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Ni nyakati za giza kuu ulimwenguni. Maafa na maasi yanatisha kuharibu Dunia. Lakini idadi chache ya wateule wanaoamini wanakuwa viongozi baada ya mabadiliko yaliyo tikisa ulimwengu kufuatia mageuzi na kuwepo imani na upendo. Riwaya hii, inayozingatia utabiri halisi ulio kwenye Bibilia, itafanya mengi zaidi na kuburudisha, kuvutia, kushangaza, na zaidi kukushawishi. Itakupatia changamoto ya kukutayarisha kwa yale yaliyo mbele. Kuwa tayari kusumbuliwa na yale yaliyoelezwa.

Azmahrie Santiago is a crazy, fun, bad, ghetto, fashionista, wild girl. She has as many enemys as the president himself. As she begins her sophomore year at Lancaster high she find her self in a game of betrayal, trust issues, and love with 1 famous boys from the extremely popular boy group Mindless Behavior. What will happen when she starts Turning Tricks?

Lily is a shy, caring, girl who lost the ability to speak in a tragic accident that killed both her parents. She meets Frost an attractive senior who intimidates everyone. Frost has seven brothers and he is the oldest. Lily is scared and attracted to Frost. They start getting to know each other more and more. She also begins connecting with his family. Will Frost and Lily fall in love? Or Will they just become friends?

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, is part of a computerised reading program devised by journalist/author Dave McKay. The program, which paraphrases classic novels, primarily targets people who are learning English as a second language. It enables older students to quickly read classic novels despite having a very limited reading vocabulary. Each book has a number on the cover, showing how many different English words were used in McKay's translation of teh book.