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„... And to those who keep crying to Me day and night to come, I will come to them and I will make My house with them and I will dine with them and I will appear to them. However, I have already come and I have done this, ... ”

„I told the man that the kingdom of the heavens is not visible; it does not come in a visible way. If it does not reign in the man, the man cannot see and touch it otherwise.”

„But once with this fulfillment, the antichrist’s servants will appear and they will try to bring this mystery to nothing. He will send his false servants, who will say that they have lived on earth life after life until today. (They would say that they have been reincarnated several times, r.n.) Here is the lie that has been worked out for a long time, ...”

So, a couple weeks ago, one of my close family friends got shot in the back of the head. He's perfectly fine now (not even any brain damage), but I wrote this when I first found out. I was scared of losing someone who was like my brother. So here it is. I don't really like it, but maybe someone else will.

Here's my entry for the "Sing a Song v. 2" contest. Hope you guys like it. :)

This is about a boy whose family argued a lot ( this is not said in the short story, but you can probably tell anyway ). He didn't want to liv in a world of misery and filled with shouts so he commited suicide and went up to heaven where he could be anyone he wanted ( in this case a pirate ).

Ein Gedicht, geschrieben für eine nahezu unsichbare Sache für uns. Eine Sache, die wir oft gar nicht mehr bemerken. Schatten. Schatten begegnen uns überall in unserem Leben, und trotz diesem alltäglichen Sein sind sie irgendwie etwas Besonderes. Entschuldigt die evtl. Fehler! Ich bin noch am Englischlernen.