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withprimitive cultures.

In any case, he discovered that he wasfar too busy for several moments trying to prevent her from tearinghis head off. They wrestled for dominance for several minutes, butAidan finally managed to subdue her by virtue of his superiorstrength and weight. Rolling on top of her, he pinned her to theground, caught her flailing arms at the wrists and, gritting histeeth, forced them to the ground on either side of herhead.

Instead of admitting defeat once he hadher pinned, she commenced to bucking against him.

He had no doubt her intention was tothrow him off, but her humping against his pelvis had a predictableeffect considering that he’d never managed to lose awareness of hernakedness.

She stopped abruptly as he felt himselfrise to the occasion, staring up at him wide eyed and huffing forbreath.

He stared down at her, trying to forcehis sluggish brain to work on something besides the fact that therewas something about her face and her wide sky-colored eyes thatappealed to his senses in a very sexual way.

Or maybe it was the soft mammary glandspressed against his chest and the female genitals he knew were barethat were pressed against his raging erection?

Pushing thoughts heshouldn’t be thinking from his mind with an effort, he forcedhimself to smile at her. “I don’t mean youany harm.”

Cold terror went through Anya when hegrinned down at her triumphantly. To her mind the grin and theerection added up to rape. She’d already discovered thatoverpowering him wasn’t likely, however, and searched her mindfrantically for some way to save herself. With an effort, sheforced a smile in return. “If you pull anything out,” she said,using a tone similar to the one he’d used, “I’m going to tear itoff and choke you with it, you alien son-of-a-bitch.”

Surprise and gratificationflickered through Aidan at her response since he knew very wellthat she couldn’t possibly understand him any better than he couldunderstand her. Deciding that his tone and the smile hadundoubtedly had the desired effect of calming her, he cautiouslyeased his grip. “Not harm,”he said again, trying to emphasize his benignintentions by simplifying his sentence structure.

Something flickered in her eyes.Abruptly, she dragged in a deep breath, closed her eyes and wentlimp.

Consternation filled Aidan for amoment. Studying her face, though, he decided she hadn’t passed outand the suspicion arose that she was feigning to catch him offguard when he let go of her.

Regardless of whether shewas or not, though, he couldn’t very well continue to keep herpinned to the ground. He hadto let go of her at some point. After some mentalexercise to decide on the best way to go about it, he cautiouslyeased his grip a little more and drew his knees up, settling hisbuttocks on her thighs and sitting up.

She confirmed his suspicion that shewas faking a faint by opening her eyes a sliver, no doubt to gaugeher timing for the next assault!

“I’ll let you go if you’llrefrain from attacking me again.”

She narrowed her eyes athim at his tone, but she smiled at the same time. There wassomething distinctly seductive about that look and, despite theuneasy feeling that she had something unpleasant in mind, Aidanfelt his body react to it in a very distracting way.“No harm,” he repeated,that time trying to convey the idea that he didn’t want to beharmed any more by wrenching the switch from her grip.

Her hand tightenedmomentarily, but then she let go of the stick, to his relief. Hesmiled at her again. “My name’s Aidan. Doyou have a name?”

She stared at himuncomprehendingly.

He frowned, trying todecide the best way to communicate. Finally, he transferred hishold on her wrists to one hand and touched his chest.“Aidan.”

She smiled at him. “Fuckyourself.”

He frowned, mentally testing theunfamiliar syllables before he tried repeating them. “Fk rslf?”

She uttered a snort and looked down,biting her lip.

Tipping her face up, he studied herexpression and discovered she was looking perfectly blank. Maybeshe wasn’t very intelligent? Maybe he’d been right to begin withand it was just a fluke that she appeared so similar to his speciesand she was actually no more than a higher life-form with verylittle intelligence?

She’d spoken, though. Hewas certain the sounds she’d made were actual speech.“Aidan,” he repeated,touching his chest again and then touched hers. “Fk r slf?”

That time she giggled. Itsounded as if she was amused, but at the same time he detected anote of hysteria. “No harm Fk r slf,alright?”

It dawned on Anya that thealien was trying to convince her that he didn’t mean to hurt her.Not that she believed the bastard! As if she was so stupid as to believethat when the son-of-a-bitch had invaded her world with some kindof bomb that was destroying everything in its path!

Chapter Three

On the other hand, even though it hadrelieved some of her fear and frustration to tell him to go fuckhimself, and it had amused her to realize he’d completelymisunderstood—although, of course, she’d intentionally deceived himby smiling when she’d said it—she discovered she didn’t especiallylike being called ‘fuck yourself’. “I’m Anya. My name isAnya.”

He frowned, but she could see it wasbecause he didn’t understand what she was trying to tell him, notbecause he was angry.

Bizarre that his features were similarenough to human that she could actually read hisexpressions/emotions!

Mental note! If she could read hisbecause of the similarity, it seemed to follow that he’d be able toread hers.

He looked … cat-like, she decided. Shewondered if it wasn’t just the exotic slant of his eyes or theelongated pupils of his golden eyes, but decided it extended beyondthat particular feature. His nose and mouth and even the shape ofhis face were vaguely cat-like—similar enough to her pet that shethought she might have been inclined to accept him withfriendliness under different circumstances.

They must have evolved from somecat-like creature, she decided, just as humans had evolved fromsomething in the primate family and still bore some resemblance toother branches of that family that hadn’t evolved as theyhad.

But did that make them closer to catsin behavioral characteristics? Or humans/primates?

He stood up, pulling her with him, toher disappointment. She’d already

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