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onderful world of ours. If this internalmolten mass came bursting out and cooled veryquickly it became granite; less quickly copper,less quickly silver, less quickly gold, and, aftergold, diamonds were made.Said the old priest, A diamond is a congealeddrop of sunlight.'' Now that is literally scientificallytrue, that a diamond is an actual depositof carbon from the sun. The old priest told AliHafed that if he had one diamond the size ofhis thumb he could purchase the county, and ifhe had a mine

unt of vapor for animals and vegetables to flourish.5. Venus has the brightest lustre of our planets which is caused from enormous amount of vapor. It is carried over its orbit at about 67,000,000 miles from the sun, which requires 224 7/10 days to complete its course. Rotates once every 23 hours and 21 minutes. Diameter, 7,700 miles. 6. The earth is carried over its orbit; main distance being 93,000,000 miles from the sun, which requires one year to complete its course, which is 680,000,000

pany them upstairs while he questioned her. In the absence of the coroner he wouldn't let the doctor touch the body."I must repair this lock," he said, "the first thing, so nothing can be disturbed." Doctor Groom, a grim and dark man, had grown silent on entering the room. For a long time he stared at the body in the candle light, making as much of an examination as he could, evidently, without physical contact. "Why did he ever come here to sleep?" he asked in his

study of words, phrases, and literary expressions is a highly interesting pursuit. There is a reciprocal influence between thought and language. What we think molds the words we use, and the words we use react upon our thoughts. Hence a study of words is a study of ideas, and a stimulant to deep and original thinking.We should not, however, study "sparkling words and sonorous phrases" with the object of introducing them consciously into our speech. To do so would inevitably lead to

e end of her nose, while she counted "One, two, three" in a solemn voice. At once the cap changed to a slate, on which was written in big, white chalk marks:"LET DOROTHY GO TO THE CITY OF EMERALDS" The little old woman took the slate from her nose, and having read the words on it, asked, "Is your name Dorothy, my dear?" "Yes," answered the child, looking up and drying her tears. "Then you must go to the City of Emeralds. Perhaps Oz will help

also a higher quality of work. When you were a high school student the world expected only a high school student's accomplishments of you. Now you are a college student, however, and your intellectual responsibilities have increased. The world regards you now as a person of considerable scholastic attainment and expects more of you than before. In academic terms this means that in order to attain a grade of 95 in college you will have to work much harder than you did for that grade in high

he truth. Let me go, you don't understand what will happen. My brothers-"The Lord Cleric punched her. Her head flew back and a spray of blood wet the dry mud and spattered over the leaves concealing me. Face wet with tears and whimpering, she tried to crawl toward the trees and dragged up clumps of earth with her fingernails. "You must let me go." The words sounded muffled, like she had a mouthful of something foul. The Lord Cleric executed a neat half turn and stamped on her

hey reachtheir fifteenth year. Then they go to work.In the Home of the Students we arose whenthe big bell rang in the tower and we wentto our beds when it rang again. Before weremoved our garments, we stood in thegreat sleeping hall, and we raised our rightarms, and we said all together with thethree Teachers at the head:"We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the graceof our brothers are we allowed our lives.We exist through, by and for our brotherswho are the State. Amen." Then we

his hand, the golden Papa has a letter; and after he has made his excuse for disturbing us in our Infernal Region with the common mortal Business of the house, he addresses himself to the three young Misses, and begins, as you English begin everything in this blessed world that you have to say, with a great O. 'O, my dears,' says the mighty merchant, 'I have got here a letter from my friend, Mr.----'(the name has slipped out of my mind; but no matter; we shall come back to that; yes,

teness implies all give and little or no return, it is well to recall Coleridge's definition of a gentleman: "We feel the gentlemanly character present with us," he said, "whenever, under all circumstances of social intercourse, the trivial, not less than the important, through the whole detail of his manners and deportment, and with the ease of a habit, a person shows respect to others in such a way as at the same time implies, in his own feelings, and habitually, an assured