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Isa is an adventurer and plans to soon sky dive out in the jungle from a plane. When her flight is cut short she is suddenly is boxed in a shipping crate. The same has happen to two others who have never met. As the indivuals are DRAWN together they must find a way to escape the horror that waits for them.

Dies wird eine Sammlung von Songtexten, angefangen mit einem Lied, welches ein Rollenspielcharakter von mir für seine verstorbene Schwester geschrieben hat. WICHTIG: Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, es kann also zu Fehlern in der Grammatik kommen. Es wäre wirklich toll, mich darauf hinzuweisen, da ich nur so besser darin werden kann.

hope you like this book........................................................................................................................fuck it off

In only 15 minutes, seventeen year old Meredith Montgomery's life changes. If she hadn't have been so stupid she would have been the one dead, not her best friend. With the power to time travel Meredith will do anything to go back and make things right. The only problem is, you can't change the past, it's impossible.

Charlotte Bronte says that the human heart has hidden treasures, in secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed. Read "Eerie Silence" to know.

Everyone has dreams and nightmares, but not everyone can remember them. This is a small portion of the nightmares that I suffer from nightly.

This is my entry. I really hope, out of the fun in writing this, people will enjoy.