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Book online «Locomotive to the Past, George Schultz [snow like ashes series txt] 📗». Author George Schultz

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loose—from the deadly clutches—of one Sheila Rutkowski! There was, he noted, only one of her, too! But, this had been—always been—his life’s prime scheme! His life’s only scheme! Once he’d accomplished that overwhelming goal, he’d realized—that he’d never actually thought of anything beyond that! He’d gotten totally wrapped up—in savoring the one. lone, single, accomplishment—of his entire life!

He’d never known such peace—such contentment—

before, thankfully, “landing” with Susan and Eric! Life—with this wonderful couple—had been completely unlike anything he’d ever experienced before! Anything!

They did love him! Both of them! Of that, he was positively convinced! His month-or-so—with this remarkable, loving, couple—had provided him with this drastic (this utmost) need! Escape! Peace! No constant travail! No travail, at all! He never could’ve imagined the life that he was leading! And for such an extended period of time! Totally unimaginable!

He was, of course, aware of the fact that—during his “paradise-like” time, on Sussex Street—he’d made a, to-him-incredible, amount of money! That was a fact! A glorious fact! One that he’d been aware of, from the git-go! And he was paying them that paltry, insignificant, six dollars a week—and spending precious little money, anywhere else!

Well, there’d been those couple of visits, to that wonderful confectionary. And, of course, the just-completed “Thundering Herd” date—with Valerie. Plus, his post-payday “shopping spree”. Even that had been glorious! But—outside of those comparatively insignificant expenditures—outlays of cash had been minimal. In spades. All of this would’ve been unthinkable—when he was “locked into” 2001!

His checking account—and his savings account—were, now, both beginning to build up! Substantially! In fact, he’d just gotten paid—one of, by then, many paydays—earlier, on Friday.

And he’d felt guilty—holding out that $30.00, from his bank deposit! Money—for his “hot date”! And for other “incidentals”, which he felt would pop up, during the coming week. The $30.00 figure had come, from his 2001 thinking. Actually, the cost of the THD (“Thundering Herd Date”) had not come close to requiring that amount.

Valerie had been right—vis-a-vis his future! So, of course, was Susan! Jason knew that! Well, he was beginning to realize it. Finally! He was going to have to think—think seriously—about his future! Starting now!

Obviously, he had been sponging—off of this loving, caring, couple! Like some kind of “a damn leech”, he reflected. He was going to have to do something! Something—to remedy that situation! Like soon! Like almost immediately!

“Susan? Susie?”

“I didn’t want to horn in… on your reverie,” she responded—ever so softly. “I could see. See… that you were caught up. Caught up… deep in thought! I could smell the wood burning… from here,” she continued, laughing lightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you… not quite, in that mode! Y’know, Jason? I really don’t know… don’t know, from where you came! But, you’ve always been… well… you’ve always been special, to me! Really special.”

The significance of, what his landlady—this wonderful friend—had just said, escaped the young man! His thought processes—were in that tumultuous state of disarray!

“Jason,” she’d continued, “I suspect that Valerie was the first one. The first one… to get you to thinking, about your future. To get you thinking… seriously . . . about it! I guess I must’ve been the second! I don’t think that either one of us… Valerie or I… wanted to harangue you! Although we both probably did! We… both of us… probably came across that way!”

“No! No, Susie. These are all things . . . things that I should’ve been thinking about! Should’ve considered… all along! From long ago! From way long ago! I’ve just never…”

“This is something… an area… something that Eric has been meaning to have a discussion about, with you! A conversation, with you… about these things! We both assume… as I’ve said, probably too many times . . . that you don’t want to spend your life, lugging around a load, of heavy bricks!”

“That’s my problem, Susie! Up until now . . . up till tonight . . . I’d not thought that much, about it! Hadn’t thought of it… at all! Mainly because, I had money . . . real money… coming in…”

“For the first time, in your life, I’m guessing.”

“Yeah.” It was more a grunt, than anything else. “And… not only the money coming in… but, I love it here! Love it… here, with you! With you, and Eric! I love you! I love Eric! I guess I didn’t realize . . . until tonight, anyway… that you guys have been completely supporting me! Out and out supporting me! That I’ve been… well, I’ve been… I’ve been sponging, off of you! Leeching! Actually leeching! From both of you! Off both of you! Sponging! Listen, I don’t…”

“Oh, don’t think of it, that way. Look! When you got here, Jason… when you came to us… we both knew, that you had needs! Both of us knew it! Special needs! A whole bunch . . . of special needs! We love you too! And it’s no surprise . . . that you’ve just now begun, to take stock! Don’t believe . . . not for one minute . . . that you were ever sponging off us! What-ever-little we were able to do… to contribute… why, it’s always been a complete and utter blessing, for us!”

He dropped to his knees—in front of her—and laid the side of his head, in her lap. He was not weeping! But, tears were trickling down his cheeks!

“A blessing?” he rasped. “You guys… you and Eric… you guys have been the blessing! The biggest blessing… for me! The blessing… of a lifetime! I’ve never met anyone like you two! Nothing close! Didn’t know that anyone… anyone, like you guys… even existed!”

It was at that moment—that he broke down, and began to weep! In earnest! Susan sat there—in silence—patting him, gently, on the head!

The following morning—Saturday—when Jason came down for his “sponged” breakfast, Eric was the only one seated, at the dinette table. Susan was standing in the kitchen—in front of the sink.

“I understand that you and Susie had quite a… quite a discussion, last night,” Eric greeted his roomer.

“Yeah,” rasped the young man—as he seated himself.

Of course the man’s wife would’ve filled him in—as to the emotional event, that had taken place,

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