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chaunge be no robbry.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv.

Might have gone further and have fared worse.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv.

The grey mare is the better horse.[17:1]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv.

Three may keepe counsayle, if two be away.[17:2]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Small pitchers have wyde eares.[17:3]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Many hands make light warke.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

The greatest Clerkes be not the wisest men.[17:4]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Out of Gods blessing into the warme Sunne.[17:5]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

There is no fire without some smoke.[17:6]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

One swallow maketh not summer.[17:7]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Fieldes have eies and woods have eares.[17:8]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

A cat may looke on a King.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.


It is a foule byrd that fyleth his owne nest.[18:1]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Have yee him on the hip.[18:2]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Hee must have a long spoone, shall eat with the devill.[18:3]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

It had need to bee

A wylie mouse that should breed in the cats eare.[18:4]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Leape out of the frying pan into the fyre.[18:5]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Time trieth troth in every doubt.[18:6]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Mad as a march hare.[18:7]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

Much water goeth by the mill

That the miller knoweth not of.[18:8]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v.

He must needes goe whom the devill doth drive.[18:9]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

Set the cart before the horse.[18:10]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.


The moe the merrier.[19:1]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

To th' end of a shot and beginning of a fray.[19:2]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

It is better to be

An old man's derling than a yong man's werling.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

Be the day never so long,

Evermore at last they ring to evensong.[19:3]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

The moone is made of a greene cheese.[19:4]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

I know on which side my bread is buttred.

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.

It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone.[19:5]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. viii.

Who is so deafe or so blinde as is hee

That wilfully will neither heare nor see?[19:6]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

The wrong sow by th' eare.[19:7]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

Went in at the tone eare and out at the tother.[19:8]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

Love me, love my dog.[19:9]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.


An ill winde that bloweth no man to good.[20:1]

Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix.

For when I gave you an inch, you tooke an ell.[20:2]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

Would yee both eat your cake and have your cake?[20:3]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

Every man for himselfe and God for us all.[20:4]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

Though he love not to buy the pig in the poke.[20:5]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix.

This hitteth the naile on the hed.[20:6]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. xi.

Enough is as good as a feast.[20:7]

Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. xi.


[8:7] The Proverbes of John Heywood is the earliest collection of English colloquial sayings. It was first printed in 1546. The title of the edition of 1562 is, John Heywoodes Woorkes. A Dialogue conteyning the number of the effectuall proverbes in the English tounge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of Maryages, etc. The selection here given is from the edition of 1874 (a reprint of 1598), edited by Julian Sharman.

[9:1] Let the world slide.—Towneley Mysteries, p. 101 (1420). Shakespeare: Taming of the Shrew, induc. 1. Beaumont and Fletcher: Wit without Money, act v. sc. 2.

[9:2] A common exclamation of regret occurring in Spenser, Harrington, and the older writers. An earlier instance of the phrase occurs in the Towneley Mysteries.

[9:3] 'T is good to be merry and wise.—Jonson, Chapman, Marston: Eastward Ho, act i. sc. 1. Burns: Here 's a health to them that 's awa'.


don fust

C'on kint souvent est-on batu.

(By his own stick the prudent one is often beaten.)

Roman du Renart, circa 1300.

[9:5] Look ere thou leap.—In Tottel's Miscellany, 1557; and in Tusser's Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. Of Wiving and Thriving. 1573.

Thou shouldst have looked before thou hadst leapt.—Jonson, Chapman, Marston: Eastward Ho, act v. sc. 1.

Look before you ere you leap.—Butler: Hudibras, pt. ii. c. ii. l. 502.


He that will not when he may,

When he will he shall have nay.

Burton: Anatomy of Melancholy, pt. iii. sec. 2, mem. 5, subs. 5.

He that wold not when he might,

He shall not when he wolda.

The Baffled Knight. Percy: Reliques.

[9:7] All the fatt 's in the fire.—Marston: What You Will. 1607.

[10:1] You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot.—Publius Syrus: Maxim 262.

Strike whilst the iron is hot.—Rabelais: book ii. chap. xxxi. Webster: Westward Hoe. Tom A'Lincolne. Farquhar: The Beaux' Stratagem, iv. 1.


Hoist up saile while gale doth last,

Tide and wind stay no man's pleasure.

