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This is about a Nubian princess/warrior and her perspective on the war between Nubia and Egypt

I love nature. I love the lessons it can teach us. I love the way it uplifts us and fills us with joy. I learned a lot from an Egyptian Goose during a difficult time in my lilfe. I wanted to share it with you. I hope it uplifts you like it did me.

„The dishes on the towels are not as on earth, even if they are eaten from the table by all of those surrounding them who are taking from them.”

„Now I am coming down on earth as a river of word to make a new Israel for Me, out of the midst of the Romanian people, a new Christian people, a people into My image and after My likeness, ...”

„Oh, loved people by heaven, you should get used to the spirit of the feasts of the heaven more than to every occupation of your body, soul and spirit.”

„The one who does not want to be holy in his spirit and body, that one tramples My command-ments under his feet; that one interprets the Scriptures according to his consideration, and one like that finds into the Scriptures a reason to eat meat;”

„It is the mystery of the white horse on which God’s Word, Your Son, sits, and hosts from heaven come after Me, when I come as word in the garden, for it is written into the Scrip-tures: «The hosts of the heaven come after Him, riding on white horses ...”