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seepings and was accumulated as a non-evaporating fuel-and-oxydizer mix. The amount of this strange fluid grew and grew, eventually invading and filling a now-blind section of the city’s old sewer system.

Many tens of thousands of years after that, the buried pool was sensed by the fuel-finders of a spaceship from up Polaris way, which had made an emergency landing on the ruined planet. A well was drilled and the mix pumped up and the centipedal Polarians, scuttling about the bleak landscape, had a fine time trying to explain how such a sophisticated fluid should occur in a seeming state of nature. However, they were grateful to the Cosmic All-Father.

Long before that, Ernie had arrived home in something of a daze. He told himself that he had cast off the most tangible element of his “insanity,” but he didn’t feel any the better for it. In fact, he felt distinctly apathetic when his sister confronted him and only with an effort did he manage to brace himself for the trial he knew she had in store for him.

“Ernie,” she said hesitatingly, “I’ve come to a decision about something⁠—about a change in our arrangements here, to tell you the truth⁠—and I’ve gone ahead with it without consulting you. I do hope you won’t mind.”

“No,” he said heavily, “I guess I won’t mind.”

“I’m doing it partly on Mr. Jones’s advice,” she added slowly. “As a matter of fact he suggested it.”

Ernie nodded. “Yes, I’ve noticed the two of you conferring together.”

“You have? Then maybe you know what I’m talking about.”

“Oh, yes.” Ernie nodded again and smiled grimly. “The man in white?”

She laughed. “Exactly, the man in white. For a long time, I’ve thought it was just too much bother for either of us to carry the milk home, and the eggs and my yogurt too. So I decided to have the milkman that Mr. Jones uses make deliveries. Mr. Jones brought him over half an hour ago and it’s all arranged. Four quarts a week, one dozen eggs, and yogurt Tuesdays and Fridays.”

The Invisible Being and his Coadjutor, backtracking for a checkup, summarized the situation.

The latter said, “So he’s already thrown away the Everlasting Cosmetic Knife and the Water Splitter; he seems to be trying to reject the third Little Gift and the first Big One, while he still isn’t even conscious of the other two Gifts.”

“Cheer up,” said the Invisible Being. “It’s his life and he’s doing what he thinks best.”

“Yes,” the Coadjutor said, “but he doesn’t know he’s making these decisions for his race as well as himself. Sometimes I think Galaxy Center makes it too hard for chaps like him. For instance, that trick of having the images on the box fade back to the old ones.”

“Nonsense! We have to take all reasonable precautions that our activities remain secret. He knew that the powder worked. He should have had faith.”

“Sometimes it takes a lot of faith.”

“You’re right, it does.” The Invisible Being smiled his Cheshire smile. “You feel a lot for these test subjects, don’t you? That’s fine, but you’ve got to remember you can’t accept the Gifts for them; that’s one thing they have to do themselves, however long they take about it. Which reminds me, I think we ought to set up a recorder here to report the final outcome of the test to Galaxy Center.”

“Good idea.”

“And cheer up, I say. This test isn’t over yet and our featherless biped isn’t necessarily licked. If he thinks to link up the third Little Gift with the two Big Ones, he has a pretty sweet setup for making psychic progress⁠—and his race will be Galactic Citizens in a jiffy.”

“You’re right.”

“Moreover, it stands to reason he’s soon going to become aware of the Great Gift, and that generally gives a person a jolt and makes him think seriously about other things.”

“True enough⁠—though I still have the feeling you intend some sardonic trick in conjunction with the Great Gift. Are you sure you’re not planning to leave some other setup here along with the recorder? I notice you’ve got a spare Juxtaposer in the ship and it bothers me.”

“That, dear Coadjutor, is my business. Whatever I do, it won’t interfere in any way with the fairness of the tests.”

“Sometimes I think the tests are too fair,” the Coadjutor observed. “I’d like to be able to ease them up a bit in special cases.”

“Confidentially, my friend, so would I.”

The Great Gift announced itself to Ernie next morning at 7:53 sharp, when the Special slowed to forty miles an hour to swing past the platform on which he was waiting for the Express.

One moment he was standing morning-weary on the thick wooden planks, looking down through the quarter-inch gaps between them at the cinders five feet below, vaguely conscious of a woman’s white-polka-dotted black skirt on one side of his field of vision and a man’s brown shoes and briefcase to the other.

Next moment he was in a small cab under which steel rails were vanishing at an alarming speed, and way ahead he could just make out the platform on which he was standing, and something was hurting his head and he was slumping forward and everything was darkening and the cab was leaping forward more swiftly still.

The third moment he was back on the platform, running furiously to get off it. He didn’t care who yelled at him or whom he bumped, so long as it didn’t slow him down. The people were just blurs anyway and soon he was beyond them. He took in two strides the short flight of wooden steps leading down off the platform proper and spurted the last sixty feet to the stairs leading down to street level. There he stumbled, recovered himself, and chanced a hasty backward look.

There was a tall man at his heels, hugging a briefcase and panting hard. Then, beyond the tall man, he saw the platform rear up like a wooden caterpillar, spilling people against the bright gray morning sky. There was a cosmic crunch

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