Robert Southwell: St. Peter's Complaint. 1595.

Nae man can tether time or tide.—Burns: Tam O' Shanter.


Fast bind, fast find;

A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.

Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, act ii. sc. 5.

Also in Jests of Scogin. 1565.

[10:4] It is this proverb which Henry V. is reported to have uttered at the siege of Orleans. "Shall I beat the bush and another take the bird?" said King Henry.

[10:5] Entre deux arcouns chet cul à terre (Between two stools one sits on the ground).—Les Proverbes del Vilain, MS. Bodleian. Circa 1303.

S'asseoir entre deux selles le cul à terre (One falls to the ground in trying to sit on two stools).—Rabelais: book i. chap. ii.

[10:6] As many men, so many minds.—Terence: Phormio, ii. 3.

As the saying is, So many heades, so many wittes.—Queen Elizabeth: Godly Meditacyon of the Christian Sowle. 1548.

So many men so many mindes.—Gascoigne: Glass of Government.

[10:7] Hanging and wiving go by destiny.—The Schole-hous for Women. 1541. Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, act 2. sc. 9.

Marriage and hanging go by destiny; matches are made in heaven.—Burton: Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. 2, mem. 5, subs. 5.

[11:1] Happy man be his dole—Shakespeare: Merry Wives, act iii. sc. 4; Winter's Tale, act i. sc. 2. Butler: Hudibras, part i. canto iii. line 168.

[11:2] Si les nues tomboyent esperoyt prendre les alouettes (If the skies fall, one may hope to catch larks).—Rabelais: book i. chap. xi.

[11:3] To cast beyond the moon, is a phrase in frequent use by the old writers. Lyly: Euphues, p. 78. Thomas Heywood: A Woman Killed with Kindness.

[11:4] Let the world slide.—Shakespeare: Taming of the Shrew, ind. 1; and, Let the world slip, ind. 2.

[11:5] Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn?—Shakespeare: 1 Henry IV. act iii. sc. 2.

[11:6] See Skelton, page 8. Shakespeare: 2 Henry VI. act i. sc. 1. Thomas Heywood: History of Women.

[11:7] Hold their noses to the grindstone.—Middleton: Blurt, Master-Constable, act iii. sc. 3.

[11:8] It is more blessed to give than to receive.—John xx. 35.

[11:9] This proverb occurs in Rabelais, book i. chap. xi.; in Vulgaria Stambrigi, circa 1510; in Butler, part i. canto i. line 490. Archbishop Trench says this proverb is certainly as old as Jerome of the fourth century, who, when some found fault with certain writings of his, replied that they were free-will offerings, and that it did not behove to look a gift horse in the mouth.

[12:1] Rabelais: book iv. chap. liv. At my fingers' ends.—Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, act i. sc. 3.

[12:2] The origin of the word "sleveless," in the sense of unprofitable, has defied the most careful research. It is frequently found allied to other substantives. Bishop Hall speaks of the "sleveless tale of transubstantiation," and Milton writes of a "sleveless reason." Chaucer uses it in the Testament of Love.—Sharman.

[12:3] At their wit's end.—Psalm cvii. 27.

[12:4] Thomas Heywood: If you know not me, etc., 1605. Tarlton: Jests, 1611.

[12:5] A relic of the Sumptuary Laws. One of the earliest instances occurs, 1530, in the interlude of Godly Queene Hester.

[12:6] Qui est près de l'église est souvent loin de Dieu (He who is near the Church is often far from God).—Les Proverbes Communs. Circa 1500.


Rather to bowe than breke is profitable;

Humylite is a thing commendable.

The Morale Proverbs of Cristyne; translated from the French (1390) by Earl Rivers, and printed by Caxton in 1478.

[12:8] Fair words never hurt the tongue.—Jonson, Chapman, Marston: Eastward Ho, act iv. sc. 1.

[12:9] Fletcher: Valentinian, act ii. sc. 1.

[12:10] Humphrey Robert: Complaint for Reformation, 1572. Lyly: Euphues, 1579 (Arber's reprint), p. 107.

[13:1] Neither fish nor flesh, nor good red herring.—Sir H. Sheres: Satyr on the Sea Officers. Tom Brown: Æneus Sylvius's Letter. Dryden: Epilogue to the Duke of Guise.

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