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“12 poemes” és un recull de dotze poemes publicat anyalment per Grosella i Grandalla des de l'any dos mil deu. Aquest producte editorial és la continuació de la secció web “Poem of the Month”, creada l'any dos mil vuit al subdomini

This is my newest poem. It is a very rough draft; I am planning on really polishing it up soon, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of it first. :):)

Thorny crusuaders is a book about a girl who has lost her family and now has been delivered into the hands of a lot of teenage boys who are brothers. Some of them fall in love with her but some are to cool to fall in love with her and use her as the most important part of there life. O =f coarse you know there always has to be a lie and Mr and Mrs Sampson ended up suppose to be her parents but they weren't they were someone who were just people now she has a real reason to help these guys who

No one should have the power to let words destroy - but they do - and we let them because we believe too easily that what others say of us - see of us - is true. - But there is another way - and there is freedom in the realisation that you can regain power - you can learn that love is something very different to the passion and all consuming need you believe it to be - you can learn that what you are searching for is so simple it is often passed by - And you learn that what matters can never be