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rear shield. Red, destroythe front shield.”

“We’ll get it this time,”Zac said.

As the Coalition squadron made asecond pass, they were hammered by fire from the large rail guns. Zacand Onolyn flew into position and fired their oscillator at thecommand ship’s shields. Erling watched his screen. Before long thegreen lines representing the front and rear shields of the commandship disappeared. Now the Haklute ship was unprotected! The Coalitionsquadron missiles hit its hull with a series of explosions.

The warning lights on Erling’sship came on, indicating his shields were down. Erling soared upward,out of range of the rail gun blasts. Without shields, his ship wouldexplode if hit by a blast.

Erling’s radio crackled, thenZanton’s voice came over the line, “King Zanton to GeneralFenian.”

“What do you want, Zanton?”Erling snapped.

“We surrender.”

“Prepare to be boarded.”

“Let us return to Haklute inpeace.”

“Surrender command of your shipor we’ll destroy it and everyone on it.”

After a long pause, Zanton cameback. “We’ll allow your ships to board, only if youland with your men.”

“Don’t worry; I wouldn’twant to miss your humiliation.” The door to the Haklute commandship docking bays opened and Erling flew in with his squadron. Otherships flew in behind them.

Before getting out of the ship,Erling said into his mic. “Zanton, our ships surround you. Tellyour men to throw down their weapons.”

King Zanton made an announcementover the intercom of the docking bay and once the weapons werediscarded, Erling climbed out of his ship with his gun drawn. “Takeme to King Zanton,” Erling said to Haklute crewmen who stood closeby his ship.

“Right this way, sir.”

Erling turned to Onolyn. “Stayhere. If there’s trouble, order our ships to attack.” The crewmanled Erling toward the door. Zac, along with eighteen other pilots,followed close behind. Erling looked around cautiously with his lasergun ready.

Suddenly, King Zanton and his menburst through the door, firing blasters, and killing four of theErling’s pilots. All around them, Haklute crewmen pulled outconcealed weapons and started firing.

Erling returned fire as he sprangbehind the nearest ship. “Zanton, order your men to throw downtheir weapons or we’ll destroy your ship!” Erling yelled.

“You’re bluffing, Fenian. Youcan’t destroy my ship without killing yourself.”

Erling shouted to Onolyn. “Orderour ships to attack!”

Zanton’s soldiers rushed hership, meeting opposition from Jaiparian pilots. The landing bay doorslammed shut, not allowing any more ships to land or leave.

Erling heard a metallic scrapingsound and looked up, just as a soldier jumped off the wing of thecombat ship above him and came flying toward him. The man landed ontop of Erling and they both fell to the floor with the soldier ontop. As Erling fought to dislodge the soldier, Zac rushed over andslammed the blunt end of his laser gun into the soldier’s head.Erling shoved the unconscious man off and leapt to his feet.

“Thanks, Zac. Why haven’t ourmen attacked?”

Before Zac could answer, Erlinggrabbed his arm and yanked him behind the ship. The place where Zachad just stood was blackened with blaster fire.

“The Coalition combat shipwon’t attack with you aboard,” Zac said. He peered around theship and fired his laser at a Haklute soldier.

“Why not?”

“Because if they attack, theship could blow up with you aboard.”

Erling fired several more blastsbefore replying. “I know. So does King Zanton. That’s why he’dbe forced to surrender.”

“But you could be killed ifthey fire at the ship.”

“A few well-placed shots wouldshow Zanton we mean business, without blowing up the ship.”

“They won’t take the chanceof endangering your life. You’re a hero—their leader. It wasobviously a trap. Zanton must have foreseen how your pilots wouldreact.”

“If that’s true, we don’tstand a chance.”

A scream caused them both to turnto where the ships were docked. Soldiers were forcefully removingOnolyn from her ship.

“I have to save her!” Zacexclaimed. He tore back toward the ship.

“Zac! Stop!” Erling yelled.“You can’t help her.” Zac kept running, fighting his way toOnolyn, only to be quickly overpowered.

Suppressing an urge to rush totheir aid, Erling scanned the landing bay. Things were bad. His menwere outnumbered and rapidly being killed or taken captive. In a fewminutes, it would be over.

Erling broke away from the areawhere most of the fighting was taking place and ran to the doorwaythat must lead to the main part of the Haklute ship. Halfway there,he felt an intense pain in his back. As a black void swallowed himup, he collapsed on the floor.

Michio was on the bridge of theJaiparian Command Starship when a frantic message came in fromOnolyn. “It was a trap. Our pilots are down. Cruiser— .” Theradio communication was abruptly cut off.

“Should we attack the ship?”General Dursky asked.

“No,” Michio said. “Everyoneon board could be killed if we attack.”

“We could try to take out theengines.”

“It’s too dangerous. GiveErling and his men a chance to battle it out.”

For the next hour Michio waitedtensely, hoping to hear from Erling.

Finally, the radio operator said,“King Zanton contacted our ship. He wants to speak to you.”

“Put him through,” Michiosaid.

King Zanton appeared on a largescreen. “We’ve captured Fenian, your commander-in-chief,” KingZanton said. “I demand you allow our ship to return to Haklute.Once we make it home safely, we’ll let Commander Fenian and theothers go.”

“Let me speak to him,” Michiodemanded.

“He was knocked unconscious inan explosion.”

“How do we know he’s stillalive?”

“You’ll have to take my wordfor it.”

Michio sensed he was lying.Either Erling hadn’t been captured or he was dead. Regardless hedidn’t want to gamble with Erling’s life. “I’ll accept theagreement.”

“If you double cross us, I’llkill him.” Zanton’s image clicked off the screen.

“King Zanton will never letCommander Fenian go,” General Dursky said. “I think we shouldattack the ship and cripple it, then forcefully board to save theCommander and our pilots.”

“Too risky. Besides there’sstill a chance King Zanton hasn’t captured Erling.”

“Maybe, but it’s alsopossible Commander Fenian is already dead.”

General Dursky returned to hisregular duties and Michio addressed the radio operator. “Were youable to contact the Coalition starship to find out when Toemeka willreturn to Jaipar now that the battle is over?”

“Yes, I finally got through.The operator I talked to said Agent Kimes is no longer on thestarship. She was sent on a mission and hasn’t returned yet.”

“What?” Michio’s breathcaught in his throat. “What mission? Where was she sent?”

“It’s classified.”

“Did you

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