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to keep her safe.

“I think that’s enough sugar to put you both into a sugar coma tonight,” the shop assistant says as she’s ringing it up on the cash register.

Asha and I both look to each other and smile at the word coma after she accused me of putting her in a sex coma after last night.

I know which coma I’d prefer her to be in tonight, and it’s not from sugar…

Besides the two bits of news from Ghost and Scott that I don’t want to worry Asha with, today has been a great day. Watching her feel free for the first time in a while, and the constant laughing and talking has her so relaxed.

After grabbing fish and chips on our way home, we have been spending a quiet night at her place with Coco and sampling the desserts.

“I shouldn’t have eaten so many chocolate brownies,” Asha starts complaining, rubbing her belly.

“That’s your punishment for not sharing. Anyway, my lemon custard tart beats the brownie any day.” I lift her hand off her stomach and take over with my own hand rubbing her.

“Mmm, that feels nice,” she purrs until it’s disturbed by loud banging on the back door.

I try not to be too startled but know Scott or his shift-cover tonight wouldn’t let them near the house if it wasn’t okay.

“What is it with everyone banging on your door at stupid times of the day and night?” I mumble in Asha’s ear, prying myself out from behind her on the couch where we have been lying and watching the television. I never take for granted these normal moments we get to spend together. As I’m standing to answer the door, Asha calls out behind me, “No one knocked on my door before I met you, So it’s your fault.”

“Yeah, it’s because I’m so popular.” Opening the door, I find myself staring at Seth and Jodie. A groan leaves me.

“Don’t kid yourself, you aren’t more popular than me.” Seth walks straight past me and into the house, and Jodie follows, reaching up to kiss my cheek on the way past.

“Sure, come on in, guys, it’s not like we were busy or anything.” Closing the door behind me, I glare at Coco. “No wonder you weren’t barking. They have you blinded too.”

“Consider yourself lucky that we didn’t just walk in. You know I have the code, and it was tempting, but Jodie wouldn’t let me, party pooper that she is. But it’s only because it’s Asha’s house. Your house is fair game.” He laughs to himself like he is the most hilarious person in the room.

“Code is changing tomorrow, fucker,” I grumble as I walk back to sit with Asha.

“Whatever, we both know you won’t. Anyway, the way Asha is lying here in front of the TV, you’re right, you weren’t busy.” Seth plonks himself down in one of the single chairs.

“So, to what do we owe this pleasure of a visit at ten pm on a Saturday night? Don’t you two have better things to do?” I look across at both Seth and Jodie, who seems like she isn’t quite herself.

“You would think so, but apparently not.” Jodie lays her head back on the chair. “We went to your place, but no one was there, so Seth decided we would crash your party here.”

“We were just about to go to bed,” I say, looking straight at Seth, trying to get him to take the hint.

“Kurt, it’s okay.” Asha leans into me on the couch where I’ve sat back down next to her.

“Yeah, big guy, see? Asha is happy to see us.”

“Funny, I didn’t hear those words out of her mouth. So again, why are you both out wandering around late on a Saturday night?”

They both look at each other and then start laughing.

Asha just looks at me and smiles. “I think this is going to be an interesting story.”

Seth just laughs and starts off. “Well, it goes like this…”

Chapter Eighteen


I can see that Kurt is frustrated our quiet night has been crashed. Whereas I’m just worrying about the fact that his best friend and sister are sitting across from me while I’m in my pajamas. Luckily, I haven’t gotten to the stage of no bra yet.

“Oh god,” Jodie says, “I apologize in advance for whatever is about to come out his mouth, I’m sure only half of it will be true.” She curls her legs up on the couch underneath her.

“What are you talking about? It’s a good story, they’ll love it.” Seth looks like he is about to burst trying to get it out.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Kurt grumbles.

“Shh, grumpy, let him talk, otherwise this will take all night.” I pat Kurt’s knee, trying to soothe the savage beast.

“You should listen to your girlfriend, she’s a wise woman… well, except for her choice of boyfriend, but everyone’s allowed one mistake in life. Anyway.”

Taking a big breath, Seth continues on. “So, it’s a Saturday night, and I decide I’m sick of being home on my own, so I head over to The Brewhouse Bar and Grill for a big juicy steak and a nice cold beer. Maybe find some female company, if you know what I mean.”

“Bullshit,” Kurt coughs into his fist.

“Hey, this is my story.” Seth scowls at him.

“Yes, carry on.” I wave at him to continue.

“Right, anyway, so here I am sitting at a table over in the corner and who should walk in…”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, get to the point,” Jodie blurts out. “Seth saw me with a guy from work, having a beer after shift.”

I feel Kurt’s body stiffen beside me.

“Jodie, Jodie, Jodie, now that’s only part of the story.” The glee on Seth’s face at torturing her makes me start to giggle.

Jodie makes a face. “We drank a couple of beers, we left together. I was giving the guy a lift back to his car…”

“So she says,” Seth interrupts her.

Ignoring him, she continues on, “But my stupid car started making

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