “Definitely no doubt about that.”

Olivia blushed sweetly, and Jenny stroked the heated skin of her cheek with her fingertips; Olivia trembled beneath the touch.

Something cut loose in Jenny. The last shred of hesitancy departed. She knew she wanted this. Wanted Olivia. And she knew she was prepared to risk it all going wrong because Olivia made her feel this way. Hot and cold all over and excited and scared and oh so desperate for those lips on hers once more.


The word was nothing more than a whisper, but it held a power Jenny couldn’t fight, even if she’d wanted to. She slid her hand around the back of Olivia’s head, clenched her fingers loosely in her soft hair, and pulled her in.

The kiss was soft to start with. Slow, sensuous movements of lips on lips. Each of them sighed softly as the kiss lengthened. Then it deepened, their tongues meeting and lightly stroking, and Jenny’s heart pounded in her ears when Olivia’s hands fumbled in their haste to grab onto Jenny’s hips and pull her closer.

Olivia groaned, and Jenny’s limbs went weak at the sound. She fumbled with the bottom of Olivia’s sweater and worked her hands underneath until, for the first time, she touched Olivia’s skin. It was as warm and soft as she’d imagined, but also firmer and more toned. The combination made her throb, and she dug her fingers into Olivia’s back, making her groan once more.

Olivia pulled back for one second; her hazel eyes locked onto Jenny’s, hypnotizing her with their intensity. Then Olivia swept back in and plundered her mouth.

Jenny wondered if she’d even survive this kiss; immolation was a distinct possibility. She didn’t know how long they kissed, but she knew she didn’t want it to end.

Their hands ran

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