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Tagebuch...September...Freitag...15:00h..... letzter Grillabend... Boaahh Klamotten, Arbeitssachen, Akten, Laptop, in die Ecke geschleudert. Hatte schon auf der Fahrt nach Hause, einen "Kühlen Blonden" im Kopf. Oh ja, ein kalter Kasten Pils am Liegestuhl parat, den Grill auch vorgeheizt auf 180 grad. Spear Ribs und etwas vom Nacken. Auch Steaks vom Haifisch, egal wie teuer. Heute wird nicht gespart sondern aufgetischt. Und es gibt auch Nachtisch. Denn auf der Garten-Terasse, ist heute

Behind all your stories is always your mother's story. Because hers is where yours begin. A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Today I am writing my mother from inside a body that used to be hers.

I rounded the corner and stopped. All of the prisoners from the war were kneeling on the ground in front of the king, who was pacing back and forth in front of them. Each of them had their eyes focused on the ground. Even the boy’s. “How ironic,” King Baqoure was saying, “You, who praise yourselves on fighting better than any other army, are captured by the very men you say you fear. You, who murder people every day, couldn’t even kill my men. You, who harm your own people, just to ensure your

Elena is Newbie. She is noticed by nobody and nobody notice her. She wants it to change but she doesn't know how to change it. Especially at 4ft 5 and looking like a 9 year old. Then comes Reya who shows her worlds that she could never dream of.

I looked away as the knife jabbed against my throat. This was a bad idea.

~ My entry for the Romeo Remake Contest ~ Author's Note: Writing romance really isn't my forté, so I don't expect this to be anything more than mediocre. Sorry if you're disappointed.

Things might have gone well for Rebecca....she might have even gotten the guy....if death hadn't paid her a visit. Rebecca likes her childhood friend - only problem is, she's just now realized this three years after she moved away from him at the age of fifteen. Coupled with the fact her childhood friend now refuses to talk to her. On top of it, her plan to tell him how she feels ends in a horrible disaster, forcing her to face a new reality. Words unsaid can really haunt you.

this story has a little bit of romance tied in to this along with traveling. this is about a boy and a girl who were meant to be with each other,both of them are Christians. and they come from Christian homes far a away from each other and meet up some unexpectedly.

William and Jonathan lost in the forest. A murderer ready to kill. The police Reporting sudden deaths. And most of all, who will be the hostage, and the Savior?