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speculation regarding the hidden treasure of the Knights Templar. Apparently the village also has connections with sacred geometry, the Priory of Sion, and the Holy Grail.

The Tower of Babel-Known from the Book of Genesis as a tower built by man to reach the heavens, could the story have its origin in a historical structure in the ancient city of Babylon?

The Legends of Lake TiticacaLegends of lost cities and Inca gold surround this lake, the highest in the world navigable to large vessels. Could recent archaeological discoveries provide solid evidence for these stories?

Glastonbury-Supposedly the birthplace of Christianity in Britain and the location of a possible ancient zodiac in the lanscape, this small town in Somerset, England, is associated with legends concerning Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail, and King Arthur.

The Eleusinian Mysteries-In ancient Greece, mysterious initiation ceremonies based on the cult of Demeter and Persephone were performed at Eleusis, a small town west of Athens. What did these strange rites involve and who were the initiates?

Carnac-Located on the south coast of Brittany, northeast France, the village of Carnac is famous as the site of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones, which legend describes as a Roman legion turned to stone by the British wizard Merlin. Why are there so many of these megaliths in this small area, and who erected them?

Chaco Canyon-An amazing Native American urban ceremonial center located deep in the remote deserts of New Mexico. What was the purpose of the mysterious lines radiating out from the Chaco complex for as much 32 miles into the wilderness?

Mohenjo-daro-A sophisticated city of 35,000 inhabitants, with baths, an elaborate drainage system, and two-story buildings, dating back more than 5,000 years to the Indus Valley Civilization of modern-day Pakistan and northern India.

Tenochtitlan-The capital of the Aztec empire, built on an island in Lake Texcoco in what is now central Mexico. Under the Aztecs, the island was artificially enlarged to become the largest and most powerful city in Meso-America.

Chartres Cathedral-Located southwest of Paris in the town of Chartres, this Gothic cathedral was allegedly built on the site of a sacred grove of the Druids, and has been connected with sacred geometry, the mysterious Black Madonna, and the Knights Templar.

Lyonesse-Legendary sunken land believed by some to lie off the Isles of Scilly, to the southwest of Cornwall, England. This mysterious kingdom has sometimes been associated with King Arthur's Avalon, as well as various locations mentioned in Celtic and fairy mythology. Could the Lyonesse legends preserve a folk memory of the flooding of the Isles of Scilly and part of Cornwall?

King Solomon's TempleAccording to the Bible, this was the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and allegedly the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant and a fabulous treasure. Did the temple exist, and if so, do its remains still lie beneath modern Jerusalem?

Nabta Playa-By the fifth millennium B.C. the peoples in Nabta Playaonce a large lake in the Nubian Desert 500 miles south of modern day Cairohad constructed the world's earliest known astronomical device. Who were these mysterious people and how advanced was their astronomical knowledge?

Unexplained Arlifacl s

The Ark of the Covenant-The ark was described in the Bible as a sacred container holding the stone tablets on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments. Did this miraculous artifact ever exist, and if so, is it the mysterious object that now lies in a church in Axum, Ethiopia?

Minoan Linear A-A script of the Late Bronze Age culture of the Minoans on Crete. Examples have been found etched on jars and tablets found on some Aegean islands and on the Greek mainland, but so far the language remains undeciphered, and is considered to be one of the holy grails of ancient scripts.

The Ashoka Pillar-Located near Delhi, India, this pillar-apparently made almost entirely of iron-is completely uncorroded, despite exposure to the elements for more than 1,000 years. Who erected it and what was its purpose?

The Origins of the Zodiac-Were the Egyptians, the Babylonians, or the Greeks the first to develop the 12 Zodiacal constellations, or is there a prehistoric origin for the mysterious Zodiac?

The Philosopher's Stone-In the mystical process of alchemy, the philosopher's stone was a substance that could turn any metal into gold, and also create an elixir that would make humans younger. What lies behind these mysterious notions, and has anyone ever discovered the philosopher's stone?

The Oxyrhynchus Papyri-The site of Oxyrhynchus in Egypt has yielded a vast collection of ancient papyrus texts from the Greek and Roman periods of Egyptian history.

Among these are poems by Sappho, Hebrew Gospels, and specimens of Greek documents relating to magic and astrology.

Ancient Cave Art-Dating as far back as 40,000 years ago, European prehistoric rock art represents the oldest known painting in the world. What were our ancestors trying to communicate when they painted on cave walls, and how did they achieve such high levels of skill?

The Spear of Destiny-Known in Christian mythology as the Holy Lance, this was the spear used to pierce the body of Jesus. The relic was apparently once kept in Jerusalem before being moved to Constantinople, where its history becomes confused. Does this sacred lance still exist, and if so, where is it kept?

The Wands of Horus-Also known as the Rods of Ancient Egypt, these short cylindrical objects are usually depicted clutched in the fists of statues of ancient Egyptian kings or pharaohs. Do these wands represent rolls of folded cloth, sacred symbols, or healing rods?

The Holy Grail-In Christian religion, this was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Should the Grail be understood as a metaphor for spiritual fulfillment, or does a physical Grail exist? If so, where is it?

The Dendera Reliefs-Do strange carvings in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, Egypt, represent an ancient knowledge of electricity, or are they to be interpreted as depicting mythological religious scenes?

Stone of Destiny-More popularly known as the Stone of Scone or the Coronation Stone, this block of sandstone was used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland and England.

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