An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗
- Author: Adam Smith
- Performer: 0226763749
Book online «An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗». Author Adam Smith
exactness, the tax of every foreign, to the enhancement of the
price of every home commodity.
Secondly, Taxes upon the necessaries of life have nearly the same
effect upon the circumstances of the people as a poor soil and a
bad climate. Provisions are thereby rendered dearer, in the same
manner as if it required extraordinary labour and expense to
raise them. As, in the natural scarcity arising from soil and
climate, it would be absurd to direct the people in what manner
they ought to employ their capitals and industry, so is it
likewise in the artificial scarcity arising from such taxes. To
be left to accommodate, as well as they could, their industry to
their situation, and to find out those employments in which,
notwithstanding their unfavourable circumstances, they might have
some advantage either in the home or in the foreign market, is
what, in both cases, would evidently be most for their advantage.
To lay a new-tax upon them, because they are already overburdened
with taxes, and because they already pay too dear for the
necessaries of life, to make them likewise pay too dear for the
greater part of other commodities, is certainly a most absurd way
of making amends.
Such taxes, when they have grown up to a certain height, are a
curse equal to the barrenness of the earth, and the inclemency of
the heavens, and yet it is in the richest and most industrious
countries that they have been most generally imposed. No other
countries could support so great a disorder. As the strongest
bodies only can live and enjoy health under an unwholesome
regimen, so the nations only, that in every sort of industry have
the greatest natural and acquired advantages, can subsist and
prosper under such taxes. Holland is the country in Europe in
which they abound most, and which, from peculiar circumstances,
continues to prosper, not by means of them, as has been most
absurdly supposed, but in spite of them.
As there are two cases in which it will generally be advantageous
to lay some burden upon foreign for the encouragement of domestic
industry, so there are two others in which it may sometimes be a
matter of deliberation, in the one, how far it is proper to
continue the free importation of certain foreign goods; and, in
the other, how far, or in what manner, it may be proper to
restore that free importation, after it has been for some time
The case in which it may sometimes be a matter of deliberation
how far it is proper to continue the free importation of certain
foreign goods, is when some foreign nation restrains, by high
duties or prohibitions, the importation of some of our
manufactures into their country. Revenge, in this case, naturally
dictates retaliation, and that we should impose the like duties
and prohibitions upon the importation of some or all of their
manufactures into ours. Nations, accordingly, seldom fail to
retaliate in this manner. The French have been particularly
forward to favour their own manufactures, by restraining the
importation of such foreign goods as could come into competition
with them. In this consisted a great part of the policy of Mr
Colbert, who, notwithstanding his great abilities, seems in this
case to have been imposed upon by the sophistry of merchants and
manufacturers, who are always demanding a monopoly against their
countrymen. It is at present the opinion of the most intelligent
men in France, that his operations of this kind have not been
beneficial to his country. That minister, by the tariff of 1667,
imposed very high duties upon a great number of foreign
manufactures. Upon his refusing to moderate them in favour of the
Dutch, they, in 1671, prohibited the importation of the wines,
brandies, and manufactures of France. The war of 1672 seems to
have been in part occasioned by this commercial dispute. The
peace of Nimeguen put an end to it in 1678, by moderating some of
those duties in favour of the Dutch, who in consequence took off
their prohibition. It was about the same time that the French and
English began mutually to oppress each other’s industry, by the
like duties and prohibitions, of which the French, however, seem
to have set the first example, The spirit of hostility which has
subsisted between the two nations ever since, has hitherto
hindered them from being moderated on either side. In 1697, the
Ehglish prohibited the importation of bone lace, the manufacture
of Flanders. The government of that country, at that time under
the dominion of Spain, prohibited, in return, the importation of
English woollens. In 1700, the prohibition of importing bone lace
into England was taken oft; upon condition that the importation
of English woollens into Flanders should be put on the same
footing as before.
