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This is about trying to heal a wounded heart with my love.

Eine bewusste oder unbewusste Verknüpfung von Gedanken beim Betrachten eines alten Schränkchens. Was in solchen alten Möbelstücken wohl für Gefühle und Erlebnisse stecken. Könnte es sich mitteilen, würden manche staunen beim zuhören.

Set in the 19th century a girl meets a boy,they fall in love, but due to "complications" they cannot be together, this is the tale of how they came to be...

This book tells a girls story about how one night her world can and did change for ever U will never know because that's why it's called shhhhhhh LoLOLLoLOLOa

This is a fairy tale about a fairy princess called Sophie, who wants to lead everyone back to safety. However, most of the creatures and fairies are living a normal life until every 222 years when their village is invaded.

The Bright Rays Of An Autumn Sun Fell Upon The Richly Stained Glass, Sending A Flood Of Soft, Mellow Rainbow Tinted Light Through The Quaintly Curved And Deeply Mullioned Windows Which Adorned A Portion Of The Eastern Wing Of That Grand Old Baronial Residence, Vellenaux, On A Fine September Morning, At The Period During Which Our Story Opens. This Handsome Pile, Now The Property Of Sir Jasper Coleman, Had Been Erected By One Of His Ancestors, Reginald De Coleman, During The Reign Of The Fifth

Elvis invita a su amiga Anna a pasar unos con el en Navidad en su casa de la colina. Su amistad es grande y por ello los dos tienen miedo acercarse y demostrarse que eran mas que amigos. La navidads seria especial para los dos.