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Book online «Love Story: In The Web of Life, Ken Renshaw [mobi reader android .txt] 📗». Author Ken Renshaw

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to get information for them. Youremember, 'Mirror-mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of themall.' Well, the one we all have is more limited. We can say, 'Whatdid I have for breakfast," and our Magic Mirror of The Mind makesan information shortcut in spacetime, from where you are now, towhen and where you were having breakfast You might think it is amemory stored somewhere in your brain, but it isn't. Scientistswith their MRIs can pinpoint areas in the brain active when you tryto recall breakfast. However, they have not found any area that hasthe possibility of storing all the zillions of bits of informationyou can recall. This is a new idea so there is not much research onthis yet because we think it is simply memory. This idea does notfit the current scientific paradigm.

"Conventional scientists such as physicists,engineers, chemists, medical researchers, and others who believethat reductionist science has all the answers, are reluctant tobelieve that any psychic phenomenon can be valid, because itdoesn't fit any scientific paradigm that they know. They would haveheard many anecdotal tales of people experiencing psychicphenomena, but will dismiss it as superstition, ignorance, or lackof education. Many will present an angry response to the meremention of the idea."

The film now shows interviews of a few peoplewho report of their own psychic experiences.

The first interviews are with people who madechanges in their routines, for no special reason, and avoidedaccidents. They had a premonition.

One is an executive who refused to board anairliner because of his visions of it crashing. The airliner didcrash on takeoff, and everyone was killed;

A second clip is a housewife who, for noapparent reason, decided to pick her daughter up at school. Theschool bus that her daughter would have ridden was hit by a drunkdriver and several children were badly injured.

A third clip is of a farmer who related that,on his way home from town he decided to take an alternate route,that he never used, past a lake. As he arrived at the lake, he sawa car with a woman and child go off a bridge and plunge into thewater. He was able to save them.

This is followed by an extended clip ofexperiments at SRI with people remote sensing targets in theStanford area.

The commentator returns. He is talking in frontof a slide show of people in laboratories involved in psychicresearch. He says:

"Many university laboratories have doneexperiments with psychics and other people to test the ability toperceive things in spacetime. Little of that research is highlyvalued in the academic community. Largely these studies documentand make statistics about observable psychic phenomena, stuff thatsimply happens, that has no scientific basis. It falls into thesame general category of studies of UFO sightings. If there is noscientific basis, the subject can be ignored by the scientificcommunity at large. This scientific response is as though scienceis an ostrich, hiding its head in a four-dimensionalsand."

The movie ends with a picture of an ostrichwith its head in the sand.



Ken Rnshaw was Chief Scientist and MarketingManager at a company that manufactured communications satellites.His job was to sell commercial satellites to companies likeAT&T and its foreign counterparts.

The trouble with selling satellites is nobodycan see them.

All he had to sell were the beliefs aboutsatellites we could build. His real job was being a "peddler ofbeliefs" to very technical customers.

He made a lifelong study of recognizing thebeliefs and patterns in peoples' lives. This led him to write abook, "The Secret of Your Life Script" about howbeliefs make the same things happen to us over-and-over.

Then, he tackled a really big belief. He alwayshad certain secret psychic abilities (which were most useful inbusiness) that he could never talk about in the presence of otherscientists. He set out to create a scientific explanation of ESPphenomena. The product of all this thinking is the book,"Science, Remote Viewing and ESP: Beyond Einstein'sHorizon."

He decided that we are entangled in a psychicweb of life that guides our everyday existence. He shows this inthis novel,"Love Story: In The Web of Life."

For more background on Ken Renshaw visit hissite


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