There may be good policy in retaliations of this kind, when there
is a probability that they will procure the repeal of the high
duties or prohibitions complained of. The recovery of a great
foreign market will generally more than compensate the transitory
inconveniency of paying dearer during a short time for some sorts
of goods. To judge whether such retaliations are likely to
produce such an effect, does not, perhaps, belong so much to the
science of a legislator, whose deliberations ought to be governed
by general principles, which are always the same, as to the skill
of that insidious and crafty animal vulgarly called a statesman
or politician, whose councils are directed by the momentary
fluctuations of affairs. When there is no probability that any
such repeal can be procured, it seems a bad method of
compensating the injury done to certain classes of our people, to
do another injury ourselves, not only to those classes, but to
almost all the other classes of them. When our neighbours
prohibit some manufacture of ours, we generally prohibit, not
only the same, for that alone would seldom affect them
considerably, but some other manufacture of theirs. This may, no
doubt, give encouragement to some particular class of workmen
among ourselves, and, by excluding some of their rivals, may
enable them to raise their price in the home market. Those
workmen however, who suffered by our neighbours prohibition, will
not be benefited by ours. On the contrary, they, and almost all
the other classes of our citizens, will thereby be obliged to pay
dearer than before for certain goods. Every such law, therefore,
imposes a real tax upon the whole country, not in favour of that
particular class of workmen who were injured by our neighbours
prohibitions, but of some other class.
The case in which it may sometimes be a matter of deliberation,
how far, or in what manner, it is proper to restore the free
importation of foreign goods, after it has been for some time
interrupted, is when particular manufactures, by means of high
duties or prohibitions upon all foreign goods which can come into
competition with them, have been so far extended as to employ a
great multitude of hands. Humanity may in this case require that
the freedom of trade should be restored only by slow gradations,
and with a good deal of reserve and circumspection. Were those
high duties and prohibitions taken away all at once, cheaper
foreign goods of the same kind might be poured so fast into the
home market, as to deprive all at once many thousands of our
people of their ordinary employment and means of subsistence. The
disorder which this would occasion might no doubt be very
considerable. It would in all probability, however, be much less
than is commonly imagined, for the two following reasons.
First, All those manufactures of which any part is commonly
exported to other European countries without a bounty, could be
very little affected by the freest importation of foreign goods.
Such manufactures must be sold as cheap abroad as any other
foreign goods of the same quality and kind, and consequently must
be sold cheaper at home. They would still, therefore, keep
possession of the home market; and though a capricious man of
fashion might sometimes prefer foreign wares, merely because they
were foreign, to cheaper and better goods of the same kind that
were made at home, this folly could, from the nature of things,
extend to so few, that it could make no sensible impression upon
the general employment of the people. But a great part of all the
different branches of our woollen manufacture, of our tanned
leather, and of our hardware, are annually exported to other
European countries without any bounty, and these are the
manufactures which employ the greatest number of hands. The silk,
perhaps, is the manufacture which would suffer the most by this
freedom of trade, and after it the linen, though the latter much
less than the former.
Secondly, Though a great number of people should, by thus
restoring the freedom of trade, be thrown all at once out of
their ordinary employment and common method of subsistence, it
would by no means follow that they would thereby be deprived
either of employment or subsistence. By the reduction of the army
and navy at the end of the late war, more than 100,000 soldiers
and seamen, a number equal to what is employed in the greatest
manufactures, were all at once thrown out of their ordinary
employment : but though they no doubt suffered some
inconveniency, they were not thereby deprived of all employment
and subsistence. The greater part of the seamen, it is probable,
gradually betook themselves to the merchant service as they could
find occasion, and in the mean time both they and the soldiers
were absorbed in the great mass of the people, and employed in a
great variety of occupations. Not only no great convulsion, but
no sensible disorder, arose from so great a change in the
situation of more than 100,000 men, all accustomed to the use of
arms, and many of them to rapine and plunder. The number of
vagrants was scarce anywhere sensibly increased by it ; even the
wages of labour were not reduced by it in any occupation, so far
as I have been able to learn, except in that of seamen in the
merchant service. But if we compare together the habits of a
soldier and of any sort of manufacturer, we shall find that those
of the latter do not tend so much to disqualify him from being
employed in a new trade, as those of the former from being
employed in any. The manufacturer has always been accustomed to
look for his subsistence from his labour only ; the soldier to
expect it from his pay. Application and industry have been
familiar to the one; idleness and dissipation to the other. But
it is surely much easier to change the direction of industry from
one sort of labour to another, than to turn idleness and
dissipation to any. To the greater part of manufactures, besides,
it has already been observed, there are other collateral
manufactures of so similar a nature, that a workman can easily
transfer his industry from one of them to another. The greater
part of such workmen, too, are occasionally employed in country
labour. The stock which employed them in a particular manufacture
before, will still remain in the country, to employ an equal
number of people in some other way. The capital of the country
remaining the same, the demand for labour will likewise be the
same, or very nearly the same, though it may be exerted in
different places, and for different occupations. Soldiers and
seamen, indeed, when discharged from the king’s service, are at
liberty to exercise any trade within any town or place of Great
Britain or Ireland. Let the same natural liberty of exercising
what species of industry they please, be restored to all his
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