» Other » Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Livin, Svetlana Konnikova [classic fiction .TXT] 📗

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heavy with clusters of sweet-scented lilacs. He was captured by the beauty of the bush and from somewhere he clearly heard the sound of a woman’s voice, pure and delicate as the lilacs, ”I know now, Pan, that your love for me was true and strong. Your bittersweet tears have provided sustenance for me, given me strength and enduring beauty. I promise you that in return for your suffering, I will love all as you have loved me by providing them my secrets of abundant health and beauty.”

Pan was inspired by Syringe’s courage and benevolence and he too became overwhelmed by the power of pure love. He proclaimed loudly to all creatures of the forest, ”At his very moment the lilac bush will take the Latin name of Syringe and she will bestow her kindness on anyone who happens upon her. Her beauty and aroma will delight the senses and her medicine will heal the body.”

Pan ceased to roam the forest groves in grief. Instead his inward grief manifested itself as an outward expression of the love he would forever have for Syringe and he began

to perform many kind deeds for all he met.

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Lilac takes its name from the Greek word syrinx, which means a tube. Shepherds have cut pipes or flutes from the wood of the lilac bush. So perhaps when you visit Alpine meadows or those of the Appalachians, Rockies, Carpathian, Caucasus Mountains, or others, you may hear and enjoy the beautiful and unforgettable sound of a lilac pipe played by shepherds. In Russia the lilac is known as synel and cyren from the word ciniy (blue). In Russia the lilac grows in purple and white and sky blue, pale pink, golden yel ow, and burnt orange. Infuse a bit of Fairyland into your own backyard by planting a lilac bush there. Enjoy its vibrant beauty and tantalizing fragrance. Each year the month of May wil bring fresh blossoms to the bush. Cut fresh purple or blue clusters and combine them with yel ow tulips. White lilac flowers blend wel with pink peonies. Arrange them in a big crystal vase as a centerpiece of a table or windowsil to bring the beauty of your garden indoors. It wil refresh the air and bring Nature into your life. Remember that cut lilacs do not enjoy other “neighbors”

in a vase, so this colorful combination is good only for a short time. Another legend, revised somewhat by its numerous repetitions throughout our family, tells us about the origin of lilacs. Many years ago lilacs came into being when

Spring washed away the snow from the

meadows and the golden sun rose to the top of the cerulean sky. The sun was accompanied by a rainbow when it began its movement above the earth. Spring, gathering colors to toss upon the earth, decided to mix the sun’s beams with the rainbow’s rays as it continued to move from south to north and then threw the color mixture to earth. Everywhere the vibrant mixture of rays and beams fell, flowers blossomed in sky-blue, navy, yellow, orange, and red. When Spring reached the north, she had only purple and white remaining, but there the weather was still very cold in the Scandinavian countries, including Sweden, Norway, Holland, and Denmark. However Spring was wise and tossed the purple color to earth where it became small, shiny star-shaped flowers. Spring then sprinkled the white generously above the earth. It fell like powdered sugar over the small, bare bushes, creating a myriad of

delicate lilac flowers.

208 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

Beautiful fragrant lilac, coming to us from legends into our Dream Gardens, is a beautiful reminder that every year in May, spring will arrive in full prosperity and together with Nature awaken us from a long winter’s nap. Spring will dress the trees and bushes with buds and bright, young green leaves. Then spring will throw the seeds of admiration and wonder into the forests’

glades and meadows, and very soon in summer they will blossom into a rainbow of flawless flowers. Each flower wil appear in al its magnificence, emitting its own unique fragrance, coming from the glowing and consistently moving world of Nature. Come to this fantastic meadow of flowers! Breathe the fresh air! This beautiful Fairyland is created for us by Nature. Relax and al ow new energy to pour into your body. Your eyes wil brighten. Your mind wil become clear. Positive emotions and bright thinking wil enlighten you. The stress of day-to-day life wil fall away. Your healthy spirit wil return and you wil be ready to climb mountains. I believe that good energy and positive thinking are all pervasive. A healthy life is based on these two powerful factors. Positive energy and positive thinking combine to become a beautiful airy lace, knit with our thoughts and bio-currents. Throughout many years I have observed that when the weather is cloudy and the sun hides behind the heavens, some people have little energy since the sun passes us its creative life force. Without it, we are weak. Try this: When you commune with Nature, relax and enjoy how the flowers and trees send you their messages and signals. Let

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